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Round 1 Round 2 Finish Prime numbersSquare numbersFactors of 96Multiples of 13Roman numeralsCube numbers Round 1 Choices Rectangle dimensions Units for.

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Presentation on theme: "Round 1 Round 2 Finish Prime numbersSquare numbersFactors of 96Multiples of 13Roman numeralsCube numbers Round 1 Choices Rectangle dimensions Units for."— Presentation transcript:


2 Round 1 Round 2 Finish

3 Prime numbersSquare numbersFactors of 96Multiples of 13Roman numeralsCube numbers Round 1 Choices Rectangle dimensions Units for weight Units for length Multiples of 0.6 Factors of 144 Multiples of 15 Multiples of 3 Multiples of 4 Units for area Number puzzle Measuring equipment Units for volume

4 Angles and ShapesFractions, Decimals & %Fractions & % calculationsTimeRatio & ProportionRoman Numerals Round 2 Choices Factors Number Sequences Algebra Rounding Data Handling Puzzles Area, Perimeter & Volume Symmetry & 3D nets Money Place Value Co-ordinates & Compass Points Negative Numbers

5 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name prime numbers 0-100. Answers

6 AnswerPoints 290 395 592 793 1191 1388 1785 1979 2373 2962 3160 3755 4152 4350 AnswerPoints 4748 5346 5944 6143 6741 7140 7336 7934 8328 8925 9719

7 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name square numbers < 200. Answers

8 AnswerPoints 176 482 980 1679 2575 3669 4945 6443 8152 10070 12119 14420 1696 1961

9 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name a factor of 96. Answers

10 AnswerPoints 190 276 340 437 622 831 1228 1610 2415 3225 4865 9686

11 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name a multiple of 13 (0-200). Answers

12 AnswerPoints 1396 2685 3970 5254 6576 7847 9142 10432 11727 13083 14317 15614 1696 1820 19510

13 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name a Roman numeral and give its value. Answers

14 AnswerPoints I =185 V =580 X =1071 L =5031 C =10042 D =5004 M =100015

15 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name cube numbers < 250. Answers

16 AnswerPoints 176 880 2764 48 12521 2163

17 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to give possible lengths and widths for a rectangle with an area of 96cm 2 (whole cm only). Answers

18 AnswerPoints 96 x 196 48 x 273 32 x 352 24 x 412 16 x 69 12 x 855

19 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name units of length – metric or imperial. Answers

20 AnswerPoints kilometre72 metre95 centimetre86 millimetre73 micrometre0 nanometre0 mile69 yard21 foot35 inch28 furlong0 fathom0 anything else correct 0

21 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name units of weight – metric or imperial. Answers

22 AnswerPoints kilogram85 gram76 tonne43 pound32 ounce12 stone15 hundredweight0 dram0 anything else correct 0

23 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name units of volume or capacity – metric or imperial. Answers

24 AnswerPoints litre76 millilitre67 centilitre8 gallon25 pint14 fluid ounce1 quart0 tablespoon (tbsp)0 teaspoon (tsp)0 barrel0 cubic metre0 anything else correct0

25 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name equipment used for measuring in Maths. Answers

26 AnswerPoints ruler92 tape measure60 trundle wheel8 stop watch25 measuring cylinder22 measuring jug19 weighing scales30 protractor4 anything else correct0

27 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to find the largest number they could make from 1,1,1,2,2,2 and any of x + - ÷. They were not allowed to put digits together – the bes t answer <50. Answers

28 AnswerPoints 2+2+2 x 1 x1 x 1= 687 2+2+2+1 x 1 x 1=784 2+2+2+1+1 x 1=882 1+1+1+2+2+2=976 (1+2) x 2 x 2 + 1 + 1 =1452 (1+2) x 2 x (1+2) x1=1837 (1+1+1+2) x 2 x 2=2033 (1+1+1) x 2 x 2 x 2 =2411 (1+2) x (1+2) x (1+2) =270

29 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name units of area – metric or imperial. Answers

30 AnswerPoints cm276 m265 km 2 43 acre9 square inch2 square foot3 square yard0 square mile5 hectare12 anything else correct0

31 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name multiples of 4 < 150 containing the digit 8. Answers

32 AnswerPoints 899 2873 4856 6832 8036 8430 8828 10811 1285 1483

33 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name multiples of 3 < 150 containing the digit 8. Answers

34 AnswerPoints 1883 4859 7846 8138 8435 8733 10818 1381

35 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name multiples of 15 (0-300) Answers

36 AnswerPoints 1599 3087 4576 6062 7550 9043 10529 12030 13521 15064 16513 1808 1952

37 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name factor pairs of 144. Answers

