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¡Avancemos! Unidad 2 Lección 2. Los números 0 - 100.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Avancemos! Unidad 2 Lección 2. Los números 0 - 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Avancemos! Unidad 2 Lección 2

2 Los números 0 - 100

3 zero - 0

4 one - 1

5 two - 2

6 three - 3

7 four - 4

8 five - 5

9 six - 6

10 seven - 7

11 eight – 8

12 nine - 9

13 ten - 10

14 eleven - 11

15 twelve - 12

16 thirteen - 13

17 fourteen - 14

18 fifteen - 15

19 sixteen - 16

20 seventeen - 17

21 eighteen - 18

22 nineteen - 19

23 twenty - 20

24 twenty-one - 21

25 twenty-two - 22

26 twenty-three - 23

27 twenty-four - 24

28 twenty-five - 25

29 twenty-six - 26

30 twenty-seven - 27

31 twenty-eight - 28

32 twenty-nine - 29

33 thirty - 30

34 thirty-three - 33

35 forty - 40

36 forty-four - 44

37 fifty

38 fifty-five - 55

39 sixty - 60

40 sixty-six - 66

41 seventy - 70

42 seventy-seven - 77

43 eighty - 80

44 eighty-eight - 88

45 ninety - 90

46 ninety-nine - 99

47 one hundred - 100

48 How much are ___?

49 plus

50 minus

51 How to Tell Time in Spanish

52 What time is it?

53 At what time is ___?

54 It’s one o’clock. at 1:00

55 It’s two o’clock. at 2:00

56 It’s three o’clock. at 3:00

57 It’s four o’clock. at 4:00

58 It’s five o’clock. at 5:00

59 It’s six o’clock. at 6:00

60 It’s seven o’clock. at 7:00

61 It’s eight o’clock. at 8:00

62 It’s nine o’clock. at 9:00

63 It’s ten o’clock. at 10:00

64 It’s eleven o’clock. at 11:00

65 It’s twelve o’clock. at 12:00

66 Special Note! Use “y” to tell time from 1-29 minutes past the hour. 5:08 = Son las cinco y ocho. 11:20 = Son las once y veinte.

67 Special Note! Go to the next hour and use “menos” to tell time from 31- 59 minutes past the hour. 4:50= Son las cinco menos diez. 7:35 = Son las ocho menos veinticinco.

68 quarter past the hour

69 half past the hour

70 quarter before the hour

71 in the morning, a.m.

72 in the afternoon, p.m.

73 in the evening, p.m.

74 schedule

75 hour, time

76 School Subjects and Classroom Activities

77 art

78 Spanish

79 English

80 history

81 science

82 math

83 to answer

84 to teach

85 to arrive

86 to need

87 to get a good grade

88 to get a bad grade

89 to take notes

90 to use the computer

91 Other Words and Expressions

92 once in a while

93 often, many times

94 a lot

95 never

96 always

97 early

98 late

99 almost

100 How many?

101 easy

102 difficult, hard

103 on, in, at

104 exam, test

105 there is, there are

106 many

107 to have

108 tener = to have ============================= ===== yo tengonosotros tenemos tú tienesvosotros tenéis él tieneellos tienen ella tieneellas tienen usted tieneustedes tienen

109 to have to do something

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