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Creating a School-wide System of Behavioral Support

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1 Creating a School-wide System of Behavioral Support
ATL/PBS Creating a School-wide System of Behavioral Support

2 Agenda Welcome and History MMSD Guiding Principles Current Practices
PBIS Overview/theory/components Break 9:40 am Common Expectations: Matrix Work Lunch 11:30 am Acknowledgments and Celebrations Break 1:30 pm Inappropriate Behaviors Below/Bottom Line Kick off and Sustainability Sharing Out and Closing Welcome and History – Sara & Rachel MMSD Guiding Principles – Sara Current Practices - Karen PBIS Overview/theory/components - Rachel Break 9:40 am Common Expectations: Matrix Work - Sara Lunch 11:30 am Acknowledgments and Celebrations Rachel Break 1:30 pm Inappropriate Behaviors Below/Bottom Line Karen Kick off and Sustainability Sara Sharing Out and Closing

3 MMSD Guiding Principles Team Time
What resonates with you? How does this document fit with beliefs in your building?

4 Why a positive approach to discipline?
Most common responses to at risk students are punishment and exclusion (Lipsey, 1991; Tolan & Guerra, 1994) Punishment, counseling and psychotherapy are the least effective responses to reduce antisocial and violent behavior in group settings (Gottfredson, 1997; Kazdin, 1985; Lipsey, 1991, 1992; Lipsey & Wilson, 1993; Tolan & Guerra, 1994) Punishing behaviors without a universal system of support is associated with increased occurrences of aggression, vandalism, truancy, tardiness and dropping out (Mayer and Sulzer-Azaroff (1991)

5 What does a system need to include?
Body of evidence that enables us to identify strategies that are effective in preventing and reducing problem behavior (Biglan, 1995; Gottfredson, 1997; Colvin, et al., 1993; Lipsey, 1991, 1992; Mayer, 1995; Sugai & Horner, 1994; Tolan & Guerra, 1994; Walker, et al., 1995; Walker, et al., 1996) Community building Safe skills Social Skills instruction Positive recognitions and celebrations Teaching procedures and routines Rachel What do we do instead?

6 Positive celebrations and recognitions
                           Team time                        Current practices Who is responsible Needs Community Social Skills Safe Skills Positive celebrations and recognitions Teaching procedures and routines

7 One Thought “ Intelligence plus character
One Thought “ Intelligence plus character. That is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King Jr.

8 What PBIS is… A process that emphasizes the creation of systems that support the adoption and durable implementation of evidence-based practices and procedures. An interactive approach that includes opportunities to correct and improve four key elements used in Universal PBS focusing on:

9 4 PBS Elements Supporting Social and Academic Competence &
Behavioral Development 4 PBS Elements OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Child Behavior

10 What PBIS is not… A “Train and Hope” model A “Get Tough” model
Not limited to any particular group of children – it’s for all children Not a specific practice or curriculum…it’s a general approach to preventing problem behavior Not new…its based on a long history of behavioral practices &effective instructional design & strategies

11 Who should use PBIS? Schools that want to:
Improve general activity & school climate & community relations Decrease dependence on reactive disciplinary practices Maximize impact of instruction to affect skill development and behavioral competency Improve behavioral supports for students with emotional & behavioral challenges

12 The Big “BIG” Ideas Decide what is important for youth to know
Teach what is important for youth to know Keep track of how youth are doing Make changes according to the results

13 “Positive Behavior Supports Biggest Idea!”
Instead of working harder, schools have to establish systems/processes and use data and practices that enable them to work smarter. PBS Enables Schools To… Establish a small number of priorities ABOVE THE LINE strategies “do less, better” Consolidate/integrate whenever possible “only do it once” Specify what is wanted & how you’ll know when you get there “invest in a clear outcome and assess progress” Give priority to what works “invest in a sure thing” 13 13

14 Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE
Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: “Above the Line” School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings In the past, school-wide discipline has focused mainly on reacting to specific student misbehavior by implementing punishment-based strategies including reprimands, loss of privileges, office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. Research has shown that the implementation of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently and in the absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective. Introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive social behavior is an important of a student’s educational experience. Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding. The purpose of school-wide PBS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. ~80% of Students

15 PBS Emphasizes Instruction and Prevention at Each Tier
Universal Tier “Above the Line” GOAL: To increase social learning and reduce new cases of problem behavior Secondary Tier GOAL: provide targeted interventions with a continued focus on asset development and skill-building.  Tertiary Tier GOAL: reduce the intensity and complexity of existing occurrences of severe problem behaviors

16 School-wide Practices of ATL/PBS
Define *3-5 School-wide Above the Line Expectations Teach /Precorrect *Direct Instruction of expectations Teaching Matrix, Cool Tools *In the moment reminders Boosters, pre-corrections Model/ adults practice what we preach Practice/ kids practice what we teach Acknowledge *Daily recognition social, tangible *Weekly/quarterly grade-level/whole school celebrations Reteach *Classroom procedure for minor problem behaviors * Discipline Referral for major problem behaviors

