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ROBOTC Sounds ROBOTC with the VEX has a speaker port available on it for playing basic and polyphonic tones. You can play the follow types of sounds: A.

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Presentation on theme: "ROBOTC Sounds ROBOTC with the VEX has a speaker port available on it for playing basic and polyphonic tones. You can play the follow types of sounds: A."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROBOTC Sounds ROBOTC with the VEX has a speaker port available on it for playing basic and polyphonic tones. You can play the follow types of sounds: A specific note – PlayTone(); A system sound – PlaySound(); A user loaded sound file (.wav) – PlaySoundFile();

2 Playing Sounds PlayTone(frequency, durationIn10MsecTicks);
Example: PlayTone(440, 10); Plays a 440hz note for 100ms. PlaySoundFile(“fileName.wav”) Will play the sound file “fileName.wav”. Use the “File Management” Utility for downloading sound files onto your VEX Robot – Advanced Tools – File Management

3 Playing Sounds PlaySound(sound);
Plays a specific sound effect that is pre-programmed into the VEX soundBlip soundBeepBeep soundDownwardTones soundUpwardTones soundLowBuzz soundFastUpwardTones soundShortBlip soundException soundLowBuzzShort

4 Sound Variables bSoundActive bPlaySounds
A Boolean variable informs the user if the VEX is actively playing a sound. Returns “true” if a sound is playing, “false” if no sound. bPlaySounds A Boolean variable to “mute” the VEX. Set bPlaySounds to “false” to mute the VEX. Set bPlaySounds to “true” to unmute the VEX. The #define shortcuts are also acceptable: MuteSound(); UnmuteSound();

5 Sound Queue The VEX has an internal queue in order to line up sound commands. This queue will automatically process any waiting sound commands, in order that they are received. You can override/check on the queue with the following commands: PlayImmediateTone(frequency, durationIn10MsecTicks); This command will force the “playTone” command to jump ahead of the queue. bSoundQueueAvailable A Boolean Variable to check if the sound queue is full. Returns a “true” if there is space available, “false” if the queue is full.

6 VEX File Management The file management utility allows you to see all of the programs, sound files and other files that are loaded on your VEX.

7 VEX File Management From the file management utility, you can..
Upload files Download files Run/Stop Programs Delete files Create custom firmware images Check space available on the VEX

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