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Global crises and the main challenges and changes in Africa: Climate Change issues Alioune Badara KAERE, UNDP

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Presentation on theme: "Global crises and the main challenges and changes in Africa: Climate Change issues Alioune Badara KAERE, UNDP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global crises and the main challenges and changes in Africa: Climate Change issues Alioune Badara KAERE, UNDP

2 Outline Setting the scene – Africa’s Vulnerability: The Context Development in a time of climate change Climate Changes policies in a time of crisis

3 Africa’s Vulnerability: The Context


5 Africa and Climate Change Economic Changes Impacts of climate change in 2030 could cost up to 2.7% of the GDP in Africa. E.g. Flood in Senegal : 104M$ in 2009, about 0,07% GDP Source: initial results from a global integrated assessment model (FUND); UNEP AdaptCost and EC ClimateCost projects

6 Development in a time of climate change Addressing Africa’s economic growth without compromising the climate?

7 ADAPTATION Adaptation is a prerequisite for development Integrate climate risks into development planning Research community to develop a research agenda that reflect the needs of African governments, and provide tools to predict and understand current climate variability and extremes

8 MITIGATION- Development in a time of climate change Policy to reduce emissions through : – Technology policy, and – removal of barriers to behavioural change.


10 Focus technologies that improve energy efficiency ; shift to new renewable energy technologies is a long process e.g. Senegal : Over a 20 years period, cumulated savings on the import of fossil fuels of almost 70 million USD

11 Climate Changes policies in a time of crisis


13 Postpone a binding legal framework following the KP (2015-2020) Most of International support to DC (GCF), expected from the market mechanisms. Africa to set the pace of the debate – Intellectual leadership on CC. Priority Areas for Research: – Financial Instruments – Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) – Technology Transfer and Diffusion – Institutional challenge


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