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Museum Entrance Ö Press for Curator. Room 2 Room 3 Museum Entrance.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Entrance Ö Press for Curator. Room 2 Room 3 Museum Entrance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Entrance Ö Press for Curator

2 Room 2

3 Room 3 Museum Entrance

4 1978 PDPA In April 1978, the communist Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) seized power in the Saur Revolution. Within months, opponents of the communist government launched an uprising in eastern Afghanistan that quickly expanded into a civil war waged by guerrilla munahideen against government forces countrywide. The Pakistani government provided these rebels with convert training centers, while the soviet union sent thousands of military advisers to support the PDA government.Moral of the story, the soviet union invades Afghanistan, beginning a decade long war that ends with their withdraw in 1988. ed=0CAQQjB0&,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEJTXzXyT4cfyXUu3EOfdr52yzYtw&ust=1398257095866909

5 1983- Antiballistic Missile Treaty  The Soviet Union accuses the United States of violating the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty following President Reagans announcement of his Strategic Defense Initiative

6 Return to Room Image acquired at: copan.gif U.S and China  On January 19 U.S and China established diplomatic relationships, meaning they are making a effort to work together in a professional manner. Both Chinese and American governments published the Joint Communiqué of the Peoples Republics of China and the U.S concerning the establishment of their diplomatic relationships.

7 president carter-SALT 1980- President Carter responded to the soviet intervention by withdrawing the SALT II treaty from the senate. By doing so, embargoes on grain and technology shipments to the USSR were imposed. He demanded a increase in military spending. Return to Room Image acquired at: &q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ca d=rja&uact=8&docid=NYgL3iBvXahC kM&tbnid=kh3wOc_8LWiBsM:&ved= 0CAQQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgirl jimmy-carter-speaks-out-against-abuse- of-women-worldwide%2F&ei=GfxVU- mAFcmNyAS024L4Bw&bvm=bv.6517 7938,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNHMOupR cNmdmQY_aqXos6tnYwAmMg&ust= 1398230386650629

8 S.U shoots down Korean air line flight 007  The Soviet Union Shot down Korean Air Line Flight 007, holding 269 people.  Happening in 1983, called one of most dangerous moments since the Cuban Missile Crisis.  The Soviet Union Shot down Korean Air Line Flight 007, holding 269 people.  Happening in 1983, called one of most dangerous moments since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Return to Room Image acquired at:

9 1985 -1989 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the soviet union. The following year he declares glasnost a perestroika. Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the soviet union. The following year he declares glasnost a perestroika. Return to Room Image acquired at: com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=39

10 Reunification of Germany 0& iCJ7fKsQS994GwAw&bvm=bv.65177938,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHs4acNWPTYEAaGTQbTJq7SUHeswA&ust=1398229368923180 On May of 1990, George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev agree to the reunification of Germany. Germany unifies In 1994

11 S.U Abolished !?!?!  December 1991, the Soviet Union was abolished. We all know it was best to abolish the S.U. In the eyes of Russia, abolishing the soviet union might have been the best hope for the future.  Political and economic alternatives still excised.  December 1991, the Soviet Union was abolished. We all know it was best to abolish the S.U. In the eyes of Russia, abolishing the soviet union might have been the best hope for the future.  Political and economic alternatives still excised.

12 Carli Pritchard Carli Pritchard is a sophomore at Clear Springs High School. She is her class president and is very involved in the fine arts department. Carli is also very involved in the Methodist Church and enjoys helping others. Return to Room Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler based on one of the sample virtual museums provided by the Keith Valley staff at ISTE’s NECC 2005. Contact Dr. Keeler for more information on using this template.Keith Valley Middle School Dr. Christy KeelerKeith ValleyISTENECC Dr. Keeler

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