38 AnswerPoints 1, 14494 2, 7280 3, 4820 4, 3621 6, 2416 8, 186 9, 162 12,1261

39 We gave 100 people 100 seconds to name multiples of 0.6 (0-10). Answers

40 AnswerPoints 0.699 1.272 1.869 2.467 359 3.654 4.233 4.827 5.422 655 6.638 7.215 7.82 8.47 98 9.63

41 Quadrilaterals Types of angles 2D Shapes (2) 2D Shapes (1) 3D Shapes Compass point angles Angles and Shapes

42 It has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles. square It has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of equal and parallel sides. rectangle It has 1 line of symmetry. 2 pairs of equal adjacent sides. kite rhombus parallelogram trapezium It has 4 equal sides but no right angles. 2 lines of symmetry. It has no right angles but 2 pairs of equal and parallel sides. It has just 2 parallel sides. 80 72 28 34 22 8 We asked 100 people to identify these quadrilaterals.

43 West 270° South East 135° East 90° 315° 45° 225° North West North East South West 56 41 78 9 62 17 We asked 100 people what angle each of these compass positions was from North.

44 7 faces, 6 of which are triangles hexagonal based pyramid 8 vertices, all the faces are rectangles cuboid 6 identical square faces cube pentagonal prism sphere cylinder 15 edges, 10 vertices All points on the surface are the same distance from the centre 2 circular faces and one curved face 10 53 80 1 75 85 We asked 100 people to identify these 3D shapes.

45 i It has 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles. equilateral triangle isosceles triangle It has 7 sides. heptagon circle scalene triangle right angled triangle It has a diameter, radius and circumference. It has 3 sides, none of which are the same length. It has 3 sides and one angle of 90°. 60 43 19 73 58 80 We asked 100 people to identify these shapes. It has 3 sides, 2 of which are equal.

46 It has 9 sides. nonagon It has 5 interior angles. pentagon It has 10 sides. decagon octagon heptagon hexagon It has 8 interior angles. The total of its interior angles is 900°. It has 6 sides. 15 62 34 47 0 68 We asked 100 people to identify these shapes.

47 90°right 37° acute 181° reflex straight reflex obtuse 180° 315° 155° 86 72 31 58 34 53 We asked 100 people what type of angle each of these angles is.

48 Simplifying fractions Ordering Fractions Decimals → % Fractions→ Decimals Mixed Fractions % → Fractions Fractions, Decimals & %

49 1/4 0.25 3/5 0.6 3/8 0.375 0.66667 0.7 0.05 2/3 7/10 1/20 52 63 7 18 76 10 We asked 100 people to convert these fractions to decimals.

50 15/203/4 55/121 5/11 3/24 1/8 6/7 3/4 3/5 36/42 72/96 57/95 81 30 48 32 15 3 We asked 100 people to simplify these fractions.

51 0.2525% 0.6 60% 0.83 83% 3% 22.5% 50% 0.03 0.225 0.50 74 85 63 21 4 87 We asked to convert these decimals to %.

52 i 80% 4/5 7/8 37% 37/100 13/20 3/4 9/10 65% 75% 90% 60 0 42 23 55 82 We asked 100 people to convert these % to fractions in their simplest form. 87.5%

53 11/6 11/2 51/8 39/7 112/9 19/5 75 69 32 38 7 57 We asked 100 people to change these mixed numbers to improper fractions.

54 2/3, 3/4, 1/4, 1/101/10 1/4 2/3 3/4 1/3, 1/4, 2/5, 4/7 1/4 1/3 2/5 4/7 1/3, 2/7, 1/4, 3/8 1/4 2/7 1/3 3/8 5/7 4/5 7/8 9/10 4/44 3/32 1/10 2/15 8/40 5/20 6/18 7/14 7/8, 4/5, 5/7, 9/10 1/10, 2/15, 3/32, 4/44 5/20, 6/18, 7/14, 8/40 56 18 8 9 6 42 We asked 100 people to order these fractions starting with the smallest.

55 Fractions of Amounts Subtracting Fractions Adding Fractions Dividing Fractions Multiplying Fractions % of Amounts Fraction & % Calculations

56 1/4 of 36 9 3/5 of £1.20 72p 3/4 of 2 litres 1.5 litres or 1l 500ml 56 12 18 7/12 of 96 3/7 of 28 3/13 of 78 70 9 55 38 49 5 We asked 100 people to calculate fractions of amounts.

57 67 17 25 13 2 14 We asked 100 people to add these fractions.

58 1/2 1/3 – 1/4 1/12 2/5 – 1/10 3/10 3/4 13/15 13/24 1 ¼ - ½ 1 1/5 – 1/3 7/8 – 1/3 62 5 18 39 0 0 We asked to convert these decimals to %. 3/4 – 1/4

59 i ½ x ¼ 1/8 1/30 2/3 x 1/4 1/6 4/9 1/56 1/6 2/3 x 2/3 1/7 x 1/8 1/3 x 1/2 43 32 0 8 25 35 We asked 100 people to multiply these fractions giving answers in the simplest form. 1/5 x 1/6

60 1/6 ÷ 3 1/18 1/3 ÷ 2 1/6 1/2 ÷ 2 1/4 2/9 1/24 1/21 2/3 ÷ 3 1/6 ÷ 4 3/7 ÷ 9 15 21 36 1 14 9 We asked 100 people to divide these fractions giving the answer in the simplest form.

