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Credits: ClipArt, ABC-Clio, Grolier Online, Britannica Online from Katy ISD library site.

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Presentation on theme: "Credits: ClipArt, ABC-Clio, Grolier Online, Britannica Online from Katy ISD library site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Credits: ClipArt, ABC-Clio, Grolier Online, Britannica Online from Katy ISD library site.

2 You will need to copy the following content frame on the front and back of a sheet of paper. Leave room to write several things next to each term

3 Term 1. Define it!! 2 nd Roanoke The Lost Colony Jamestown Spanish Armada 2. Why is it important? 1 st Roanoke Date Jamestown Content Frame Mercantilism: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ John Smith

4 Term 1. Define it!! Tobacco 2. Why is it important? Date Free Enterprise/Capitalism Slaves House of Burgesses Indentured Servants: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

5 Concept Definition Map 1607 Key EventReason it was started Item that helped colony survive Leader who kept colony from starving Workers brought to work plantations 1 st Representative Government

6 There is a great race of Europeans heading west

7 European Countries began setting up colonies in the New World. Spain was able to claim the most land first. Land = Money for the Mother Country using “Mercantilism” Mercantilism= The Mother Country takes the resources of the Colony to make products, then sells the products back to the Colony

8 Spain had colonies in the Americas which provided them with gold, silver, sugar cane from plantations, etc… Raw Materials=Gold, sugar and the rest=$$$$$$$=POWER=Number 1 in the World! England wanted to Be #1!

9 It is expensive to run a whole country so Queen Elizabeth ordered English ships to capture Spanish ships near America and steal their cargo of gold, silver, and other products. England needed the $$$ Queen Elizabeth I Ruler of England 1558-1603

10 England also attacked Spanish settlements and set up their own settlements in North and South America. Up and down the coast of the Americas, European countries were attacking each others settlements.

11 England realized that setting up colonies would earn them more money in the long run. They began directing their resources toward establishing permanent colonies. The English government refused to fund the colonies because it was too expensive so private investors began investing in colonies. Sir Walter Raleigh was one man who received permission from Elizabeth to start the first English colony at Roanoke Island. Colonization is where the REAL money is made

12 1585 1. This was England’s 1 st attempt to start a colony. The 1 st colony was destroyed when the Natives realized that the English wanted their land and they stopped replenishing the English food supply. 2. Colony failed and surviving members of the colony returned to England in 1586. Sir Walter Raleigh starts the first colony at Roanoke Island.

13 1587 1. Colony started by John White & his family. His granddaughter was the first English child (Virginia Dare) born in North America. Ran out of supplies so White sailed and left family at Roanoke (1588). While he was in England Spain attacked England with the Spanish Armada and John White got stuck in England. 2. White returned in 1590 but the colony had disappeared. No one knows what happened to them.

14 1. Spain attacked England with 130 warships. Sea Dogs (pirates who worked for England) and a storm defeated the Armada, the navy sailed back to Spain with less than half of their ships. 2. Spain was defeated. Led to: a) England able to continue colonizing. b) Other countries began to challenge Spain.

15 King James I issued a charter in 1606 to set up a colony that he hoped would make money for England. This is called an economic reason for setting up a colony. 1. Jamestown was the first permanent English Colony. They named the colony Jamestown in honor of King James I. 2. Was set up for Economic Reasons-to make money The colonists immediately ran into trouble. First day in Jamestown 1607

16 Jamestown, VA

17 On May 14, 1607, colonists from England selected a piece of land on a large peninsula for a new settlement. The Peninsula was surrounded on 3 sides by rivers. The settlement was set up near deep water, making it easy to get big ships close to the settlement. However, the island was swampy, isolated, offered limited space and was plagued by mosquitoes (that gave settlers malaria) and brackish river water unsuitable for drinking. In addition the settlers arrived too late in the year to get crops planted. Many in the group were not used to hard, physical work. Their servants didn’t know how to farm and didn’t want to work hard. In a few months, most were dead; some of the survivors were deserting to the Indians whose land they had invaded. Jamestown – “Never Give Up, Never Surrender!”

18 Jamestown was started for economic purposes…to make $$$$$$$$ for the company, the settlers and the king but it failed at first.

19 1608 At first JT was settled by young men who wanted to find gold. They refused to plant crops or hunt for food. Within the first year over 75% died of starvation and disease. JT was going to fail like Roanoke. By 1608 only 38 colonist were still alive in Jamestown. 1. John Smith took over the colony. Convinced colonists to work and was able to trade with the Powhatan tribe for corn. He announced that, “He that will not work shall not eat.” 2. His leadership saved the colony. Pocahontas saving John Smith

20 Jamestown Fort Problems at Jamestown: In the beginning everyone was supposed to farm together, then put what they had into a common storehouse. From there, each person would be given what it was decided he needed. In reality, the ones that worked ended up providing for the ones that didn’t. Since only a few were putting food in the common-storehouse, the supply quickly ran out.

