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Dental Radiography Equipment

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1 Dental Radiography Equipment

2 To use to project the patient’s teeth through x-ray onto the film
Outside covering of film Sheet of lead foil Black paper Film Intraoral X-Ray Film To use to project the patient’s teeth through x-ray onto the film

3 Package of X-Ray Film  To use to project the patient’s teeth through x-ray onto the film

4 X-Ray Film – Various Sizes
1. Size # 1 Anterior periapical 2. Size #2 Periapical and bite-wing Size #3 Long x-ray 3. Size #4 Occlusal projection X-Ray Film – Various Sizes  To use to project the patient’s teeth through x-ray onto the film  To use for intraoral and extraoral projections

5 Extraoral X-Rays – Cephalometric and Panoramic
Cephalometric radiograph Panoramic radiograph Extraoral X-Rays – Cephalometric and Panoramic  To use to project the patient’s teeth through x-ray onto the film  To use for extraoral projections

6 Bite – Wing X – Ray Tabs  To use to take a bite-wing x-ray projection

7 Film Holder – Periapical X – Ray (EeZee-Grip)
 To position and hole an x-ray in patient’s mouth for periapical x-ray

8 Holder for Digital X-Ray Sensor (EeZee-Grip)
Holds film for anterior teeth projection 2. Holds film for posterior teeth projection Holder for Digital X-Ray Sensor (EeZee-Grip)  To position and hold a digital x-ray sensor in patient’s mouth for periapical x-ray

9 Film Holders – Periapical X-Ray
Holds film for anterior teeth projection Hold film for posterior teeth projection Hold film for anterior posterior projection Film Holders – Periapical X-Ray  To position and hold an x-ray in patient’s mouth for periapical x-ray  To allow patient to bite on holder to keep x-ray in place while positioning the position indicating device (PID) and exposing the film

10 Film Holders - XPC  To position and hold an x-ray in patient’s mouth for peripical and bite-wing x-rays using parallel technique  To allow patient to bite on holder to keep x-ray in place while positioning the position indicating device (PID) and exposing the film

11 One Ring and Arm Positioning System
Holds film for bite-wing projection Holds film for anterior and posterior teeth projections 3. Holds film for posterior teeth projection One Ring and Arm Positioning System  To position and hold an x-ray in patient’s mouth for peripical and bite-wing using parallel technique  To allow patient to bite on holder to keep x-ray in place while positioning the position indicating device (PID) and exposing the film

12 1. Lead apron 2. Lead apron with collar to protect thyroid area 3. Lead apron poncho for front and back protection Lead Aprons  To place on patient for protection against scattered x-ray during exposure of x-ray film

13 X-Ray Monitoring Device
 To place on operator’s protective clothing while employee is working in a dental office or radiography lab

14 Position Indicating Device
Tube Head X-Ray Unit Dental X-Ray Unit  To expose film with radiation that is generated in the x-ray unit

15 X-Ray Manual Developing Unit
Tank insert for the developing / fixing solution 2. Water bath/rinsing tank 3. Cover for unit X-Ray Manual Developing Unit  To manually develop exposed dental x-ray taken on patients

16 Panoramic rack Individual single X – Ray racks X-Ray Rack  To place undeveloped x-rays on the rack in the darkroom with only the safelight prior to putting rack in the developer

17 Automatic Film Processor
1 Automatic processor Front loader Automatic Film Processor  To automatically develop x-ray film in darkroom  To develop x-ray film

18 X-Ray View Luminator  To view x-ray for diagnosis

19 Digital Intraoral X-Ray Unit
 To take digital intraoral x-rays without film or without processing the film  To project the image of the teeth by digitally projecting radiation onto an electronic sensor and then to computerized imaging system

20 Rinn XCP Holders for Digital X-Ray Sensors
To position and hold digital sensor in patient’s mouth for priapical and bite-wing x-rays, using parallel technique To allow patient to bite on holder to keep x-ray in place while positioning the PID and exposing the electronic sensor

21 1. Digital Panoramic Imaging Unit
2. Digital Cephalometric Imaging Unit  To take digital panograph x-rays without film or without processing the film  To project the image of maxillary and mandibular teeth by digitally projecting radiation onto an electronic sensor and then to computerized imaging system

22 Cone Beam 3-D Imaging System
 To produce diagnostic 3D images of the head and neck as related to dentistry

23 บรรณานุกรม Dental Instruments “ A pocket guide ”
Linda R. Bartolomucci Boyd, CDA, RDA, BA Program Coordinator Registered Dental Assisting Program Diablo Valley College Pleasant Hill, California

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