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PSG - Primary Side of the Steam Generator SSG – Secondary Side of the Steam Generator Primary side of steam generator (PSG) and simplistic secondary system.

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Presentation on theme: "PSG - Primary Side of the Steam Generator SSG – Secondary Side of the Steam Generator Primary side of steam generator (PSG) and simplistic secondary system."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSG - Primary Side of the Steam Generator SSG – Secondary Side of the Steam Generator Primary side of steam generator (PSG) and simplistic secondary system (SSG) Interfaces with RCS, RCPs, and Controls and Protection

2 PCS – Makeup flow in PSG_i_Makeup_MassFlow PSG_i_Makeup_Enthalpy PSG_i_Makeup_Temp PSG System Boundaries And Inputs/Output Interfaces PSG_i_Inlet_MassFlowscalar, PCS PSG_i_Inlet_Enthalpyscalar, PCS PSG_i_Inlet_Temperaturescalar, PCS PSG_i_Outlet_MassFlowscalar, RCP PSG_i_Outlet_Enthalpyscalar, RCP PSG_i_Outlet_Temperaturescalar, RCP PSG_i_Makeup_MassFlowscalar PSG_i_Makeup_Enthalpyscalar PSG_i_Makeup_Temperaturescalar PSG_i_TubeRupt_MassFlowscalar, SSG PSG_i_TubeRupt_Enthalpyscalar, SSG PSG_i_TubeRupt_Temperaturescalar, SSG PSG_i_TubeRupt_Flagscalar, SSG SSG_i_Steam_MassFlowscalar, PPS SSG_i_Steam_Temperaturescalar SSG_i_Steam_Enthalpyscalar SSG_i_Steam_Pressurescalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_MassFlowscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_Enthalpyscalar SSG_i_FW_Temperaturescalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_AverageTempscalar SSG_i_Levelscalar, PPS SSG_Turbine_Tripscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_Tripscalar, PPS SSG_i_Turbine_CVPositionscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_CVPositionscalar, PPS SSG_i_LowSteamPscalar, PPS SSG_i_HighSteamFlowscalar, PPS SSG_i_LowSGLevelscalar, PPS RCP – Flow out to RCPs PSG_i_Outlet_MassFlow PSG_i_Outlet_Enthalpy PSG_i_Outlet_Temp PCS – Flow in from hot leg PSG_i_Inlet_MassFlow PSG_i_Inlet_Enthalpy PSG_i_Inlet_Temp Boundary – Feedwater Flow In SSG_i_FW_MassFlow SSG_i_FW_Enthalpy SSG_i_FW_Temp Boundary – Steam Flow Out SSG_i_Steam_MassFlow SSG_i_Steam_Enthalpy SSG_i_Steam_Temp SSG – Tube Rupture Flow PSG_i_TubeRupt_MassFlow PSG_i_TubeRupt_Enthalpy PSG_i_TubeRupt_Temp PPS – Control and Trip Signals SSG_i_FW_CVPosition SSG_i_Turbine_CVPosition SSG_i_LowSteamP SSG_i_HighSteamFlow SSG_i_LowSGLevel SSG_i_TurbineTrip SSG_i_FWTrip

3 PSG GUI Sketch PSG_i_Inlet_MassFlowscalar, PCS PSG_i_Inlet_Enthalpyscalar, PCS PSG_i_Inlet_Temperaturescalar, PCS PSG_i_Outlet_MassFlowscalar, RCP PSG_i_Outlet_Enthalpyscalar, RCP PSG_i_Outlet_Temperaturescalar, RCP PSG_i_Makeup_MassFlowscalar PSG_i_Makeup_Enthalpyscalar PSG_i_Makeup_Temperaturescalar PSG_i_TubeRupt_MassFlowscalar, SSG PSG_i_TubeRupt_Enthalpyscalar, SSG PSG_i_TubeRupt_Temperaturescalar, SSG PSG_i_TubeRupt_Flagscalar, SSG SSG_i_Steam_MassFlowscalar, PPS SSG_i_Steam_Temperaturescalar SSG_i_Steam_Enthalpyscalar SSG_i_Steam_Pressurescalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_MassFlowscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_Enthalpyscalar SSG_i_FW_Temperaturescalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_AverageTempscalar SSG_i_WaterLevelscalar, PPS SSG_Turbine_Tripscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_Tripscalar, PPS SSG_i_Turbine_CVPositionscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_CVPositionscalar, PPS SSG_i_LowSteamPscalar, PPS SSG_i_HighSteamFlowscalar, PPS SSG_i_LowSGLevelscalar, PPS SSG_i_FW_MassFlow SSG_i_Steam_MassFlow SSG_i_Steam_Pressure PSG_i_Makeup_MassFlow SSG_i_Steam_Temperature SSG_i_WaterLevel SSG_TurbineTrip SSG_i_FWTrip Requested plots: Steam flow, steam pressure, FW flow

