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BEOWULF VOCABULARY. bequeath (v) to pass on or hand down.

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2 bequeath (v) to pass on or hand down

3 enmity (n) hatred or animosity

4 qualm (n) an uneasy feeling of remorse

5 assuage (v) to soothe or calm

6 marauding (adj) engaged in raiding an area for the purpose of taking something

7 carouse (v) to engage in drunken revelry

8 tessellated (adj) arranged in or having the appearance of a mosaic; checkered

9 harrowing (adj) extremely disturbing or agonizing

10 lurid (adj) fierce or shocking in intensity

11 retinue (n) the group following or attending to an important person

12 jutting (adj) extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary

13 resplendent (adj) shining brilliantly; radiant

14 precipice (n) a situation of great danger

15 resolute (adj) determined and resolved

16 serpentine (adj) sly and cunning

17 enmesh (v) to catch or entangle

18 insidious (adj) stealthily deceitful

19 discerning (adj) showing outstanding judgment

20 intrepid (adj) fearless and courageous

21 sinuous (adj) having many bends or turns; winding

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