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Presentation on theme: "Cambodia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambodia

2 Map of Cambodia

3 Cambodia’s Flag

4 Country Quick Facts Cambodia
Capital City: Phnom Penh Population: 14,494,293 million Main Religions: Theravada Buddhism, Chinese and traditional religion, Islam, Christianity Main People Groups: Khmer, Cham, other Asian Main Languages: Khmer (official), English, French, Cham

5 More Quick Facts Cambodia
Location: Cambodia is in Southeast Asia, just to the south of (below) Thailand and Laos, and west (to the left) of Vietnam. The Land: Cambodia has mountains in the north and southwest. The center is flat, with a large lake, the Tonle Sap, in the middle. Once most of the land was covered with forests, but many of the trees have been cut down. Cambodia is about the size of our State of Oklahoma.

6 More Quick Facts Cambodia
Weather: Tropical, between 80 and 100 degrees. It is dry from December to April and rainy from May to November. Assemblies of God Facts: 22 U.S. Assemblies of God missionaries work in Cambodia. 125 churches, with 6,600+ people attending.

7 LET’S PRAY… for our missionaries and the Cambodian churches, that God will help them reach more people for Jesus. for the Bible school and the students as they start new churches. for the kids of Cambodia. Many have lost their parents, and some are into drugs. Girls especially need protection from abuse. Many children and parents die of AIDS. Pray that these kids and their families will hear of Jesus and His love for them.

8 BGMC provided Bible storybooks for the children in Cambodia

9 BGMC provided funds for the Mechrey Floating Village, Sunday School, curriculum, books, and more

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