61 25% of 2 litres500ml 5% of 140 7 75% of 24 18 £0.42 or 42p £1.56 80g or 0.08kg 15% of £2.80 39% of £4 1% of 8kg 29 18 53 8 3 16 We asked 100 people to calculate the % of these amounts.

62 Analogue → Digital 24 Hour Clock Digital → Analogue Forward in time How long? Backwards in time Time

63 Five to eight 7:55 Twenty-seven minutes past 6 6:27 Seventeen minutes to one 12:43 10:45 3:30 12:03 Quarter to eleven Half past three Three minutes past noon 35 43 14 42 79 51 We asked 100 people to change these analogue times to digital.

64 7:46 14 minutes to eight 10:15 Quarter past 10 2:35 25 minutes to 3 9 minutes past 11 23 minutes to 6 6 minutes to 10 11.09 5:37 9:54 21 71 42 75 13 25 We asked 100 people to change these digital times to analogue.

65 02:30 5:48pm 17:48 12:04am 00:04 21:47 19:15 10:18 9:47pm 7:15pm 10:18am 57 38 29 25 35 76 We asked 100 people to convert these times to 24 hour clock. 2:30am

66 i 5:40 – 6:25 45mins 4hr 12mins 10:15 – 10:50 35mins 3hr 52mins 26mins 2hr 24mins 06:37 – 10:29 5:48 – 6:14 2:04 – 4:28 59 7 76 9 35 37 We asked 100 people to work out how long these TV programmes were. 2057 - 0109

67 10:17 + 35mins 10:52 6:51 + 28mins 7:19 8:40 + 90mins 10:10 0104 3:40 9:18 23:48 + 1hr 16mins 3:25 + 15mins 2:49 + 6hr 29mins 51 33 38 9 79 7 We asked 100 people to work out when a TV programme finished given its start time and length.

68 6:15 – 2hr 30mins3:45 3:18 – 46mins 2:32 2:45 – 6hrs 57mins 7:48 2:48 10:15 7:35 4:22 – 94mins 10:30 – 15mins 8:50 – 1hr 15mins 44 37 1 16 87 49 We asked 100 people to work out when a TV programme started given its length and finish time.

69 Simplifying Ratios Proportion → Ratio Ratio → Proportion Spiders:Flies Cooking Scale drawing Ratio & Proportion

70 12:8 3:2 38:95 2:5 56:42 4:3 2:11 12:5 2:3 22:121 36:15 34:51 79 15 34 48 51 10 We asked 100 people to simplify these ratios.

71 2:7 2/9 1:4 1/5 3:5:7 1/5 3/8 1/5 3/19 3:5 2:3:5 3:7:9 53 62 7 54 9 25 We asked 100 people to change ratios of white:other colours to proportion of white.

72 4:5 7/15 7:8 1/2 1:1 1:2 2:7 3:95 1/3 2/9 3/98 42 36 39 47 43 29 We asked to convert these proportion of white to ratios of white:other colours 4/9

73 i 20 buns 80g 4g 100 buns 400g 120g 68g 2kg 30 buns 17 buns 500 buns 56 69 51 47 8 17 We asked 100 people to work out how much sugar they needed to make buns if you need 20g for 5 buns. 1 bun

74 6 spiders 15 flies 45 flies 18 spiders 100 flies 40 spiders 35 flies 16 spiders & 40 flies 1000 flies 14 spiders 56 (total of spiders and flies) 400 spiders 57 26 33 29 6 11 We asked 100 people to work out how many spiders and/or flies there would be if the ratio of spiders to flies is 2:5

75 2cm10m 15cm 75m 3mm 150cm or 1.5m 115m 80m 17.5m 23cm 16cm 3.5cm 87 52 6 21 27 11 We asked 100 people to work out the actual length of a wall from measurements in a scale drawing (1cm = 5m)

76 → Roman Numerals 1 Roman Numerals → Calculations → Roman Numerals 2 Calculations Roman Numerals

77 10 X 1 I 15 XV XIX LIII CXII 19 53 112 75 86 63 21 19 17 We asked 100 people to write these numbers as Roman Numerals.

78 LXXXVIII 88 IX 9 XXVII 27 3 74 41 III LXXIV XLI 4 70 29 89 9 18 We asked 100 people to write figures for these Roman Numerals.

