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The power of information: from policy to implementation Tuesday 25 June 2013 9:00am - 1:00pm Best Western Hardwick Hall Hotel #CCIOCHIN.

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Presentation on theme: "The power of information: from policy to implementation Tuesday 25 June 2013 9:00am - 1:00pm Best Western Hardwick Hall Hotel #CCIOCHIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 The power of information: from policy to implementation Tuesday 25 June 2013 9:00am - 1:00pm Best Western Hardwick Hall Hotel #CCIOCHIN

2 Roy McLachlan Strategic Clinical Networks and Senate Associate Director Networks and Senates into 2014/15 #CCIOCHIN

3 Networks and Senates into 2014/15 North Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Durham, Darlington, Teesside and the Hambleton and Richmond Districts of North Yorkshire 25 th June 2013

4 NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]4 Contents Networks Senates Geography Early progress Preparing for 2014-17 North Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Durham, Darlington, Teesside and the Hambleton and Richmond Districts of North Yorkshire 25 th June 2013

5 Networks Success story Four types of networks and funding streams  Strategic Clinical Networks  Operational Delivery Networks  Local Networks  Local Professional Networks North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 20135

6 Strategic Clinical Networks Cancer Cardiovascular Maternity and Child Health Mental Health, Dementia and Neurological conditions North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 20136

7 Networks Success story Four types of networks and funding streams  Strategic Clinical Networks  Operational Delivery Networks  Local Networks  Local Professional Networks North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 20137

8 Senates “The conscience and guiding intelligence” Both proactive and reactive, broad clinical advisory focus Independent, credible clinical leadership working with patients/public and all stakeholders to give advice based on local priorities and support to commissioners on specific topics North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 20138

9 Geography NHS England Area Teams Clinical Commissioning Groups Networks and Senates North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 20139

10 NHS England, Area Teams and CCGs North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 201310 Regions are given by bold black boundary. CCGs are given by thin grey boundaries. Area teams regions are coloured.

11 Clinical Networks & Senates 11North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 2013

12 Early progress Ways of working Clinical leadership Recruitment to support team Governance Workplans North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 201312

13 Associate Director, Clinical Director for Networks, Senate Chair Prevention, early diagnosis and primary care Treatment and Patient Experience Long term conditions, Living with… and End of Life Care Business and Information Support 13North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 2013

14 Preparing for 2014-17 National Strategies Linkages Themes 14North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 2013

15 15 Cancer CVDMat. Child Health Mental Health Dem.Neuro. CVD Mat. Cancer Child Health Mental Health Dementia Neurological conditions North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 2013

16 Preparing for 2014-17 July event Summer research October event Commissioning intentions and 3 year plan 16North East Clinical Informatics Network 25 th June 2013

17 NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]17 Thank you for listening Any questions? North Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Durham, Darlington, Teesside and the Hambleton and Richmond Districts of North Yorkshire 25 th June 2013

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