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Best time to visit Boston is in July Freedom Trail, Harvard, MIT, Cheers Bar, Marathon… can find them all here …… “City of Boston” and one more....

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Presentation on theme: "Best time to visit Boston is in July Freedom Trail, Harvard, MIT, Cheers Bar, Marathon… can find them all here …… “City of Boston” and one more...."— Presentation transcript:


2 Best time to visit Boston is in July

3 Freedom Trail, Harvard, MIT, Cheers Bar, Marathon… can find them all here …… “City of Boston” and one more.... the Camelot Dynasty. 臥虎藏龍, 人才濟濟, 的哈佛大學, 麻省理工學 院, 都在波士頓這裡. Boston Marathon is famous and every Marathoner in USA want to participate ….. Why didn’t I ran the Boston Marathon? because I worry Terrorists attack? The true answer is I never qualify. (Qualifying time for Boston marathon is 3:30 or less)

4 Massachusetts State House

5 Massachusetts State Capital






11 Charles River

12 Charles River with tandem

13 Boston Common, Freedom Trail start here Freedom Trail is a red (mostly brick) path through downtown Boston, Start at Boston Common that leads to 16 significant historic sites. It is a 2.5 mile walk and end at Bunker Hill Monument

14 Massachusetts State House Within these walls John Adams, John Hancock, Samuel Adams and…debated the future of American self- government and set in motion the American Revolution



17 Paul Revere (Freedom Trail)Faneuil Hall (Freedom Trail)

18 Faneuil Hall Parade

19 Bunker Hill Monument and USS Constitution (is the world's oldest floating commissioned naval vessel, end of Freedom Trail)

20 Camelot Dynasty JFK Library

21 JF Kennedy Library architect by 貝聿銘 I. M. Pei

22 JFK Office


24 MIT ( Million In Training) 麻省理工學院

25 Harvard Campus, 哈佛大學

26 John Harvard 哈佛大學人才濟濟, Mark Zuckerberg ( 臉書創辦人 ) 在 此邂逅他的現任 CBM 妻子 Priscilla Chan… 卧虎藏龍, 哈佛 also 被譽為 中共海外 “ 中央第二黨校官 員培訓校 ” 習近平女兒習明 澤, 薄熙來兒子薄瓜瓜都在這 裡受訓.



29 Boston China town

30 Fenway Park, home of Boston Red Sox

31 TD Garden, home of the Celtics


33 Cheers, Where Everybody Knows Your Name




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