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Adjectives to describe people’s character. To test your Reading skills go to slide 3 To test your Listening skills go to slide 29 To test your Speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Adjectives to describe people’s character. To test your Reading skills go to slide 3 To test your Listening skills go to slide 29 To test your Speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 adjectives to describe people’s character

2 To test your Reading skills go to slide 3 To test your Listening skills go to slide 29 To test your Speaking skills go to slide 55

3 TEST YOUR READING SKILLS Read an adjective. Say what you think it means + say if it would describe a girl or a boy Click to check your answer.

4 bavarde

5 marrante

6 patiente

7 calme

8 sympa

9 impatient

10 ennuyeuse

11 impatiente

12 sportive

13 ennuyeux

14 amusante

15 paresseux

16 énervant

17 amusant

18 bavard

19 génereux

20 patient

21 intelligent

22 timide

23 énervante

24 intelligente

25 paresseuse

26 sportif

27 marrant

28 génereuse

29 TEST YOUR LISTENING SKILLS Listen to an adjective. Say what you think it means + say if it would describe a girl or a boy Click to check your answer.

30 talkative 

31 shy 

32 impatient 

33 lazy 

34 clever 

35 nice friendly 

36 patient 

37 amusing 

38 quiet 

39 lazy 

40 clever 

41 boring 

42 patient 

43 sporty 

44 annoying 

45 generous 

46 impatient 

47 funny 

48 funny 

49 calm 

50 talkative 

51 amusing 

52 boring 

53 sporty 

54 generous 

55 TEST YOUR SPEAKING SKILLS Read and adjective used to describe girl or a boy. Say what you think the French word is. Click to check your answer.

56 talkative 

57 shy 

58 impatient 

59 lazy 

60 clever 

61 patient 

62 quiet 

63 lazy 

64 funny 

65 clever 

66 boring 

67 patient 

68 sporty 

69 amusing 

70 calm 

71 annoying 

72 amusing 

73 generous 

74 nice friendly 

75 impatient 

76 talkative 

77 boring 

78 sporty 

79 generous 

80 funny 

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