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BCAL: we’re rolling out the barrel and having a barrel of fun! z. papandreou university of regina presented at the GlueX Collaboration Meeting, held at.

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Presentation on theme: "BCAL: we’re rolling out the barrel and having a barrel of fun! z. papandreou university of regina presented at the GlueX Collaboration Meeting, held at."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCAL: we’re rolling out the barrel and having a barrel of fun! z. papandreou university of regina presented at the GlueX Collaboration Meeting, held at Jefferson Lab january 28, 2009 on behalf of the GlueX-Regina Team: J. Chan, B. Giesbrecht, K. Janzen, S. Katsaganis, D. Kolybaba, S. Krueger, B. Leverington, T. Li, G. Lolos, E. Plummer, A. Semenov, I. Semenova, Y. Sun, K. Vuthitanachot, Y. Yongzhe, A. Heinrichs, L. Sichello, A. Watson

2 overview schedule & invoicing facilities, personnel, materials, document control fibres: QA testing matrix construction progress procedures transmission uniformity summary Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 2

3 schedule & invoicing Construction Prototype: signed May 6, 2009 Planned completion date: September 25, 2009; actual October 23, 2009 Production Modules: signed August 7, 2009 Delivery dates: first 4: Feb 10, 2010 now: April 10, 2010 Project Progress Readiness review: JLab inspection/site visit to Regina (Nov 4) quality issues in Construction Prototype → build Module 01 alone Reporting: EVMS, bi-monthly Invoicing: is smoothing out 3 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010

4 facilities, personnel, materials, documents Facilities  Construction 1300 ft 2 ; Fiber & Sensor QA 1100 ft 2  Presses and Swager: operational  Fibre sorting table: operational  Detector lab (two stations): operational  Underground lab (overflow): operational  New Storage (500 ft 2 ): ready Personnel  Construction Manager: Dan Kolybaba; officially on board October 1  Undergraduates:  full time/contract: 4x 12-month Engineering Industrial Interns, 1x Engineering CoOp, 2x 0.5 Physics = 6 (4 of them on construction and 2 on fibre QA), + one permanent staffer (recent B.Sc. graduate) for project’s duration Materials, Machining  Incidentals, Consumables: weekly inventory and replenishment  Fibers: first 8 shipments clockwork; minor packaging and shipping issues resolved!  Lead: first 2 (of 4) large shipment from Vulcan received, 3rd in early Feb, 4th in April - check quantity before 4th  Epoxy: supply regular, contract in place  Spare parts: in hand for everything except swager (JLab will handle)  RMS: 46 top plates + 8 base plates + 2 modules machined, contract will be put in place next week  Crates: disposable, design is done, work on 1st crate starts today! 4 Document Control  Checklists: in place  Hardcopy logbooks: in place  E-log: operational, web access  Excel Worksheets: implemented for build stats, epoxy tracking, fibre tests  Traveler docs: done  Web site: password: operational  Versioning system: in place  Manual: written after 1st 4 modules Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010

5 fibre QA tests First Article: bench reference Production: Condition/packaging (checklist, pictures) Diameter, Spectral Response Attenuation length: LED, photodiode current N pe at 200cm: 90 Sr, PMT, external trigger Contract Specifications: Diameter: 1.00mm, RMS<2% Attenuation length: >300cm, RMS<10% Light output: >3 p.e., RMS<15% 5 Nearly 300,000 fibres on hand! 30-40 fibres per day at each station Goal is to test ~1% from each shipment Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010

6 fibre spectral response qualitatively the spectra measured at Regina agree with the Kuraray data integrals are close, but shapes are different response is acceptable and scales by distance in a similar fashion spectra from production fibres have been acquired; they look nominal 6 Kuraray brochure Kuraray Batch JS072 Fibre K06-3 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010

7 fibre attenuation length 7 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010... but fibres meet specs Category ACategory B Noticeable lot-to-lot variation Large Shipment-to-shipment change 1234567 2nd dye change Kuraray and Regina results track each other

8 fibre light output 8 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010... but fibres meet specs Small lot-to-lot variation Small Shipment-to-shipment change 1234567 2nd dye change Kuraray and Regina results almost track

9 fibre attenuation-Npe correlation 9 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 Shipments 1-6 Shipment 7 Npe at fibre’s end Npe at fibre’s midpoint

10 simulated fibre performance spread 10 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 BCAL coordinates attenuation accounted for Poisson + Gauss Negligible effect!

