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Bell Ringer Between 200 B.C.E. and 200 C.E., the silk road facilitated commodity trade between which of the following pairs of empires? A. The Roman and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Between 200 B.C.E. and 200 C.E., the silk road facilitated commodity trade between which of the following pairs of empires? A. The Roman and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Between 200 B.C.E. and 200 C.E., the silk road facilitated commodity trade between which of the following pairs of empires? A. The Roman and Incan B. The Han and Spanish C. The Roman and Han D. The Mali and Byzantine

2 Comparing Christianity and Buddhism
The development and spread of Christianity and Buddhism before 600 C.E. had all of the following in common EXCEPT A. both were outgrowths of other religions B. both were aided in their spread by existing trade networks C. the founders of both presented themselves as divine D. both developed monastic orders to women

3 Agenda The arrival of Islam to India - Mahmud of Ghazni
- Dehli Sultanate Islam rule in India

4 Collapse of the Gupta Empire
Invaded by the White Huns. (Not Attila and his forces) Gupta fell in at the end fifth century. Hinduism and the Caste system survived. Who are the white Huns? nomadic invaders from central Asia; invaded India; disrupted Gupta administration.

5 The Arrival of Islam Islam reached India in the eighth century ( C.E.) Arab merchants had been active in India for centuries. The Arab army reached India in the eighth century. Indian Pirates + Muslim Ruler wanting apology – Ruler of Sind refusing = Arab army conquering much of India.

6 Empire of Mahmud of Ghazni
End of the tenth century – rise of the state of Ghazni Present day Afghanistan. Founded in 962. Mahmud takes power – 997.



9 Mahmud of Ghazni Brilliant, ambitious.
Extended his rule from the Indian ocean (South) to the Upper Indus Valley. Died 1030. His royal court rivaled others ( Abbasid dynasty in Baghdad)

10 Not universally loved Mahmud utterly ruined the prosperity of the country, performed wonderful exploits by which the hindus became like atoms scattered in all directions, and like a tale of old in the mouth of the people. Their scattered remains cherish, of course, the most inveterate aversion towards all Muslims.

11 Resistance Aristocratic Hindu clans.
Led by the Rajputs of Northern India. Ghazni decline but Muslim state Delhi rise.

12 The Delhi Sultanate Islamic invaders of India call their leader Sultan. Referred to as the Delhi Sultanate. 1206: - Islam spread for about 200 years - Sultan’s offended by the polytheism in Hinduism. What would they try do to with the Hindus? Non-Muslims had to pay a tax. Hindu temples and persecution occurred.

13 Contrast Islam Hinduism Monotheistic All people are equal under god
Cows are food Polytheistic Caste System Cows are sacred

14 Islam rule in India Colleges were founded.
Irrigation systems were improved. Mosques were built (help Hindu and Muslim architects and artist) Considerable number of Hindus converted to Islam in Northern India. Southern India – Kept Hindu traditions.


16 Tamerlane – Timur Lang Ruler of the Mongols.
Destroyed everything in his path. Sultanate was destroyed under his campaign. Eventually Mongols left and the Sultanate restored. Islam will continue to grow through the Mughal empire.

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