21 1609–1610 In 1609 Smith was injured and he returned to England. Hundreds of new colonists arrived. They took Native American land, angering the local tribe. By 1610 Powhatan Indians stopped trading with the colonists. Indian attacks escalated. Only 61 of the 500 colonists survived this period

22 Only 60 colonists survived. Colonist ate dogs, rats, mice….And each other. New evidence shows colonists turned to cannibalism to survive. “Jane” was found in early 2000’s. Her skull shows scrape marks from sharp instruments used to peel away her flesh

23 Jane Doe found at Jamestown. Shows evidence of cannibalism

24 1612 1. John Rolfe brought a high quality tobacco plant that became the cash crop for JT. Cash Crop=crops you grow to sell. 2. Tobacco could be sold for a lot of money in England. Tobacco saved Jamestown! It was profitable and more people moved to JT to live.

25 Jamestown’s success led to other colonies being formed along the Chesapeake Bay

26 1.Under capitalism, you are allowed to participate in the profits 2.Free Enterprise (Capitalism) increased the colonist’s productivity How Jamestown Survived: The Virginia Company (investors) & leaders of JT decided to give each man a parcel of land and allow them to keep some of the profit from the sale of their tobacco. When people knew they were responsible for their own survival and that they could make a profit by selling their excess, most got to work. Jamestown was the start of the FREE ENTERPRISE system in North America Free Enterprise/Capitalism-After 1610

27 Colonist (mostly white) who could not pay their way to America, agreed to work for an owner for a certain number of years if the owner would pay their way to the New World. After a number of years of servitude the colonist could make their own way at Jamestown or another colony. Interesting Fact: The first slave owner in the colonies was an African American man who had started out an indentured servant. He earned his freedom, paid to bring over his own servants and went to court to have them made into his slaves. Court gave him a black man to be his slave for life. Poor people who agreed to come work for someone in America for 7 years. Their travel expenses were paid by the “owner”

28 1619 1. A person who is the property of another person. 2. Provided an inexpensive labor force. They were used to harvest tobacco for English plantation owners. This was the beginning of slavery in America. Slaves

29 1. King of England 2. Parliament (Like our Congress) Problems: 2000 miles away from America Had to appoint a governor for local control 3. Virginia Company of London-Investors. Too far away and only interested in making money for investors

30 In order to make a society work, you must have someone setting up rules so… Colonist set up their own government = Local Control. Representatives were elected by the people of the colony. Assembly could meet once a year. The House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in the American colonies. 1619 Local men were elected to make laws for the colony. They still had to get approval from the governor (who was appointed by the King)

31 Concept Definition Map 1607 Leader who kept colony from starving by making everyone work Workers brought to work plantations to be a cheap source of labor Key Event 1 st Representative Government Item that helped colony survive Reason it was started (One of 4)

32 Term 1. Define it!! 2 nd Roanoke The Lost Colony Jamestown Spanish Armada 2. Why is it important? 1 st Roanoke Date Jamestown Content Frame Mercantilism: The Mother Country takes the resources of the Colony to make products, then sells the products back to the Colony John Smith 1585 England’s 1 st attempt to start a colony Colony failed. 1587 Colony started by John White & his family Colony disappeared 1588 Spain attacked England with 130 warships Spain defeated. England is able to colonize in America 1607 First permanent English colony Was set up for Economic Reasons-to make money 1608 Convinced colonists to work and was able to trade for corn. “He that will not work shall not eat.” Saved the colony.

33 Term 1. Define it!! Tobacco 2. Why is it important? Date Free Enterprise/Capitalism Slaves House of Burgesses Indentured Servants: Poor people who agreed to come work for someone in America for 7 years. 1612 John Rolfe brought tobacco plant that became the cash crop for JT. Cash Crop=crops you grow to sell. Tobacco saved Jamestown 1610 You are allowed to participate in the profits Increased the colonist’s productivity 1619 A person who is the property of another person. Provided an inexpensive labor force 1619 Local Control The first representative assembly in the American colonies.

34 Jamestown’s success led to other colonies being formed along the Chesapeake Bay The House of Burgesses was a “Bicameral” legislature=2 Houses Must add this to future notes

35 Concept Definition Map 1607 Key Event Reason it was started Item that helped colony survive Leader who kept colony from starving Workers brought to work plantations 1 st Representative Government Jamestown Economic Reasons Tobacco House of Burgesses Slaves John Smith

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