79 DL 1888 MDCCCLXXXVIII 2015 MMXV XLIX VII MMMCMLXXXVIII 49 7 3988 23 3 26 15 87 0 We asked 100 people to convert these numbers to Roman Numerals. 550

80 i CMXXIII 923 18 CCCDXXII 372 3748 91 894 MMMDCCXLVIII XCI DCCCXCIV 9 91 28 0 21 7 We asked 100 people to write figures for these Roman Numerals. XVIII

81 V + XIX XXIV VI X VIII XLVIII LXXXVI - XXXII LIV XI DXXXI DCCC CXXXII ÷ XII CXLII + CCCLXXXIX C X VIII 62 41 24 18 1 16 We asked 100 people to write the answers to these calculations in Roman Numerals.

82 DCXLIII + CXXVIIIDCCLXXI CDXC ÷ LXX VII MMDCCCLXXXVIII - MDXXVII MCCCLXI XXII XVII XCVI LXXI - XLIX IX + VIII XII X VIII 3 17 0 24 79 37 We asked 100 people to write the answers to these calculations in Roman Numerals.

83 Highest Common Factor Indices Squares Square Roots Lowest Common Multiple Factorise Factors

84 16, 24 8 96, 72 24 63, 84 21 8 78 12 144, 40 156, 390 156, 60 80 23 24 16 2 7 We asked 100 people to find the highest common factors of these numbers.

85 4, 3 12 6, 8 24 15, 20 60 2730 120 12, 20, 15 78, 182, 130 8, 12, 15 86 70 42 35 0 18 We asked 100 people to find the lowest common multiple of these numbers.

86 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 39 3 X 13 96 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 2 X 5 13 X 2 X 2 X 3 2 X 3 X 5 X 7 X 11 10 156 2310 42 33 16 84 11 0 We asked 100 people to factorise these numbers. 36

87 i 13 X 2 2 52 36 5 2 X 2 2 100 8000 144 900 10 3 X 2 3 3 2 X 2 4 10 2 X 3 2 27 91 28 0 21 7 We asked 100 people to work out these indices. 2 2 X 3 2

88 22 2 484 8 2 64 4242 16 4 144 10000 2 12 2 100 2 2 41 59 79 37 35 We asked 100 people to write calculate these squares.

89 3 7 11 13 6 16 82 43 27 5 49 0 We asked 100 people to find the square root of these numbers.

90 Number Sequences 1 Find the n th term Number Sequences 4 Find the 15 th term Number Sequences 2 Number Sequences 3 Number Sequences

91 7 5 3 1-1 -3 1 4 16 25 36 49 3 5 8 12 17 23 0.5 0.6 61 67 32 64 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 37 43 49 55 2 4 8 16 31 23 39 94 52 46 We asked 100 people to find the next two numbers in these sequences.

92 19 12 6 1 -3 -6 2 3 5 7 11 13 2.16 2.11 2.06 2.01 1.96 1.91 3 5 34 36 312 936 0 1 1 2 26 28 30 32 2 6 18 54 10 7 23 2 79 13 We asked 100 people to find the next two numbers in these sequences.

93 171 188 4 _ 4.1 _ 4.2 4.05 4.15 2 _ 16 _ 30 9 23 117 129 2 -7 9 12 105 _ _ 141 11 _ _ -16 6 _ _ 15 18 3 29 32 9 21 76 We asked 100 people to fill in the missing numbers in these sequences. 154 _ _ 205

94 i 8 11 14 17 3n + 5 0.5n 1 7 13 19 6n - 5 2n2n -2n + 11 -3n + 7 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 4 1 -2 -5 26 9 21 66 6 4 We asked 100 people to work out the n th term in these sequences. 0.5 1 1.5 2

95 9 5 1 -3 -47 3 6 9 12 45 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 4.6 -46 147 80 -4 -7 -10 -13 21 30 39 48 10 15 20 25 5 59 8 7 0 48 We asked 100 people to find the 15 th term in these sequences.

96 64 125 40 20 10 _ _ 5 2.5 7 _ 23 _ 39 15 31 16 20 0.375 0.625 -1.5 -6.5 4 8 12 _ _ 0.125 0.25 _ 0.5 _ 3.5 1 _ -4 _ 12 39 19 79 7 9 We asked 100 people to find the missing number in these sequences.

97 Find x (1) Finding values 2 Finding values 1 2 variables Find x (2) Find x (3) Algebra

98 x + 1 = 2 x = 1 x – 4 = 6 x = 10 3 + x = 8 x = 5 x = 12 x = 15 x = 4 -4 + x = 8 21 – x = 6 3 + x -2 = 5 75 52 55 21 39 40 We asked 100 people to find the value of x.

99 2 x = 4 x = 2 3 x = 51 x = 17 9 x = 81 x = 9 x = 4 x = 15 x = 6 6 x = 24 5 x = 75 8 x = 48 83 19 43 64 28 52 We asked 100 people to find the value of x.

