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The Electronic College Portfolio as Self-Directed, Life-Long Learning Michael Vigorito, Ph.D, Elena Pasquariello, Class 2004.

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1 The Electronic College Portfolio as Self-Directed, Life-Long Learning Michael Vigorito, Ph.D, Elena Pasquariello, Class 2004

2 port·fo·li·o (pOrt-'fO-lE-"O) n. pl. port·fo·li·os 1. a.A portable case for holding material, such as loose papers, photographs, or drawings. b.The materials collected in such a case, especially when representative of a person's work: a photographer's portfolio; an artist's portfolio of drawings. 2. The office or post of a cabinet member or minister of state. 3. A group of investments held by an investor, investment company, or financial institution. [Italian portafoglio : porta-, from portare, to carry (from Latin port re. See per- 2 in Indo-European Roots) + foglio, sheet (from Latin folium, leaf. See bhel- 3 in Indo-European Roots).] SourceSource: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

3 Students at Seton Hall are required to purchase and use a portable case for holding electronic material. If you were to examine a graduating senior’s laptop would you find a well-organized collection of artifacts representing the student’s college work? Why not? Given the mobile computing program at SHU the answer should be Yes !

4 Showcase or Best Works Portfolios (Marketing) Assessment Portfolios (Summative) Learning Portfolios (Formative) From Barrett, H. C. (2001) Electronic Portfolios. Educational Technology: An Encyclopedia Types of Electronic Portfolios

5 The Electronic College Portfolio Self-directed, self-reliant learning - students create personalized resources, integrate material in particular courses, and carry these resources to related or advanced courses and activities (e.g., independent research). Technological literacy - develop and master information technology skills. Self-assessment of learning - maintain a permanent, easily accessible record of course work, related co- and extra-curricular materials, and reflections of their academic work and related experiences The opportunity to Showcase “Best Works” – to seek employment or entry into graduate programs, or to satisfy formal assessment processes. A personal resource that supports: Should be more than just a repository of artifacts

6 Example Electronic College Portfolio in Microsoft Word™ A hyperlinked index organizes electronic documents and resources from all college years on the students’ laptop. Associating courses by hyperlinking may serve as a partial antidote for the “Balkanization” of the college experience

7 Example Electronic College Portfolio Artifacts Personalized resources e.g My Personalized Library Resources PageMy Personalized Library Resources Page Homework assignments Traditional papers Reflections Course Portfolios

8 Example Course Portfolios Larkin, J. E., Pines, H. A., & Bechtel, K. M. (2002). Facilitating students’ career development in psychology courses: A portfolio project. Teaching of Psychology, 29, 207-209. Rickabaugh, C. A. (1993). The psychology portfolio: Promoting writing and critical skills about psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 44, 170-172. Sciutto, M. J. (2002). The methods and statistics portfolio: A resource for the introductory course and beyond. Teaching of Psychology, 29, 213- 215. Elena Pasquariello- Using Computers in Psychology Course e-Portfolio (this e-portfolio was saved to a CD and submitted to satisfy a course requirement) Tim Hogan- Physiological Psychology Course e-PortfolioPhysiological Psychology Course e-Portfolio

9 What students need to create and maintain electronic college portfolios. A Computer Microsoft Office and related applications Effective instruction in using Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office, and hypertext. Faculty encouragement, support, and nudging A electronic portfolio culture (Department-, College- or University-Wide)

10 Who Grades the Electronic College Portfolio? As a Learning Portfolio No one and everyone Faculty grade the portfolio content for their particular course. As an Assessment or Showcase portfolio a formal process must be developed 1.Department level- Designated Advisors and Senior Seminar Instructors? 2.College Level – e.g., SHU College of Education 3.University Wide – coordinated by an office of e- portfolio development (e.g., Kalamazoo College).

11 How Can Faculty Contribute to the Development of a e-Portfolio Culture? Talk about the e-portfolio idea in your classes. Include a “Electronic Course Portfolio” assignment in at least some of your classes. Suggest “Personalized Resources”. Encourage and support students’ efforts. Explore the feasibility of a departmental e-portfolio requirement.

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