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Other tests.  More than one dependent variable/ outcome ◦ Often variables are related ◦ Need a procedure to estimate simultaneously.

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Presentation on theme: "Other tests.  More than one dependent variable/ outcome ◦ Often variables are related ◦ Need a procedure to estimate simultaneously."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other tests

2  More than one dependent variable/ outcome ◦ Often variables are related ◦ Need a procedure to estimate simultaneously

3  MANOVA with ◦ gender (2 levels: male, female) ◦ Race (4 levels: caucasian, african american, asian american, hispanic) ◦ Grade (5 levels: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)  DVs ◦ Adolescent coping scale  Seek social support  Focus on solving the problem  Word hard and achieve  Worry  Invest in close friends  Seek to belong  Wishful thinking  Not coping  Tension reduction  Social action  Ignore the problem  Self-blame  Keep to self  Seek spiritual support  Focus on the positive  Seek professional help  Seek relaxing diversions  Physical reaction

4  MANOVA Results With Demographics as Independent Variables FactorsFp-value Gender.77.70 Race1.95.001 Grade1.32.06 Gender x race.88.69 Gender x grade.96.55 Race x grade1.06.30 Gender x race x grade.89.83

5  One factor on which participants are tested more than once

6  Repeated measures ANOVA with ◦ Gender (2 levels: male, female) ◦ Interaction (2 levels: same sex, opposite sex) ◦ Grade level as repeated measure  11 th grade  12 th grade  Multiple outcomes measured in the two grades

7  Can equalize initial differences among groups by including a covariate  Helps improve power by reducing problems with random assignment

8  Women read scenarios about a woman who chooses to have sex or not  ANCOVA with ◦ Relationship condition (4 levels: passion, passion+intimacy+no commitment, passion+intimacy, passion+intimacy+commitment) ◦ Included ratings of acceptability of non-sexual scenario as covariate (to control for baseline ratings of protagonist) ◦ DV: social acceptance (wanted to meet protagonist)

9  Can include more than one predictor of an outcome

10  Multiple regression ◦ Outcome: child language skills ◦ Predictors:  Mother literacy activities  Mother’s level of education  Mother’s age  Amount of shared reading

11  How well items “hang” together and form clusters (factors)  Represent factors that are related to one another by a more general construct

12  Interested in how experiences before 12 influence dating and peer relationships during adolescence  No scale of relationships  Administered 80 items with behaviors from self to partner or from partner to self  Conducted a factor analysis to see what types of behaviors were highly related with one another and formed “clusters” of related behaviors

13  Find all published studies that examine a particular relationship, then pull out and combine effects from all studies

14  Examined whether elicited emotions (happiness, anger, sadness, anxiety) predict changes in cognitions, emotions, physiology, and behavior  Identified all published studies that included more than one emotion and at least one of the outcomes  Coded factors in each study: college students vs. community members, cover story or not  Also coded the effects – how large was the difference between 2 groups (heart rate in sad versus happy group)

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