17 What does ATL/PBS look like?
>80% of students can tell you what is expected of them & give behavioral examples because they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced, & acknowledged. Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior. Data- & team-based action planning & implementation are operating. Administrators are active participants. Full continuum of behavior support is available to all students

Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement School Wide SCHOOLWIDE – ABOVE THE LINE Aligned Policies, Practices, and Procedures Resource Allocation All-School Activities Family and Community Involvement Physical Environment OUTCOMES SYSTEMS DATA RTI PRACTICES/STRATEGIES ABOVE THE LINE Supporting Staff Learning and Behavior Supporting Decision Making SCHOOLWIDE/CLASSROOM PRACTICES ABOVE THE LINE Rule Creation Fix It/Logical Consequences Morning Meeting Celebrations Infused Social Skills across Curriculum Collaborative Problem Solving Behavior and Academic Choice Classroom Meetings Classroom Organization Pro-active Adult Modeling Positive Teacher Language Working with Families ADULT COMMUNITY – ABOVE THE LINE Strong, Focused Leadership Shared Vision and Planning Common Beliefs and Behaviors Shared Professional Development Adult Community Building PBIS organizes the Host Environment How decisions are made, (Data) How things are done, (Systems) and How staff interact with students (Practices), Supporting Student Learning and Behavior 18

19 School-wide Above the Line
Expectations 3-5 positively and broadly stated expectations For example: Be Safe Be Respectful Be Ready

20 Above The Line Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Below the Line Bottom Line


22 Behavior/ATL MATRIX Clearly define expected behaviors for classroom and non-classroom settings Operationalize the expectations The behavior teaching curriculum

23 School-Wide Behavior/ATL Matrix
PURPOSES: Defines the Expected/ATL Behaviors for Specific Settings. hallways, classrooms, gym, cafeteria, commons, bus loading, bathrooms, assemblies, playground Creates the “Curriculum” that will guide the teaching of expected behaviors. Enhances communication among staff and between students and staff. 23 23

24 Behavior/ATL Matrix Classroom Lunchroom Bus Hallway Assembly
Behavior/ATL Matrix Classroom Lunchroom Bus Hallway Assembly Respect Others Use inside voice Eat your own food Stay in your seat Stay to right Arrive on time to speaker Respect Environment & Property Recycle paper Return trays Keep feet on floor Put trash in cans Take litter with you Respect Yourself Do your best Wash your hands Be at stop on time Use your words Listen to speaker Respect Learning Have materials ready Eat balanced diet Go directly from bus to class Go directly to class Discuss topic in class w/ others

25 Hallway Lunchroom Playground Restroom Be Safe Be Responsible Be
Behavior/ATL Matrix Hallway Lunchroom Playground Restroom Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful

26 Team Time 3-5 School-Wide Above the Line Expectations
Create your Behavior/ATL Matrix (complete and examine) 26 26

27 Establish a continuum to encourage/celebrate expected behaviors
Acknowledgement plan Establish a continuum to encourage/celebrate expected behaviors

28 Purposes of Acknowledgments
Reinforce the teaching of new behaviors Encourage the behaviors we want to occur again in the future Harness the influence of the kids who are showing expected behaviors to encourage the kids who are not Strengthen positive behaviors that can compete with problem behavior Prompt for adults to recognize behavior 28

29 Guidelines for Use of Rewards/Acknowledgements to Build Intrinsic Motivation
Move from other-delivered to self-delivered highly frequent to less frequent (intensive teaching to practice/pre-correction) predictable to unpredictable tangible to social Individualize 29

30 Examples- Welch Elementary


32 Examples of Reinforcements
School Bucks “Golden Plunger” Reinforcements: first in line, extra recess Closed Circuit TV announcements and PA announcements “Shout Outs” Dances, Field Trips Staff celebrations and recognitions Assemblies Showcase student talent All STAR, Super STAR, Rock STAR Social Skills Skits Social Action Projects and Service Learning Multimedia presentations – photos, video Staff Reminders to Reinforce Rubberbands on your wrist switch when giving an acknowledgement Daily “Badges”

33 *PBIS/ATL School-Wide Acknowledgment Matrix
Type What When Where Who High Frequency In the moment, predictable (e.g., Gotchas, Paws, High Fives, etc) Redemption of high frequency (e.g., school store, drawings) Unpredictable/Intermittent (e.g., surprise homework completion treat, random use of gotchas in hallway) Long-term School-wide Celebrations School climate, school-wide target met (e.g., ice cream social, dance, game day) 33

34 Discouraging Inappropriate Behaviors Below the Line – Fix-it Plans=Teacher responsibility Bottom Line = Administrative responsibility

35 Below the Line Bottom Line

36 T- CHART OF BEHAVIOR Classroom Managed BELOW THE LINE Behaviors
Office-Managed BOTTOM LINE Behaviors

37 Sustainability: PBIS/ATL Kick Off
What When Who Staff Students Families

38 Ongoing Support Day Two – January 22 or other date??????? Contact us:
Social Skills curriculum Data Ongoing process (team member roles, kick offs & sustainability) Contact us: Rachel Saladis Karen Windels Sara Knueve

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