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Golden Key 2 Anglų kalbos gramatika. U 7 can/can’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Golden Key 2 Anglų kalbos gramatika. U 7 can/can’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Golden Key 2 Anglų kalbos gramatika

2 U 7 can/can’t

3 U7 lonely? happy? a boy? sad? cold? a girl? hot? a snowman?

4 U 8 Galima sutrumpinti: I've got You've got We've got They've got He's got She's got

5 Sudaryk sakinukus pvz.: I have got a green car.

6 U 8 Daiktavardžių daugiskaita Galūnėje – s Artikelio a/an nebereikia A bag – bags A dog – dogs A girl – girls A book – A rabbit – A pen – A notebook – A heart – A star – An angel -

7 U 9 in next to on under

8 U 9

9 U 10 tall. a girl. a pupil. pupils. children. boys. girls. a boy. a girl. a table.

10 U 10 Sudaryk ir parašyk sakinius.

11 U 11 Klausimai Ar...? Atsakymai. Yes, I am. No, I am not. Yes, you (we, they) are. No, you (we, they) aren’t. Yes, he (she, it) is. No, he (she, it) isn’t.

12 U11 sudaryk klausimus: pvz.: Are children tired?

13 II klasės taisyklės I knyga U1 I am U1 This is my.... My name is..... U2 Let‘s... ! U2 I have got a.... She has got a.... He has got a.... U3 I am not.... U4 Don‘t... ! U5 It is … It is not … She/he is.... She/he isn‘t....

14 II knyga U7 can/can’t U7 Are you…? Yes, I am. No, I am not. U8 I have got a.... They have got... She has got a.... He has got a.... U8 Daiktavardžių daugiskaita: Galūnėje – s Artikelio a/an nebereikia U9 Is it...? Is he …? Is she …? Yes, … is. No, … isn’t. U9 It is on... It is under... It is in... It is next to.... U 10 They are... We are... You are... He is... She is... It is... U11 Are we...? Are you...? Are they...? Yes, they are. No, they aren‘t.

15 III knyga U13 She hasn‘t got.... He hasn‘t got.... U13 They are not.... U14 Can you...? Can they... ? Yes, you can. No, they can‘t. U14 Can she...? Can he...? Yes, she can. No, he can‘t. U15 I like.... I don‘t like.... U15 Do you like...? Yes, I do. No, I don‘t. U16 Is it...? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. U16 I think.... U17 Have you/I/we/they got...? Yes, I have. No, you haven‘t. U17 Has she/he got? Yes, she have. No, he haven‘t. Asmenuok: I am... You are... We are... They are... She is... He is...


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