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Eastern Illinois University September 23, 2002 A Presentation to the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Eastern Illinois University September 23, 2002 A Presentation to the Illinois Board of Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:


2 Eastern Illinois University September 23, 2002 A Presentation to the Illinois Board of Higher Education

3 Demonstrating Accountability

4 Our Students Fall 2002 Enrollment: Total: 11,163

5 Our Programs Undergraduate Graduate Accreditations

6 Our Faculty Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty: 75% Terminal Degrees: 84.2%

7 Our Facilities –Booth Library –Fine Arts Building –Human Services Center –Tarble Arts Center Addition Critical Maintenance Capital Projects

8 Retention Rate: 78.8% Six-Year Graduation Rate: 65% (Five-Year Rate: 60%) RESULTS

9 1984-2000 Graduates of EIU Positive attitude toward EIU Degree prepared them for career path Employed full or part time 1 Year Out 94% 90% 93% 5 Years Out 97% 88% 95% 9 Years Out 97% 90% 92%

10 EIU retains top tier ranking!

11 Meeting Statewide Needs

12 Teacher Education Meeting content area performance-based standards Providing alternative routes to teacher certification Offering a Beginning Teacher Induction Program Developing a New Leaders Program Addressing shortages in Special Education Developing a School-Based Immersion Program Participating in the development of the A.A.T.

13 Access B.S. in Computer Information Systems EIU4 Board of Trustees B.A. Lakeview College of Nursing Cooperative Minority Teacher Identification and Enrichment Program Gateway Program Trio Student Support Services Grant Services for persons with disabilities

14 Quality Using Technology to Support Teaching and Learning Collaboratively Assessing Student Learning by Doing

15 Productivity –Ad Astra Scheduling System –Web-based Grade System –Electronic Funds Transfer –Prime Vendor Contracts Efficiency Improvements Major Assessment Profiles


17 Partnerships 2+2 Programs Student/Faculty Research Projects Physical Education for Charleston Schools “Adopt a Student” “I Sing the Body Electric” Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Auto Safety Programs Local History Partnerships Cooperative Work Study

18 Partnerships, Continued Illinois Special Olympics Camp New Hope Community Partnership for Adult Fitness School and University Partnerships Peace Meal Program Child Care Resource and Referral Business and Technology Institute Arts Enrichment Programs

19 Per ardua ad astra: Making Progress in Uncertain Economic Times

20 Enhance the quality of academic programs Achieve equitable faculty/staff compensation Improve institutional effectiveness and productivity Heighten the University’s state and national image Increase public and private resources Increase access and diversity within the student body, faculty, administration, and staff Address critical maintenance and the campus master plan Enhance technology and equipment Effectively manage enrollment Increase collegiality and sense of community University Planning Goals

21 FY04 Operating Budget Request Incremental Base Increases Projected FY03 Base Percentage Increase Projected Dollar Increase Salary Increase$68,421,0006%$3,900,000 Medicare 850,0009% 76,500 Library Acquisitions 1,298,31515% 194,700 Utilities 2,325,7495% 116,300 General Cost Increases 10,177,8363% 305,300 Total Incremental Base Increases 83,072,900 4,592,800

22 FY04 Program Priority Budget Requests Amount Goal 1: Economic Growth Special Education Outreach & Expansion $ 282, 200 Goal 2: Teaching & Learning Technology Proficiency Programming Education Scholars 65,000 63,000 Goal 4: Access & Diversity Access & Diversity Programs Diverse Learning Environment Substance Abuse Counselor 133,000 69,000 35,000 Goal 5: High Expectations & Quality Academic Base Support Technology Enhancements Recruiting & Retaining Critical Faculty/Staff (2%) 2,200,000 1,353,700 1,300,000 Goal 6: Productivity/Accountability Utilities Master Plan Illinois Century Network Deferred Maintenance 300,000 125,000 750,000 Total Program Priority Budget Requests 6,675,700 Total FY04 Request $11,268,500 (13.6%)

23 Challenges Building a solid technology infrastructure Maintaining a focus on high quality teaching and learning Meeting the financial needs of our students Managing enrollment Gearing up for NCA Raising external funds Reducing critical maintenance needs

24 Establishing Clear Priorities Prioritizing the Allocation of Limited Resources Attending to Students’ Needs for Affordable Education Pursuing Partnerships That Pool Resources Continuing to Implement Productivity/Efficiency Improvements Retaining Control of the Income Fund Being Mindful of Our Teaching Mission Strategies for Advancement

25 EIU Total Costs by Function, 2000-01 State Universities’ Total Costs by Function, 2000-01

26 Eastern Illinois University -The End-

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