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MINDFULNESS. MINDFULNESS Mindfulness skills are psychological and behavioral versions of meditation practices from Eastern spiritual training. Three primary.

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2 MINDFULNESS Mindfulness skills are psychological and behavioral versions of meditation practices from Eastern spiritual training. Three primary states of mind are presented: reasonable mind (RM) is cool, rational, task-focused emotion mind (EM) is hot, mood-dependent, emotion focused wise mind (WM) is synthesis of emotion and reason, quiet, acting with wisdom, without conflict

3 Wise mind is the integration of emotion mind and reasonable mind. You can not overcome emotion with reasonable mind. Nor can you create emotions with reasonableness. You must go within and integrate two Wise mind is like having a heart; everyone has one, whether they experience it or not. Wise mind is almost always quiet; it has certain peace. It is where the person knows something in a centered way. Wisdom, wise mind require training on mindfulness skills

4 CORE “WHAT” MINDFULNESS SKILLS “What” mindfulness skills describe what to do to reach wise mind Observe - attend to events, emotions, and other behavioral responses, without necessarily trying to terminate them when painful or prolong them when pleasant Describe – describing events and personal responses in words Participate – enter completely into activities of the current moment, without separating from ongoing events and interactions.

5 CORE “HOW”MINDFULNESS SKILLS “HOW”MINDFULNESS SKILLS describe how to reach wise mind No Judgment – observe, describe, participate with no judgment; without labeling or evaluating something as good or bad, as valuable or not, as worthwhile or worthless Do one thing at a time – one-mindfully - devote your full attention to a deal you are doing. Concentrate your mind Focus on what works – effectively – do what need to be done in each particular situation. Stay away from “fair” and “unfair”, “right” and “wrong”, “should” and “should not”. Play by the rules. Keep an eye on your objectives in the situation and do what is necessary to achieve them. Do just what is needed in each situation

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