100 x = 1 6 x + 5 = 23 x = 3 10 x – 7 = 83 x = 9 x = 4 x = 8 x = 36 3 x – 6 = 6 7 x – 5 = 51 69 29 33 31 25 15 We asked 100 people to find the value of x. 2 x + 2 = 4

101 i -3 x – 5 x = 3 -14 76 6 xx = 8 48 25 -11 5 3 x + 7 x = 6 19 – 5 xx = 6 x + 3 x = 2 12 8 64 41 22 81 We asked 100 people to work out the value of a formula given x. 17 x + 8 x = 4

102 4 x – 8 y x = 7, y = 3 4 6 x + 3 y x = 0.5, y = 14 45 5y – 2 xx = 9, y = 3 -3 121 22 137 8 x + 7 y x = 9, y = 7 x + 2 y x = 6, y = 8 3 x + 5 y x = 19, y = 16 42 13 27 32 81 5 We asked 100 people to work out the value of a formula given x and y.

103 2 y – x = 7 17 > x > 11 x =13, y =10 or x =15, y =11 3 y X 6 x = 72 x > y x =4, y =1 4 x X 2 y = 48 y y x =6, y =1 or x =3, y =2 x =4, y =2 x =8, y =2 or x =9, y =1 x =2, y =5 3 x + 4 y = 20 x + y = 10 x > 7, y > 0 5 x + 6 y = 40 8 4 19 13 78 12 We asked 100 people to find possible values for x and y – positive whole numbers only.

104 Rounding to nearest 10 Round up Rounding to nearest 1 Round down Rounding to nearest 100 Rounding to nearest 1000 Rounding

105 5960 125 130 73 70 500 0 340 495 4 340 75 47 85 40 28 62 We asked 100 people to round these numbers to the nearest 10.

106 51 100 2929 2900 975 1000 300 1300 500 349 1250 460 61 45 39 82 42 79 We asked 100 people to round these numbers to the nearest 100.

107 0 4500 5000 29500 30000 155000 299000 14000 154687 299499 14321 58 69 61 49 41 78 We asked 100 people to round these numbers to the nearest 1000. 489

108 i 9.5 10 5 0.499999 0 7 15 20 6.7 15.489 19.50001 67 69 47 76 43 52 We asked 100 people to round these numbers to the nearest whole number. 5.18

109 67 70 54 60 21 30 650 1000 30 642 991 23.42 85 58 53 48 41 45 We asked 100 people to round these numbers up to nearest 10.

110 4859361 4859000 998 0 15951 15000 5000 7000 5000 5864 7952 5124 40 37 48 63 59 76 We asked 100 people to round these numbers down to the nearest 1000.

111 Mean Identifying Charts Range Tally Chart/ Frequency Median Mode Data Handling

112 18, 16, 15, 19, 715 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 1.5, 1.8 2.04 20, 16, 23, 19, 17 19 -2 5 860 -7, 6, -3, -10, 4 2, 3, 10, 5 550, 1600, 950, 800, 400 67 6 61 22 82 2 We asked 100 people to find the mean of these numbers.

113 17, 26, 9, 4, 18 17 9.09, 9, 0.999, 19.19, 8.99 9 251, 317, 95, 76, 108 108 65 59.5 580 95, 41, 25, 37, 81, 101, 65 41, 59, 87, 60, 94, 38 460, 580, 973, 428, 647 76 23 55 34 0 41 We asked 100 people to find the median of these numbers.

114 7 21, 25, 24, 25, 26, 21, 21 21 1.8, 1.5, 1.9, 1.8, 1.6 1.8 623 0.9 234 512, 623, 410, 623, 522, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.8, 0.4, 0.9 234, 423, 324, 432, 342, 234 75 26 32 36 28 22 We asked 100 people to find the mode of these numbers. 6, 9, 7, 8, 7, 5

115 i 21.5, 48.6, 72.9, 80.1 58.6 21 75, 92, 68, 145, 67 78 17 10 1987 15, 24, 32, 25, 28, 17 6, 7, 8, 2, 12 2001, 780, 598, 14 24 16 42 58 76 9 We asked 100 people to find the range of these numbers. -7, 2, 14, -5, 11

116 A 72 We asked 100 people to identify these charts. D 67 E 35 F 22 C 42 B 50 Bar ChartPictogram Carroll Diagram Line Graph Venn Diagram Pie Chart 12 14 7 2 spiders octopus flying fish flies Apple Custard Steak & Kidney Cottage Pork

117 llll llll llll llll llll 49 llll lll 8 llll llll llll ll 17 3 28 41 lll llll llll llll llll llll lll llll llll llll llll llll llll llll llll l 29 73 59 87 43 37 We asked 100 people to find the frequency from these tally scores.

