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COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS County of Los Angeles Public works 2015 Sustainable Pavement Round Table February 10, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS County of Los Angeles Public works 2015 Sustainable Pavement Round Table February 10, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS County of Los Angeles Public works 2015 Sustainable Pavement Round Table February 10, 2015

2 Agenda: County of San Diego  Introduction to Pavement Network  Selection Criteria for Resurfacing  Pavement Preservation Projects  Pavement Recycling Projects  Subgrade Stabilization projects  Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement  Lessons Learned  Sustainable Implementation challenges  Other information 2

3 3 Map of SD County Supervisorial Districts SD 5 SD 3 SD 4 SD 1 SD 2SD CL MI 164.95 21,072.45 384.83 40.56 5717.00 Total1,939.79

4 4 PAVEMENT NETWORK - CONDITION COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO  2012 Average PCI = 64 (Unincorporated Areas of County of San Diego)

5 5  MicroPaver ®  Community Planning Group Priorities  Road crew priorities / Customer Concerns  Distribution of funding by Supervisorial District lane mile percentages  Street Saver ® starting July 1, 2015 Selection Criteria Maintenance Projects COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

6 6  Department Wide:  Fog Seal (shoulders and berms)  Slurry Seal ( Type 2 & 3) Conventional Polymer Modified REAS TRMSS  Chip Seal (Medium-fine & Medium) Conventional Polymer Modified  Road Crews Localized Repairs Skin Patching Crack Sealing PAVEMENT PRESERVATION: Projects & Rd Crews COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

7 7 Advance planning to focus on pavement preventative maintenance PAVEMENT PRESERVATION PROJECTS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Chip Seal Cape Seal Slurry Seal

8 8  Slurry Seal –Via Del Charro, Rancho Santa Fe  0.49 mile Type 2 Slurry Seal including digouts PAVEMENT PRESERVATION – SLURRY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

9 9  Chip Seal – Honey Springs Road, Jamul  2 mile scrub seal including flush coat and digouts PAVEMENT PRESERVATION – CHIP SEAL COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

10 10  Cape Seal, Bonita Glen Terrace, Bonita (Micromill, Scrub Seal with Type II)  Rejuvenating Sealer with 5/16” chips PAVEMENT PRESERVATION - CAPE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

11 11  COSD has not used Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR) or Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR)in recent years  14/15 AC Overlay Contract has initial CIR project - Dehesa Road (2.23 miles) 3” CIR with 1.5” cap of MAC 15-TR  With success on Dehesa Road, we expect to increase our use of CIR in future contracts  COSD considers CIR and CCPR reconstruction/rehabilitation rather than preventative maintenance.  We are assessing the cost-effectiveness of CCPR as part of our Preventative Maintenance Program  We are beginning to stockpile AC grindings from mill/fill projects for general re-use by road crews. PAVEMENT RECYCLING PROJECTS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

12 12  Current staff has minimal experience with the use of these processes.  In general, we are moving away from removing all existing AC. Many rural roads do not have engineered structural section complicating recycling.  Require experienced contractors  We would consider these treatments for large segments of existing road with substantial subgrade issues  Use alternate methods such as overlay and fabric rather than removal of entire structural section  We would address this issue via our Capital Improvement Program Project Development Section SUBGRADE STABILIZATION PROJECTS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

13 13 USE OF RECLAIMED ASPHALT PAVEMENT COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO  Allow for RAP in all asphalt resurfacing projects (up to 15%) per 2010 Caltrans Standard Specifications Section 39-1.02F, “Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement”  We are developing a RAP program that includes:  Chip Seals  Build a stockpile of grindings for future sustainable projects  All road crews to use the stockpile for backfilling local repairs, shoulder backing, etc…

14 14  Expectations: What performance or life cycle do you expect from a specific treatment  Consider all Options: Conventional AC may be the most appropriate treatment for some applications  We need to become more knowledgeable regarding limitations and benefits of sustainable treatments  Experienced and knowledgeable construction inspector staff is critical to the success of sustainable treatment use  Road Crews: Most knowledgeable about their roads LESSONS LEARNED COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

15 15  Flat revenues  New regulations (ADA requirements)  Drain on Road Fund: emergencies/natural disasters  Standard specifications to support new procedures  Staffing shortages CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

16 16 OTHER INFO COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO  Preventative Maintenance Project Team  Advanced Planning: Road Maintenance  Geotechnical: CIP Materials Lab  Project Management: CIP Project Development  Construction: CIP Construction Inspection  Maintenance Contracts allow for 3 different types of seals. Contractor selects and bids appropriately:  TRMSS  REAS  RPMS  Warm Mix asphalt  Placed a test section on a high volume road. So far operating adequately

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