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By: Ryan Wendel.  It is an ongoing analysis in which videos are analyzed frame by frame  Most of the video recognition is pulled from 3-D graphic engines.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ryan Wendel.  It is an ongoing analysis in which videos are analyzed frame by frame  Most of the video recognition is pulled from 3-D graphic engines."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ryan Wendel

2  It is an ongoing analysis in which videos are analyzed frame by frame  Most of the video recognition is pulled from 3-D graphic engines

3  “HAA” stands for Human Activity Analysis  Surveillance systems  Patient monitoring systems  Human-computer interfaces

4  We are going to take a look at methodologies that have been developed for simple human actions.  And high-level activities.

5  Gestures  Actions  Interactions  Group activities

6  Basic movements of a persons body parts.  For example:  Raising an arm  Lifting a leg

7  A Single persons activities which could entail multiple gestures.  For example:  Walking  Waving  Shaking body

8  Interactions that involve two or more people / items.  For Example:  Two people fighting

9  Activities performed by multiple people.  For example:  A group running  A group walking  A group fighting

10  Can be separated into two sections ◦ Single-layered approaches: An approach that deals with recognizing human activities based on a video feed (frame by frame.) ◦ Hierarchical approaches: An approach aimed at describing the high level approach to HAA by showing high level activities in simpler terms.

11  Main objective is to analyze simple sequences of movements of humans  Can be categorized into two different categories ◦ Space-time approach: takes an input video as a 3- D volume ◦ Sequential approach: takes an input video and interprets it as a sequence of observations

12  Divided into three different subsections based on features ◦ Space-time volume ◦ Space-time Trajectories ◦ Space-time features

13  Captures a group of human activities by analyzing volumes of a video (frame by frame.)  Also uses types of recognition using space- time volumes to measure similarities between two volumes



16  Uses stick figure modeling to extract joint positions of a person at each frame by frame


18  Does not extract features frame by frame  Extracts features when there is a appearance or shape change in 3-D Space-time volume


20  Space-Time Volume ◦ Hard to differentiate between multiple people in the same scene.  Space-Time Trajectories ◦ 3-D body-part detection and tracking is still an unsolved problem, and it requires a strong low- level component that can estimate 3-D join location.  Space-Time features ◦ Not suitable for modeling complex activities

21  Divided into two different subsections based on features ◦ Exemplar-based ◦ State model-based

22  Review ◦ Sequential approach: takes an input video and interprets it as a sequence of observations  Exemplar-based ◦ Shows human activities with a set of sample sequences of action executions


24  Sequential set of sequences that represent a human activity as a model composed of a set of states.


26  Exemplar-based is more flexible in terms of comparing multiple sample sequences  Where as State Model-based can handle a probabilistic analysis of an activity better.

27  Sequential approach is able to handle and detect more complex activities performed  Whereas the Space-time approach handles simpler less complex activities.  Both methods are based off of some type of a sequences of images

28  Allows the recognition of high-level activities based on the recognition results of other simpler activities  Advantages of the Hierarchical Approach ◦ Has the ability to recognize high-level activities with a more in depth structure ◦ Amount of data required to recognize an activity is significantly less then single-layered approach ◦ Easier to incorporate human knowledge

29  Statistical approach  Syntactic approach  Description-based approach

30  Statistical approaches use the state-based models to recognize activities  If you use multiple layers of a state-based model you can use these separate models to recognize activities with sequential structures


32  Human activities are recognized as a string of symbols  Human activities are shown as a set of production rules generating a string of actions


34  Human activities that use recognition with complex spatio-temporal structures ◦ A spatio-temporal structure is a detector used for recognizing human actions  Uses Context-free grammars (CFGs) to represent activities ◦ CFGs are used to recognize high-level activities ◦ The detection extracts space-time points and local periodic motions to obtain a sparse distribution of interest points in a video


36  Probability theory  Fuzzy logic  Bayesian network: ◦ Used for recognition of an activity, based on the activities temporal structure representation ◦ Uses a large network with over 10,000 nodes

37  A group of persons marching ◦ The images are recognized as an overall motion of an entire group  A group of people fighting ◦ Multiple videos are used to recognize the activity that a “group is fighting”

38  Recognition of interactions between humans and objects requires multiple components involved.  A lot of human-object interaction ignores interaction between object recognition and motion estimation  You can also factor in object dependencies, motions, and human activities to determine activities involved


40  J.K. Aggarwal and M.S. Ryoo. 2011. Human activity analysis: A review. ACM Comput. Surv. 43, 3, Article 16 (April 2011), 43 pages. DOI=10.1145/1922649.1922653   Christopher O. Jaynes. 1996. Computer vision and artificial intelligence. Crossroads 3, 1 (September 1996), 7-10. DOI=10.1145/332148.332152  Zhu Li, Yun Fu, Thomas Huang, and Shuicheng Yan. 2008. Real-time human action recognition by luminance field trajectory analysis. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM '08). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 671-676. DOI=10.1145/1459359.1459456  Paul Scovanner, Saad Ali, and Mubarak Shah. 2007. A 3-dimensional sift descriptor and its application to action recognition. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA '07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 357-360. DOI=10.1145/1291233.1291311


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