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1 Change Record

2 Transport Layer Security - TLS record 1 No MAC or Padding can be present at end of TLS records before all cipher algorithms and parameters have been negotiated and handshaked and then confirmed by sending a CipherStateChange record for signalling that these parameters will take effect in all further records sent by the same peer.

3 Best-first search - Algorithm Best First Search 1 b. Otherwise: change recorded parent if this new path is better than previous one.

4 Roaming - Mobile Terminated Call 1 The usage by a subscriber in a visited network is captured in a file called the 'TAP' (Transferred Account Procedure) for GSM / 'CIBER' (Cellular Intercarrier Billing Exchange Record) for CDMA, AMPS etc..

5 Ultra Density Optical - Writing technology 1 UDO uses a Phase Change recording process that permanently alters the molecular structure of the disc surface.

6 Ultra Density Optical - Rewritable 1 The UDO Rewritable format uses a specially formulated Phase Change recording surface that allows recorded data to be deleted and modified

7 Ultra Density Optical - True write once 1 The UDO True Write Once format uses a different phase change recording surface than the Rewritable media. Unlike Rewritable media, the write once recording surface cannot be erased or altered, making Write Once the most stable in terms of data integrity, because the physical record is kept authentic. This level of data integrity is not usually matched by other magnetic disc or tape technologies using normal write once emulation.

8 Ultra Density Optical - Data authenticity and integrity 1 UDO provides absolute data authenticity for applications where archived information must remain 100% unchanged – banks and legal institutions, for example. UDO uses a phase change recording process that permanently alters the molecular structure of true write once media, ensuring data is integral at the most fundamental level.

9 Electronic medical record - Comparison with paper-based records 1 The ability to exchange records between different EMR systems (interoperabilityAdapted from the IEEE definition of interoperability, and legal definitions used by the FCC (47 CFR 51.3), in statutes regarding copyright protection (17 USC 1201), and e-government services (44 USC 3601)) would facilitate the co-ordination of health care delivery in non-affiliated health care facilities

10 Secure Sockets Layer - TLS record 1 : No MAC or Padding can be present at end of TLS records before all cipher algorithms and parameters have been negotiated and handshaked and then confirmed by sending a CipherStateChange record (see below) for signalling that these parameters will take effect in all further records sent by the same peer.

11 Definitive Media Library - Scope 1 * records (metadata) are kept in a CMDB about where the software is installed and deployed from the DML and into the production environment. Each installation or deployment should be authorised by a corresponding production change request and the resulting change recorded in the CMDB as a relationship between the DML artefact and the platform where it has been deployed.

12 Specification - Guidance and content 1 * Change control|Change record to summarize the chronological development, revision and completion if the document is to be circulated internally

13 Timesten - Replication 1 Change capture is via log-mining with in- memory optimization; under normal operating conditions change records are captured from the in-memory log buffer with no need for any disk I/O

14 Smarterphone 1 'Smarterphone' is a company making software for mobile phones. The company was founded in 1993 as 'Kvaleberg AS', but was renamed to Smarterphone in December 2010.[ en.jsp?kid=20100000572344sokeverdi=96 8304283 Name change record] from the Norwegian register authority

15 LDIF - Tools that employ LDIF 1 The OpenLDAP utilities include tools for exporting data from LDAP servers to LDIF content records (ldapsearch), importing data from LDIF content records to LDAP servers (ldapadd), and applying LDIF change records to LDAP servers (ldapmodify).

16 System Support Program - Functions and components 1 ** UPDATE, to change records in a defined file.

17 Historical cost 1 Depreciation affects the Book value|carrying value of an asset on the balance sheet. The historical cost will equal the carrying value if there has been no change recorded in the value of the asset since acquisition. Improvements may be added to the cost basis of an asset.

18 Emergency Banking Act - Proposal and Implementation 1 On March 15, 1933, the first day of stock trading after the extended closure of Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange recorded the largest one-day percentage price increase ever with the Dow Jones Industrial Average gaining 8.26 points to close at 62.10; a gain of 15.34 percent

19 Change (band) - Demise and future 1 The availability of the X-Change recordings was resolved in 2009 after Romani closed a deal with the Italian label Fonte Records to release the album late that same year. The album was released under the title Change Your Mind, it was produced by Davide Romani and Francesco Puccioni, written by Davide Romani, Mike Francis and Patrick Boothe, with Boothe as the main lead vocalist.

20 Nairobi Securities Exchange - 1996–2005 1 For the year ending 31 December 2003, the exchange recorded an equity turnover exceeding Kshs. 15.25 billion, more than the combined equity turnover recorded in the previous five years.

21 Nairobi Securities Exchange - 1996–2005 1 For the year ending 31 December 2004, the exchange recorded an equity turnover exceeding Kshs. 22.32 billion; an increase of 46.37% over the corresponding period for 2003.

22 Nairobi Securities Exchange - 1996–2005 1 For the year ending 31 December 2005, the exchange recorded an equity turnover exceeding Kshs. 36.52 billion (a 63.61% increase over the previous year's performance of Kshs. 22.32 billion),

23 Land registration - England 1 Precautionary measures have been introduced in recent years to verify the identity of persons attempting to change records of title

24 Bamboo slips - Accoutrements 1 One accoutrement used when writing on bamboo slips was a small knife which would be used to scrape away mistakes and make amendments. Decorated knives became a symbol of office for some officials indicating their power to amend and change records and edicts.

25 DNSSEC - Overview 1 While protecting IP addresses is the immediate concern for many users, DNSSEC can protect any data published in the DNS, including text records (TXT), mail exchange records (MX), and can be used to bootstrap other security systems that publish references to cryptographic certificates stored in the DNS such as Certificate Records (CERT records, RFC 4398), Secure Shell|SSH fingerprints (SSHFP, RFC 4255), IPSec public keys (IPSECKEY, RFC 4025), and Transport Layer Security|TLS Trust Anchors (TLSA, RFC 6698).

26 Global Mirror 1 Global mirror periodically pauses updates of the primary volumes and swaps change recording bitmaps

27 Puss n' Toots - Plot 1 Tom then presses the button to change records, but forgets he is sitting on one

28 Daniel Johnston - Art career 1 In 1993, the Sound Exchange record store in Austin, Texas commissioned Johnston to paint a mural of the Hi, How Are You? frog (also known as Jeremiah the Innocent) from his Hi, How Are You|1983 album cover

29 G-Dragon 1 At the age of eight he was under contract at SM Entertainment, but he decided to change record labels

30 International Standard Bibliographic Description 1 One of the original purposes of the ISBD was to provide a standard form of bibliographic description that could be used to exchange records internationally. This would support IFLA's program of universal bibliographic control.

31 For More Information, Visit: e-change-record-toolkit.html e-change-record-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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