11 construction prototype Procedure changes (deliberate) Press adjustments, leveling Lunar lander feet No vaseline! →problems Poly sheet, foam rubber, fettuccine 11 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 Difficult, slow, errors made Proven: “surplus” lead/rolling Proven: swaging Proven: procedure changes Proven: press plate contact Poly 0.006”, Rubber 1/8” Lunar Lander feet Front edge Back edge 2 mm

12 lessons learned Building sensitive to amount of glue, lead shape and lead rolling We have learned and overhauled procedures and re-trained! control glue, changed lead swaging, re-check before laying use alignment posts, runner & wire with the new lead, swaging and laying is going well controlling gluing time and ram sequence Prototype 2: Green-blue fibres jumped lead layer 12 dead fibres? Remarkable build: height within 1mm everywhere! Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 Alignment posts required press anchoring; this contributed to front/back height asymmetry Rubber foam also contributed to asymmetry Lunar lander feet did not help; they have been dropped Back to thicker (2” total) press plate

13 construction prototype matrix build - visually 13 Side A/B colourSide A/B b/w Blow up Issues: profile mismatch jumped tracks kink in lead sheet Fix: patch Fibre clean up (Machined at RMS, Oct. 14-23; traveler docs provided) Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 kink patch

14 faces - comparison ‘Ruler’ test: spectacularly poor! Effect resembles cross talk ‘Top 40’ layers good except at a few spots We believed we can do even better. JLab believed as well. 14 Side ASide B Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010

15 ‘Beauty’ and the ‘Beast’ 15 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 CP Mod 01 ‘orange bands’ Beauty Beast

16 ‘orange bands’ 16 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010... have been seen in Prototype 2: BCF-20 fibres CP: SCSF-78MJ fibres Mod01: SCSF-78MJ fibres Nothing remarkable about the Kuraray fibres: attenuation, Npe, spectral nominal Pressing cannot cause this effect Machining cannot either (vertical passes) Gluing preparation appears nominal It could be epoxy oxidation: will check wavelength under UV LED excitation spectral Npe attenuation length

17 optical transmission setup Objective: measure light transmission through finished modules, in order to test optical uniformity of each module Method: it is based on a 4 x 9 4cm 2 grid, stable (few x 10 -3 ), easy, fast, portable (use at RMS), and yields reproducible results Next: method has been applied to Construction Prototype and soon to Prototype 02 and Module 01 17 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 Light source: Winston Cone, UV LED, low voltage supply Readout: Winston Cone, photo-diode, picoammeter Aluminum mask with four sets of bolts to base plate, to allow for overlapping pattern coverage

18 optical transmission tests 18 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010 Construction Prototype Source: UV LED (380 nm) at 3V (supply in constant current mode) Light intensity at exit of Winston Cone is ~330 μA Measured by taping both WC together Stable: change only in 3rd digit over 30 min Measurements with dry-dry, grease-dry, grease-grease contact: grease necessary at input, makes small difference at output Transmission throughput around 1/100 of incident light

19 construction - summary & proposal matrix layup facilities are operational; two-press build started in January 2010 students are now fully trained: new, strict protocols lead rolling and runner-post-wire alignment careful placing of thick press plate plus high density polyethylene minus lunar feet epoxy and ram sequence control drawings are near final, travellers ditto transmission uniformity method finalized fibres: within specs module progress: Module 01: machined, transmission tests & traveller pending Module 02: constructed, will be shipped to RMS for machining/transmission/traveller Module 03: construction in progress (near layer 110) Module 04: construction in progress (near layer 20) First four modules to JLab in early April 19 Z. Papandreou & GlueX-Regina Team, GlueX Collaboration Meeting, January 25, 2010

20 Roll out the barrel, we'll have a barrel of fun Roll out the barrel, we've got the blues on the run Zing, boom, tararrel, ring out a song of good cheer Now's the time to roll the barrel, for the gang's all here Beer Barrel Polka available as ringtone

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