118 Perimeter Area Finding missing side Area – Compound shapes Area Volume Area, Perimeter & Volume

119 Rectangle (4cm x 7cm)22cm Rectangle (19km x 13km) 64km Square with side 7mm 28mm 54m 78m 12m Rectangle (15m x 12m) Regular hexagon (side 13m) Equilateral triangle (side 4m) 76 41 48 59 32 43 We asked 100 people to find the perimeter of these shapes.

120 Rectangle (13cm x 8cm) 104cm 2 Square with side 11m 121m 2 Rectangle (4cm x 8cm) 32cm 2 10000m 2 180m 2 12m 2 Square with side 100m Rectangle (12km x 15km) Rectangle (3m x 4m) 23 45 72 29 21 83 We asked 100 people to find the area of these shapes.

121 3000cm 3 Cube with edge 3cm 27cm 3 Cuboid (4m x 6m x 5m) 120m 3 36cm 3 210mm 3 125cm 3 Cuboid (2cm x 3cm x 6cm) Cuboid (7mm x 6mm x 5mm) Cube (area of 1 face =25cm 2 ) 0 46 53 72 45 13 We asked 100 people to find the volume of these shapes. Cuboid (3cm x 2m x 5cm)

122 i Square of area 81cm 2 9cm 9m Cube of volume 64m 3 4m 9m 7.5m 37cm Cuboid – volume 144m 3, sides 8m, 2m Rectangle – area 15m 2, side 2m Rectangle – area 111cm 2, side 3cm 53 77 29 5 38 9 We asked 100 people to find the length of the missing side. Rectangle – area 36m 2, side 4m.

123 A 64 We asked 100 people to find the area of these shapes. cm 2 D 38 E 37 F 36 C 45 B 39 3 x 4 x ½ =6cm 2 8 x 4 = 32 cm 2 7 x 3 = 21 cm 2 7 x 7 x ½ = 24.5 cm 2 6 x 3 x ½ =9cm 2 6 x 3 = 18 cm 2 4cm 5cm 3cm 6cm 7cm 6cm 3.5 cm 3cm 8cm 4.5 cm 4cm 7cm 3cm 3.5 cm

124 A 48 We asked 100 people to find the area of these shapes. D 12 E 0 F 3 C 53 B 42 5 x 4=20 3 x 8=24 =44cm 2 2 x 4.5=9 1 x 1.5=1.5 8 x 2.5=20 =30.5 cm 2 9 x 3 =27 2 x 3 x ½=3 =30cm 2 2 x 7 = 14 4 x 7 = 28 =42cm 2 4 x 10= 40 3 x 4 = 12 =52cm 2 16 x 7 = 112 3 x 12 = 36 112-36=76cm 2 8cm 5cm 8cm 4cm 10cm 6cm 7cm 4cm 7cm 2cm 7cm 16cm 7cm 3cm 12cm 8cm 4.5cm 4cm 1cm 2cm 1.5cm 9cm 6cm 3cm 5cm

125 Symmetry 1 Nets for 3D shapes 1 Symmetry of letters Nets for 3D shapes 2 Symmetry 2 Symmetry 3 Symmetry & Nets for 3D shapes

126 A 72 We asked 100 people how many lines of symmetry each shape has. D 42 E 69 F 35 C 31 B 23 1 0 3 4 2 1

127 A 75 We asked 100 people how many lines of symmetry each shape has. D 40 E 73 F 19 C 39 B 33 1 1 4 2 2 2

128 A 49 We asked 100 people how many lines of symmetry each shape has. D 39 E 37 F 26 C 4 B 38 2 1 6 0 0 0 6

129 A C D E F G H IE J K L M N K M none T U V W Y O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 22 15 45 38 59 48 We asked 100 people to name the capital letter(s) in each row with just one line of symmetry. A B C D

130 A 48 We asked 100 people how many lines of symmetry each shape has. D 19 E 11 F 3 C 61 B 83 cylinder cube cuboid tetrahedron Triangular prism Hexagonal prism

131 A 69 We asked 100 people to identify the 3D shapes from the nets. D 0 E 14 F 2 C 63 B 24 octahedron pentagonal prism Square based pyramid Hexagonal based pyramid cone Octagonal based pyramid

132 Change from £5 Find % off Find sale price Find original price Change from £10 Change from £20 Money

133 £4.11£0.89 or 89p £1.33 £3.67 £2.57 £2.43 £1.52 £4.30 £3.40 £3.48 70p £1.60 34 24 38 37 74 62 We asked 100 people to work out how much change they would get from £5.

134 £6.01 £7.43 £6.18 £3.82 £4.45 £1.66 £6 £5.55 £8.34 £4 62 26 24 37 29 98 We asked 100 people to work out how much change they would get from £10. £3.99 £2.57

135 £7.41 £12.59 £16.27 £3.73 £12.91 £7.09 £10.66 £17.50 £13.01 £9.34 £2.50 £6.99 37 31 34 43 74 53 We asked 100 people to work out how much change they would get from £20.

