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Welcome to Wall Intermediate School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Wall Intermediate School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Wall Intermediate School
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Nuts and bolts Presented by : Tiffany Madhavan John Higham

2 Building Leaders Team Leaders Guidance Staff Coaches Principal
6-1- Mrs. Saini 6-2- Mrs. Libonate 6-3- Mrs. Harpootlian Guidance Staff 6th- Mrs. Griggs 7th- Mrs. McGowan 8th- Mrs. Griggs Coaches K-8 Humanities- Mrs. McChesney K-8 S.T.E.M- Principal Mrs. Embon Assistant Principals Mr. Higham- Grade 7 & 8 Mrs. Madhavan- Grade 6 Supervisory Staff 6-12 Humanities- Mrs. Pacheco 6-8 Humanities- 6-12 S.T.E.M- 6-8 S.T.E.M-

3 Agenda- Domain 4 Components
Reflection on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communication with Families Participating in Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Daily Routine Basic Student Expectations

4 Reflection on Teaching
Observe others’ practices Atlas Rubicon Curriculum MAP Lesson Plan Template attachment Impressions & Reflection What Worked… What Didn’t Work? Common student misunderstandings Question planning … Which offered students’ extension opportunities? How did they respond? Recorded collaboratively during CD time on 1 MAP for revision purposes

5 Maintaining Accurate Records
Genesis Grade book Timely Specific Accurate Communication logs Student portfolios & samples of work Attendance Taken from period 1 class in Genesis (not HR tab) at 8:10 Tardy students marked absent & sent to the office for pass- Office will update attendance

6 Communication with Families
Phone vs. High profile- call Fact based- (spell check) Parent Conferences Guidance office Strengths and challenges Samples of work, updated grade reports, communication log Action Plan- All parties are responsible for an action. Parent- HW Hotline, Teacher- after-school assistance, Child- Tracker Follow up date Facts NOT impressions/judgments Your child is unmotivated OR Your child is missing 4 HW assignments and has only stayed for extra help 1 time. Other tools- HW Hotline, Genesis Parent Portal

7 Participating in a Professional Community
School Community- Get involved Attend school events- Students enjoy seeing their teachers at events! Club Advisor Coach Union Professional Learning Community Department Team (grade 6) Grade level Wall Community- Service Learning Student directed initiative for CHANGE Civic Awareness

8 Growing & Developing Professionally
CD Period Contribute Listen PLC, Department, Faculty- Wednesday New Teacher Training & In-Service Days Mentor Teacher- 1st year only Attend Workshops Submission 1 month prior for BOE approval Read! Faculty handbook Student handbook Professional literature

9 Showing Professionalism
Punctuality Sign in at 8 Be on-time to duties and meetings Meet deadlines Attendance Dress Dress code in teacher handbook Wear ID Behavior In school community Out of school community You are now officially a ROLE MODEL…. How would you like to be regarded?

10 Staff Absences Regular attendance is essential for student growth. In the event of illness, Wall Township utilizes AESOP. Absences can be recorded in two ways: call OR log on to Absences should be entered up until 6:30 a.m. of the day of the absence. After 6:30: AESOP & call Wall Intermediate School ( ).

11 Beginning of the Day / HR Teacher
Sign in at main office by 8:00 am If an emergency arises please call main number Check mail box prior to reporting to classroom Students enter at 8:05- report to designated hallway assignment Homeroom starts at 8:10- submit attendance & issue ID Stickers (if applicable). Tardy Student Mark absent & send to main office for pass. Early Dismissal Complete Early Dismissal Pass & send student to main office with parent’s note

12 End of Day Teachers report immediately to designated assignment at the end of the day Teachers stay after 1 day a week Extra Help or detention Utilize pass Teacher’s Extra Help Or Detention Wednesdays reserved for department, faculty, PLC New Teacher Academy Students must be under supervision until office announces dismissal (3:50) unless an alternate arrangements is made. EX- Student attends 20 minutes with you, then asks to report to a different teacher? You MUST call teacher on white phone to verify before releasing student.

13 Student- ID Badges and Lanyards
Students wear ID everyday and all day No ID Badge – HR teacher issues sticker (ID Sticker) To the end of the lunch line & library line 3 consecutive days no id= lunch detention 2 LD= office referral If student wants a replacement ID – send student to main office ($5 replacement fee must be paid to the main office BEFORE a new ID is generated) Writing or drawing on ID- send ID and Discipline Referral Card to main office Master teachers model procedures: Consistently wear your staff ID.

14 Student- Cell Phones and IPODS
School Day- Must be in OFF mode and out of plain sight After- School- Use phone in designated areas Main entrance or West parking lot entrance IPods NOT permitted in study hall If a phone/IPod is visible or utilized during class: Ask the student to turn off phone/IPod Ask the student for the phone/IPod Send phone/IPod and a Discipline Referral Card to the main office. Do NOT search students for phones or IPODS! Master teachers model procedures; do not use cell phones in the classroom or hallways.

15 Student- Hallway, Cafe, Study Hall
No running, pushing, or shouting in the halls No shutting other students’ lockers No sharing locker combination with others Lunchroom Clean up eating area Be courteous and include others in conversations No food is to be taken out of lunchroom Study Hall Work silently Stay in assigned seat Students who do not adhere to above rules should be corrected & warned. Repeat offenders should be reported to office. Any situation that is dangerous for staff/students: Immediately contact the main office.

16 Student- Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying in any form (physical, verbal, exclusionary or in any cyber mode) will NOT be tolerated and must be reported! All staff will participate in 2 hour mandatory training. Programs Character Counts - Guidance Peer Mediation - Assemblies Knighting Program - Shielding Program Anti-Bullying Specialist - School Safety Team We expect teachers to: Be proactive- assign students to groups, clear rules, procedures, consequences, separate students, etc. Correct inappropriate behavior immediately- contact parents Model behavior- no sarcasm Problematic social relations- see guidance counselor or SFLC Bullying- report to Anti-Bullying Specialist

17 Wrap- Up Supports: Documents- Faculty and Student Handbooks
Do not do yourself the disservice of working through this process alone. Supports: Documents- Faculty and Student Handbooks Board Policies and Regulations Teachers Secretarial Staff Guidance Staff Supervisory Staff Building Administration

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