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What Do I Do with this ? Healthcare Innovations Using a Relational Lens Tai J. Mendenhall, Ph.D., LMFT Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Jennifer.

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Presentation on theme: "What Do I Do with this ? Healthcare Innovations Using a Relational Lens Tai J. Mendenhall, Ph.D., LMFT Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Jennifer."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Do I Do with this ? Healthcare Innovations Using a Relational Lens Tai J. Mendenhall, Ph.D., LMFT Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Jennifer L. Hodgson, Ph.D., LMFT Professor, East Carolina University Collaborative Family Healthcare Association 16 th Annual Conference October 16-18, 2014 Washington, DC U.S.A. Session # D3a October 17, 2014

2 Faculty Disclosure We have not had any relevant financial relationships during the past 12 months.

3 Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: Describe ways that Medical Family Therapists can respond to the Triple Aim’s focus on population health Describe ways that Medical Family Therapists can respond to the Triple Aim’s focus on patients’ experience Describe ways that Medical Family Therapists can respond to the Triple Aim’s focus on cost reduction Articulate next-steps in Medical Family Therapy research and policy in advancing the Triple Aim

4 Bibliography / References Special Issue on Medical Family Therapy. (2011). Family Therapy Magazine, July/August Issue. Special Issue on Medical Family Therapy. (2012). Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy, 34. Curtis, R., & Christian, E. (2012). Integrated care: Applying theory to practice. New York, NY: Routledge. Doherty, W., Hodgson, J., Lamson, A., & Mendenhall, T. (2014). A response to “Joint Principles for Integrating Behavioral Health Care into the Patient- Centered Medical Home.” (In Press). Families, Systems, and Health Hodgson, J., Lamson, A., Mendenhall, T., & Crane, R. (Eds.) (2014). Medical family therapy: Advanced applications. New York: Springer Publications. McDaniel, S., Doherty, W., & Hepworth, J. (2014). Medical family therapy and integrated care (2nd Ed). American Psychological Association. Washington, DC. Talen, M., & Valeras, A. (2013). Integrated behavioral health in primary care: Evaluating the evidence, identifying the essentials. New York: Spring Publications. Walsh, F. (2008). Spiritual resources in family therapy (2nd Ed). New York: Guilford Press.

5 Learning Assessment A learning assessment is required for CE credit. A question and answer period will be conducted at the end of this presentation.

6 Introductions

7 Agenda Current Context(s) of Health Care & the Triple Aim Medical Family Therapy – Definition – MedFT and the Healthcare Continuum Medical Family Therapy responding to the Triple Aim – Improving population health – Improving patients’/families’ experience – Reducing costs Summary and Next Steps Discussion and Q&A

8 Current Context(s) of Healthcare Rapid and constant change From acute care to preventive and patient-oriented care From provider/consumer services to provider/patient partnership

9 Triple Aim Improved population health Improved patient (and family) experience Reduced costs

10 Responses to the Triple Aim Providers are becoming reliant on interdisciplinary teams now more than ever before Hospitals, clinics, and payers are reorganizing to facilitate this integration Patients, families, and healthcare teams are benefitting from it Research is supporting it Policy makers are demanding it

11 Medical Family Therapy MedFT is contributing greatly to this (r)evolution Its practitioners, trainers, and scholars are working hard to honor and connect patients’ and families’ biological, psychological, social, and spiritual functioning

12 MedFT, con’t Interweaves the biomedical and psychosocial by utilizing systems theory and interdisciplinary collaboration

13 MedFT Healthcare Continuum

14 MedFT response to Triple Aim Collaborate Research Educate/Train Advocate Repeat

15 Responding to Triple Aim, con’t Improving Population Health – creating interactional frameworks in primary care – advancing health-related research across qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods designs – promoting dissemination and implementation research and best-practice models

16 Responding to Triple Aim, con’t Improving Patients’ and Families’ Experience – advancing program evaluation – engaging and intervening in systems surrounding the patient (e.g., family, school, community)

17 Responding to Triple Aim, con’t Responding to the aim of reducing costs – Integrating financial foci into CBPR and program evaluation designs – Review of Crane et al. research

18 Summary and Next Steps Health Care is evolving fast The Triple Aim is advancing integration more than ever before MedFT is responding to the Triple Aim with collaborative and relational lenses and interventions that are family- centered While population health and patient/family experience outcomes are well-supported, research regarding cost reduction is in its infancy We must begin to integrate cost components / variables into training program structures and research / evaluation designs

19 Discussion and Q&A

20 Session Evaluation Please complete and return the evaluation form to the classroom monitor before leaving this session. Thank you!

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