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Staying Holy in a Sin-filled World Six Reasons not to Gamble.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Holy in a Sin-filled World Six Reasons not to Gamble."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Holy in a Sin-filled World Six Reasons not to Gamble

2 What is Gambling? “Gamble” and “gambling” are not found in the Bible. Defined: "to play a game for money or other stake...hence: to stake money or any other thing of value upon an uncertain event; to hazard; wager." (Webster's New International Dictionary)

3 What is Gambling? "In its more limited sense it means an effort to gain something of value by risking the loss of something on a matter of chance. Gambling appeals to two basic traits of human nature, the desire for gain and the exhilarating thrill of uncertainty." (Vol. 10, Colliers Encyclopedia CD-ROM)

4 What is Gambling? Is different than a risk when the risk is in regards to something like farming, driving a car,... When gambling, a person stands to gain at the loss of others, the deciding factor (as to who wins and who loses) being an event arbitrarily selected.

5 What is Gambling? Is different than a risk when the risk is in regards to something like farming, driving a car,... In a risk such as farming the profit is not sought at the expense of others and the risk is not voluntarily made by the farmer. I am sure that farmers would be pleased if there were no risks involved.

6 Six Problems of Gambling Goes against the biblical examples of how man is to receive gain. The motivation is primarily covetousness. (Rom 1:29-32; 1 Cor 6:9-10) Does not allow you to “walk properly toward those who are outside.” (1 Thess 4:11-12)

7 Six Problems of Gambling Encourages one to “eat” without working. (2 Thess 3:10-13) Hinders a Christian from thinking on proper things. (Phil 4:8) Is not an example of one being a good steward and providing for his own. (Matt 25:14-30; Lk 16:1-8)

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