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 Standard plain films: supine AP erect AP Lt. lateral decubitus.

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2  Standard plain films: supine AP erect AP Lt. lateral decubitus

3  gas pattern :intraluminal, intramural  Exrtraluminal gas  Soft tissue masses  Calcification

4 1. What segment ? 2. The caliber ? 3. The most distal point ? 4. The gut mucosa ? 5. Air - fluid levels ?

5  The stomach:  Location  Pattern  fluid level

6 Small bowel  Caliber  Location  Pattern  fluid levels

7  Large bowel  Caliber  Location  Pattern  fluid levels

8  The Location  Assessment of mucosal pattern : 1. Plicae circularis 2. Colonic haustra  Number of loops  Lower ileum & sigmoid colon ??

9  Usually seen in erect position  Stomach  Duodenum  Small bowel  Large bowel

10  Mechanical obstruction  Paralytic ileus  Acute ischemia  Inflammatory bowel disease

11 -Causes : -Features:

12 -Causes : -Features:

13  Causes :  Features of dilated large & small bowel  Gas is seen within the rectum

14  Causes :  Features

15  Sigmoid volvulus :

16  Causes  Features  Barium enema is CONTRAINDICATED

17  ERECT FILMS, additional views  Causes  Features


19  Pneumatosis

20  Bowel wall ischaemia

21  Assess :  the location (two views),  the pattern  the shape  Common calcifications

22  Rim like  Linear  Lamellar  Cloudy

23  Causes






29  In normal subject 1. Lateral & inferior edge of liver 2. Spleen 3. Both kidneys 4. Psoas muscles 5. UB 6. Uterine indentation



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