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Cell biology 2 - Organization of the Cell Sung Youn Lee, PhD. Student Veterinary collage, Room 320 02 450 3719, 016 293 6059

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Presentation on theme: "Cell biology 2 - Organization of the Cell Sung Youn Lee, PhD. Student Veterinary collage, Room 320 02 450 3719, 016 293 6059"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell biology 2 - Organization of the Cell Sung Youn Lee, PhD. Student Veterinary collage, Room 320 02 450 3719, 016 293 6059

2 Contents  Clinical Case  Why should we learn about cells?  Cell Structure  Tools of the Cell Biologist  Clinical Case Discussion

3 Clinical Case  Patient: Cat, domestic shorthair, 3 years old  Presenting Signs and Complaints: Gone for 10 days, returned showing labored breathing  Shallow rapid respirations: no lung sounds ausculated; dull chest on percussion  Radiograph: Bilateral fluid in chest  Problem List: 1. Fluid in chest. 2. Dyspnea


5 Why should we learn about cells?  To obtain passing grades in histology, pathology, biochemistry, etc  The pathologic changes were due to malfunctions in cells. Rudolph Ludwig Carl Virchow, 1821–1902

6 Why should we learn about cells?  Increased knowledge of cells and disease will lead to clinical advances such as new vaccines, immunomodulatory drugs that either heighten or suppress the activity of the immune system, new drugs for fighting viral infections and specifically for destroying cancerous growths, more effective diagnostic reagents, and, perhaps, the ability to replace damaged or lacking genes within cells with healthy copies.

7 Cell Structure

8 Animal cell structure

9 Protoplasm Cytoplasm Cytosol

10 Organelles Nucleus, Mitochondria, ER, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Cytoskeleton, Plasma membrane About ½ the total volume of the cytoplasm Cytosol comprises water, ions, amino acids, nucleotides, proteins, glucose, ATP, etc.


12 Mitochondria Similar to bacteria in size and shape Contain their own mitochondrial DNA and making proteins They reproduce by dividing into two Contain the machinery for cellular respiration

13 ER (Endoplasmic reticulum) Consists of flattened sheets, sacs, and tubes of membranes throughout the cytoplasm Responsible for protein synthesis (RER) and lipid synthesis (SER)

14 Golgi apparatus A stack of flattened sacs Involved in the modification and transport of molecules

15 Lysosomes Contains enzymes required for intracellular digestion

16 Peroxisomes Membrane-bound organelles Hydrogen peroxide is generated and degraded

17 Cytoskeleton Gives the cell its shape, its capacity to move, and its ability to transport organelles and vescles from one part of the cell cytoplasm to another. –Microfilament (7-8 nm) –Intermediate (10 nm) –Microtubules (24nm) –Spectrin-based membrane skeleton


19 Thank you for your attention ~

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