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Slow watering of crops and plants

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1 Slow watering of crops and plants
TRICKLE IRRIGATION Slow watering of crops and plants United Farmers USA Manning, SC

United Farmers USA (UFUSA) is a non-profit support organization dedicated to helping the small farmer succeed. The primary purpose of the organization is to provide a wide range of outreach and technical assistance, including educational programs and resources to assist small farmers.

With local chapters around the country, United Farmers offer a variety of programs to benefit small farmers including, but not limited to: Farm Management Business Management Financial Management Cooperative Marketing

United Farmers USA works within the community to develop the skills necessary to become successful farmers, ranchers or forest landowners through: Outreach Education Mentorship

5 TRICKLE IRRIGATION Types of Irrigation
Irrigation is the slow application of water to plants on or beneath the soil surface. Types of systems for applying the water are: Drip Irrigation Spray Irrigation Bubbler Irrigation Subsurface Irrigation For general information to the New and Beginning Farmer a brief discussion will be given of each system.

In drip irrigation, water is supplied slowly by continuous drops or streams through small openings called emitters or drippers. In this application the soil is responsible for distribution of the water.

Spray irrigation is a system where water is applied to the soil surface as a small spray or mist. The air distributes the water. This system is good for: Orchards Vineyards All terrains Most Agricultural Crops Soils including steep or rocky ground

8 TRICKLE IRRITATION Bubbler Irrigation
In Bubbler irrigation, water is supplied in a small stream or fountain. A small basin is needed to control water distribution.

9 Subsurface Irrigation
TRICKLE IRRITATION Subsurface Irrigation In subsurface irrigation, water is applied slowly below the soil surface through emitters. This system works well on all terrains, most agricultural slopes and soil including steep and rocky ground. It is good for: Row Crops Sown or Sodded Crops

10 TRICKLE IRRITATION Drip System Overview
This presentation will concentrate on the Drip Irrigation System. It’s Uses Layout Soil Advantages Disadvantages and Costs

11 TRICKLE IRRIGATION Drip Irrigation - Use
In Drip Irrigation, water is applied slowly by continuous drops or streams through small openings in tubing or small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets called emitters or drippers. Water is applied to the very roots of the plants Water application is more frequent Good for row crops, vegetable, plant gardens, orchards and vineyards All terrains and most crops and soils, including steep or rocky ground

12 TRICKLE IRRITATION Drip Irrigation - Layout
Components of a typical Drip Irrigation system include: Pump unit which takes water from the well or pond and provides the right pressure for delivery into the pipe system. Valves to control pressure and discharge in the entire system. Main lines, sub lines, and laterals supply water via valves into the fields; and emitters or drippers which are used to control the discharge of water from the lateral to the plants.

13 TRICKLE IRRITATION Drip Irrigation - Layout
Typical Drip Irrigation system configuration:

14 TRICKLE IRRITATION Drip Irrigation - Layout
Working from a good plan is essential in designing an efficient Drip Irrigation system. It will be a great asset when making a material list. Three steps in planning your layouts are: Start by making a sketch of area you want to water. Include and label all plant types you want to include. Add obstacles you need to work around.

15 TRICKLE IRRITATION Drip Irrigation - Soil
Clay soils absorb water very slowly and run off may occur if applied too quickly. Sandy soils absorb water very quickly and run-off doesn’t usually occur. Loam (mix of clay and sandy) absorption rate is greater than clay but not as fast as sandy. For slopes, install drip tubing along the parallel of the slope and install 5 gallons per hour emitters. Lower flow emitters with shorter and more frequent watering times will prevent run-off and soil erosion.

16 TRICKLE IRRITATION Drip Irrigation - Advantages
One major advantage of Drip Irrigation over other methods is that fertilizer or nutrient can be added into the water during irrigation. Other Advantages Includes: Less expensive to install than conventional surface use less water. They supply water where it is needed at the very roots of the plant. Plant stress is reduced with consistent watering. Drip promotes healthy growth and disease resistance in plants. Weed growth is reduced as water is applied to the root soil only.

17 TRICKLE IRRIGATION Drip Irrigation - Disadvantages
Trickle irrigation systems are very expensive due to large quantities of piping and filtration equipment needed. Costs are far greater than for sprinkler or flood systems. Costs Greatly Depends On: Crop Terrains Quantity of Available Water

18 TRICKLE IRRIGATION Contact Us United Farmers USA P. O. Box 243
Manning, SC

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