136 i £80 – 5% off £76 £60 £36 – 17% off £29.88 £20 £31.86 £51 £40 – 50% off £35.40 – 10% off £60 – 15% off 51 59 0 89 13 34 We asked 100 people to find the sale price of these items. £75 – 20% off

137 Was £75 Now £63.75 15% Was £72 Now £48 33% Was £16 Now £14.40 10% 5% 50% 12.5% Was £1000 Now £950 Was £60 Now £30 Was £9.60 Now £8.40 3 43 39 52 84 19 We asked 100 people to work out the % off as the prices were reduced.

138 5% off – Sale price £57 £60 10% off – Sale price £72 £80 25% off – Sale price £108£144 £1 £165 £5.60 20% off – Sale price 80p 40% off – Sale price £99 37.5% off – Sale price £3.50 43 51 18 67 14 0 We asked 100 people to find the original price from the sale price and the % off.

139 Value of a digit 1 x by 10, 100 etc Making smallest number ÷ by 10, 100 etc Value of a digit 2 Ordering numbers Place Value

140 69,342three hundred 9,531,754.29 thirty thousand 31,248,596 thirty million three hundredths three hundred thousand thirty 2564.23 954,324,578.6 732 58 32 10 19 21 89 We asked 100 people the value of 3 in each of these numbers.

141 six thousand six hundredths 3954.256 six thousandths six tenths six million six 975.625 986,248,321.2 4296.1 62 21 3 39 22 86 We asked 100 people the value of the digit 6. 6942.5 5.06

142 9.01, 9.19, 9.91, 9 9, 9.01, 9.19, 9.91 754, 745, 747, 774 745, 747, 754, 774.09, 0.90, 0.1, 0.19 0.09, 0.1, 0.19, 0.9 10101, 10110, 11010, 11100 123, 213, 231, 312, 321 12392.1, 123012, 123021 11010, 10110, 11100, 10101 123, 213, 321, 312, 231 123012, 123021, 12392.1 26 59 25 21 32 19 We asked 100 people to order these sets of numbers starting with the smallest number.

143 68162 12668 31872 12378 21814 11248 189 115588 12248 981 158851 24182 45 43 34 86 29 35 We asked 100 people to rearrange these digits to give the smallest number.

144 i 62 x 10 620 21605.4 25.6 x 10 256 37 280.3 235.6.037 x 1000 28.03 x 10 2.356 x 100 83 2 49 09 41 24 We asked 100 people to work out these multiplication calculations. 2.16054 x 10000

145 ÷ 25.09 ÷ 1000 0.02509 6 ÷ 10 0.6 951.3 ÷ 1009.513 15 26.58 3.1268 150 ÷ 10 2658 ÷ 100 312.68 ÷ 100 3 50 17 84 23 10 We asked 100 people to work out these division calculations.

146 Co-ordinates shapes Compass points 2 Compass points 1 Compass points 3 Co-ordinates: reflection 1 Co-ordinates : reflection 2 Co-ordinates & Compass points

147 (2,2) (2,3) (3,2)right angled triangle (2,5) (4,5) (4,3) (2,3) square (4,1) (4,2) (7,2) (7,1) rectangle isosceles triangle parallelogram kite (6,1) (7,4) (8,1) (5,2) (6,3) (9,3) (8,2) (2,2) (0,6) (2,8) (4,6) 51 62 53 31 14 7 We asked 100 people to identify the shapes from the co-ordinates.

148 (-2,2) (-1,6) (6,1) (-6,1) (5,4) (-7,-6) (10,-14) (-5,4) (7,-6) (-10,-14) 68 47 45 9 17 5 We asked 100 people to reflect these co-ordinates through the y axis and give the new co-ordinate. (2,2) (1,6)

149 (-9,-7) (-9,7) (8,0) (-7,8) (-7,-8) (4,-5) (6,3) (-3,3) (4,5) (6,-3) (-3,-3) 19 8 27 70 25 17 We asked 100 people to reflect these co-ordinates through the x axis and give the new co-ordinate.

150 SW NE S N SW SE NW W SE E 56 92 49 52 47 84 We asked 100 people to turn 180° from each of these compass points and name the direction they are now facing.

151 i NW – ¾ turn clockwise SW E SW – ¼ turn anti-clockwise SE S SW E – ¾ turn anti-clockwise SE – ¼ turn clockwise NE – ½ turn anti-clockwise 21 87 29 47 41 36 We asked 100 people to give the new direction after a turn. N – ¼ turn clockwise

152 ÷ E – turn 315° clockwise NE SE – turn 45° anti-clockwise E NW – turn 270° anti-clockwise NE S E NW N – turn 180° clockwise SW – turn 225° clockwise S – turn 135° clockwise 6 48 21 74 16 11 We asked 100 people to give the new direction after a turn.

