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 starter activity In July 1945, Truman met with Stalin and Churchill at Potsdam. Think of suitable thought bubbles for Stalin & Truman – i.e. what were.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity In July 1945, Truman met with Stalin and Churchill at Potsdam. Think of suitable thought bubbles for Stalin & Truman – i.e. what were."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity In July 1945, Truman met with Stalin and Churchill at Potsdam. Think of suitable thought bubbles for Stalin & Truman – i.e. what were they hoping to achieve at the end of the War.  Think of a US /USSR caption for this photograph. 

2 Did the Yalta and Potsdam conferences heighten or reduce Cold War tensions? To identify evidence of rising tensions at the wartime conferences To reach a judgement on whether conferences strengthened or heightened Cold War differences  LOs

3 Teheran, Nov 1943

4 Yalta, February 1945

5 Potsdam, July-August 1945 Watch the clip from the Channel 4 series, ‘Cold War’ and answer the accompanying questions.

6  Your task Read Phillips, p.23-4 and Read Phillips, p.23-4 and Give examples of growing tensions between the Grand Alliance members at these conferences Give examples of growing tensions between the Grand Alliance members at these conferences  List any evidence of areas of agreement  List any evidence of areas of agreement Yalta Potsdam

7 Growing tensions – Yalta, Feb 1945 Terms of the Atlantic Charter upheld liberal democratic (not Communist) principles Terms of the Atlantic Charter upheld liberal democratic (not Communist) principles Character clashes: ‘…I don’t decry algebra, but I prefer arithmatic’ Character clashes: ‘…I don’t decry algebra, but I prefer arithmatic’ Poland: Communist govt in Lublin v. Polish govt in exile; free elections? Poland: Communist govt in Lublin v. Polish govt in exile; free elections? Death of Roosevelt Death of Roosevelt

8 Growing tensions – Potsdam, July-Aug 1945 Personalities: Truman used ‘language of a Missouri mule driver’; Churchill ousted by Attlee Personalities: Truman used ‘language of a Missouri mule driver’; Churchill ousted by Attlee Poland: boundary changes, Poles deported, Oder-Niesse new W frontier Poland: boundary changes, Poles deported, Oder-Niesse new W frontier Eastern European govt: Communist takeovers Eastern European govt: Communist takeovers Atomic bomb: Manhattan kept secret from Stalin Atomic bomb: Manhattan kept secret from Stalin

9  Extension Study the extracts your teacher provides and note down in different colours evidence that the West and evidence the USSR were to blame for rising tensions at the wartime conferences Study the extracts your teacher provides and note down in different colours evidence that the West and evidence the USSR were to blame for rising tensions at the wartime conferences

10 After Yalta and Potsdam was the glass of international relations half full or half empty? One side of the class must make a case that the conferences achieved very little and indeed raised tensions, the other side must argue that they made significant advances given the potential for disagreement.

11  Extension task Produce a case study on the Soviet foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov Produce a case study on the Soviet foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov

12 Plenary Plenary List areas of agreement and tension at the Yalta & Potsdam conferences List areas of agreement and tension at the Yalta & Potsdam conferences On balance do you think they played a major role in increasing Cold War tensions? On balance do you think they played a major role in increasing Cold War tensions?

13  Homework Complete your reading of the extracts Complete your reading of the extracts Read Stages 2 & 3 (p.25-6) and note down evidence of growing tensions between the West and USSR. Read Stages 2 & 3 (p.25-6) and note down evidence of growing tensions between the West and USSR.

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