4 Variable NameVariable DescriptionUnitsDimensionalitySource Component Sink Component Display Notes PSG_i_Inlet_MassFlow * note, i=1,2 for loop # Mass flow rate of primary coolant into SG inlet from the hot leg kg/secScalar (1x)PRCPSGNot visible PSG_i_Inlet_EnthalpyEnthalpy of primary coolant into SG inlet from the hot leg J/kgScalar (1x)PRCPSGNot visible PSG_i_Inlet_TempTemperature of primary coolant into SG inlet from the hot leg CC Scalar (1x)PRCPSGNot visible PSG_i_Outlet_MassFlowMass flow rate of primary coolant from the SG outlet into the RCPs kg/secScalar (1x)PSGPRPNot visible PSG_i_Outlet_EnthalpyEnthalpy of primary coolant from the SG outlet into the RCPs J/kgScalar (1x)PSGPRPNot visible PSG_i_Outlet_TempTemperature of primary coolant from the SG outlet into the RCPs °CScalar (1x)PSGPRPNot visible PSG_i_Makeup_MassFlowMass flow rate of makeup flow into SG outlet kg/secScalar (1x)BoundaryPSGVisible PSG_i_Makeup_EnthalpyEnthalpy of makeup flow into SG outlet J/kgScalar (1x)BoundaryPSGNot visible PSG_i_Makeup_TempTemperature of makeup flow into SG outlet °CScalar (1x)BoundaryPSGNot visible PSG_i_TubeRupt_MassFlowMass flow rate of tube rupture flow from SG primary to secondary kg/secScalar (1x)PSGSSGNot visible PSG_i_TubeRupt_EnthalpyEnthalpy of tube rupture flow from SG primary to secondary J/kgScalar (1x)PSGSSGNot visible PSG_i_TubeRupt_TempTemperature of tube rupture flow from SG primary to secondary °CScalar (1x)PSGSSGNot visible

5 Variable NameVariable DescriptionUnitsDimensionalitySource Component Sink Component Display Notes PSG_i_TubeRupt_Flag * note, i=1,2 for loop # Flag indicating if tube rupture is occurirng, activated if PSG_i_TubeRupt_MassFlow > 0 UnitlessScalar (1x)PSGn/a (indicator)Visible Secondary Side SSG_i_Steam_MassFlowOutlet steam flow mass flow rate kg/secScalar (1x)SSGBoundary PPS Visible SSG_i_Steam_EnthalpyOutlet steam flow enthalpyJ/kgScalar (1x)SSGBoundaryNot visible SSG_i_Steam_TempOutlet steam flow temperature °CScalar (1x)SSGBoundaryVisible SSG_i_Steam_PressureSteam line pressurePaScalar (1x)SSGBoundary PPS Visible SSG_i_FW_MassFlowFeedwater mass flow ratekg/secScalar (1x)BoundarySSGVisible SSG_i_FW_EnthalpyFeedwater enthalpyJ/kgScalar (1x)BoundarySSGNot visible SSG_i_FW_TempFeedwater temperature°CScalar (1x)BoundarySSGNot visible SSG_i_WaterLevelSG Water LevelmScalar (1x)SSGPCSVisible SSG_TurbineTripFlag for if turbine trip has occurred UnitlessScalar (1x)PPSSSGVisible SSG_i_FW_TripFlag for if FW pumps have been tripped UnitlessScalar (1x)PPSSSGVisible SSG_i_Turbine_CVPositionThrottle valve position for outlet steam flow as dictated by control system %Scalar (1x)PCSSSGNot visible SSG_i_FW_CVPositionControl valve position for FW%Scalar (1x)PCSSSGNot visible

6 RCS Hot Leg (PRC) SG inlet Tube bundle hot side node k Hot side of U-bend RCPs (PRP) SG outlet Tube bundle cold side node k Cold side of U-bend Secondary side of steam generator Turbine/steam boundary node Feedwater boundary node Schematic of PSG/SSG Makeup (PRC) k=1 to n

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