153 Temperature change 1 Bank account difference Bank account change 1 Bank account change 2 Temperature difference Temperature change 2 Negative Numbers

154 5°C rise 7°12°C 6°C drop 10° -4°C -8°C rise 15° 7°C -15°C -7°C -21°C -2°C drop 13° 7°C drop 14° -7°C drop 14° 83 48 39 28 42 25 We asked 100 people what the new temperature is.

155 drop 15° rise 3° start 12°C, finish -3°C drop 15° drop 16° rise 2° drop 2° start -3°C, finish -19°C start -1°C, finish 1°C start 1°C, finish -1°C 38 31 37 32 69 65 We asked 100 people to find the drop or rise in temperature. start 7°C, finish -8°C start -9°C, finish -6°C

156 9°C rise 4° then fall 11° 2°C -5°C fall 6° then fall 4° -15°C 3°C fall 5° then rise 11° 9°C -5°C -2°C -15°C 6°C fall 19° then rise 8° -7°C rise 2° then rise 3° -19°C rise 13° then fall 9° 69 46 51 24 36 7 We asked 100 people what the new temperature is.

157 Start £40.50 spend £60 -£19.50 Start -£14 receive £40 £28 Start -£12 receive £21 £9 -£6.25 -£13 £26 Start £5.50 spend 11.75 Start £15 spend £28 Start £7 receive £19 14 24 41 5 56 86 We asked 100 people to give the new balance of a bank account after spending or receiving money.

158 i Start £50 finish -£20 Spent £70 Received £59.50 Start £38 finish -£25.40 Spent £63.40 Received £20 Spent £151.57 Spent £52.30 Start -£10 finish £10 Start £106.34 finish -£45.23 Start -£45 finish -£97.30 68 25 27 81 7 19 We asked 100 people to find the amount spent or received from these bank accounts. start £-£47.50 finish £12

159 ÷ Start £25, spend £13, receive £7 £19 Start -£14, spend £4, spend £6.50 -£24.50 Start £87.20, spend £100, receive £19.50 £6.70 -£100 £50.50 -£61.70 Start -£200, spend £50, receive £150 Start £25, receive £12, receive £13.50 Start -£64, spend £14, receive £16.30 79 31 4 48 56 17 We asked 100 people to give the new balance of a bank account after spending and/or receiving money.

160 Using 4 threes How many coins? What number? What age? Using 4 fours Dimensions of cuboids Puzzles

161 6 3+3+3-3 9 3 x 3 +3 – 3 or (3+3-3) x 3 3 (3+3+3)/3 3+3 + 3/3 3+3 – 3/3 3/3 + 3/3 7 5 2 69 55 28 19 17 3 We asked 100 people to make these numbers using 4 (no more, no less) threes and any Maths signs. 3 3 3 3

162 044-44 or 4+4-4-4 8 4 + 4 + 4 - 4 20 4 x (4/4 + 4) 44/44 or 4+4/4+4 4/4 + 4 + 4 (4+4+4)/4 1 9 3 66 43 2 32 17 28 We asked 100 people to make these numbers using 4 (no more, no less) fours and any Maths signs. 4 4 4 4

163 5cm x 7cm x 11cm 4199cm 3 13cm x 17cm x 19cm 30cm 3 2cm x 3cm x 5cm 7cm x 11cm x 13cm 3cm x 5cm x 7cm 11cm x 13cm x 17cm 1001cm 3 105cm 3 2431cm 3 8 0 72 4 23 0 We asked 100 people to find the l x w x h of these cuboids. All the sides are whole numbers > 1. 385cm 3

164 i Multiple of 12; multiple of 8; sum of its 2 digits=9 72 56 Square number; <200; 3 digits; product of digits=54 169 49 37 50 Square number; odd; <50; sum of its digits=13 Prime number; <50; product of digits =21 Multiple of 10; >40; <60 17 23 0 43 19 76 We asked 100 people to find the number from the clues. <100; multiple of 7; sum of digits=11

165 i £2.49 £2, 20p, 20p 5p, 2p, 2p (6) 50p, 20p, 20p, 5p, 2p, 1p (6) 43p 20p, 20p, 2p, 1p (4) 20p, 10p, 5p (3) £1, 50p, 10p, 2p, 2p (5) £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 2p (8) 35p £1.64 £3.89 23 26 72 90 54 6 We asked 100 people to find the least number of UK coins needed to make each of these amounts. 98p

166 I am 3 years older than Sam who was 12 five years ago. 20 I am 7 years younger than Jane who will be 32 in 2 years time. 23 In 3 years I will be twice as old as Sarah who was 17 last year. 39 18 68 26 I am 3 years older than Jim who is 5 years younger than Anne (20). In 2 years time I will be twice as old as James. He is 33 now. My age is midway between Henry (38) and Georgia (12). 54 45 2 76 3 13 We asked 100 people to find the ages from the clues.

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370 Thank you for playing Pointless Maths

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