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¡Buenos días! Hoy es el 4 de septiembre. Trabajo del timbre: 1. Pongan la tarea en la cesta. 2. Practiquen los números con Practice numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Buenos días! Hoy es el 4 de septiembre. Trabajo del timbre: 1. Pongan la tarea en la cesta. 2. Practiquen los números con Practice numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Buenos días! Hoy es el 4 de septiembre. Trabajo del timbre: 1. Pongan la tarea en la cesta. 2. Practiquen los números con un@ compañer@. Practice numbers with a partner. 3. Hagan act. #8, 9, y 10 de p. 7 en los libros oralmente. Do act. 8, 9, and 10 on pg. 7 orally. Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria We’re learning to… comprehend the essential vocabulary: numbers 0-59+ in Spanish effectively decode the spelling of words in Spanish use questioning strategies to ask for the time and respond in a logical manner We’ll know we’re successful when we can… play a game where we recognize numbers and understand how to spell a variety of words using the correct sounds of the letters in the Spanish alphabet identify the time on a variety of different clocks and create grammatically-correct sentences to communicate the time using our new vocabulary ask and answer the question ¿Qué hora es? Don’t forget to set up your exit slip before class, too!

2 Un juego: ¡Números locos! Listen to the music, walk around the room, greet people you pass (¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?) Stop when the music stops. Srta. B. will say, “¿Quién tiene (#)?” If you’re standing on the #, say “¡Yo!” Srta. B. will hold up a whiteboard with a word written on it, and she will ask you, “¿Cómo se deletrea (a word)? Respond with, “Se deletrea “a-b-c-d…)”

3 La hora

4 Más práctica Actividad 12 de p. 8

5 Más procedimientos…More procedures! Recording evidence grades Getting/returning progress sheets Writing down homework on Spanish Portfolio sheets Reflecting and adjusting “I can…” statements as you progress REMEMBER: you are responsible for updating both the portfolios & I can sheets throughout each unit!

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