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The contents are classified in 3 Levels based on the Textual & Audio/Visual content.

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2 The contents are classified in 3 Levels based on the Textual & Audio/Visual content

3 Level 1 DescriptionExamples of Interactivity  Informational e-courses, focus on awareness  Provides information, with simple interactivities like rollovers. The information is presented in a linear format through a combination of text and simple photographs.  Graphics include simple text animations and are not created afresh (for example, clip art and screenshots).  Audio may be upto 50% of the text in the screen.  Linear Back/Next navigation  Multiple Select/Single Select Questions  True/False Questions  Drag-and-Drop/Multiple Select and Single Select Questions  Case Studies in downloadable PDF or Word files.

4 Level 1 – Sample Screen 1

5 Level 1 – Sample Screen 2

6 Level 1 – Sample Screen 3

7 Level 2 DescriptionExamples of Interactivity  Procedural e-courses, focus on application of knowledge and skills  Provides information and a fair degree of interactivity. Information may be presented in a non-linear format  The design comprises elements (mostly photographs with some illustrations) that enhance the learning experience and includes multimedia elements like customised vector illustrations, 2D animations that are created specifically for the program  The e-Course will include audio / video  Logical and Conditional structuring of screens  Discovery learning will be the instructional designing approach  Drag-and-Drop/ Flip chart/ Multiple Select/Single Select Questions to explain/test understanding concepts  Fill in the blank questions  Short answer/reflective practice questions  Simple scenario based learning (offline case study)  Scored Assessment (questions from a question bank)

8 Level 2 – Sample Screen 1

9 Level 2 – Sample Screen 2

10 Level 2 – Sample Screen 3

11 Level 3 DescriptionExamples of Interactivity  Analytical contents ; application that focuses on decision-making and demonstrative practices  Offers a high degree of interaction and provides real-life/application- oriented training. It also offers multiple paths to accomplish an objective, and fosters learning by doing and learning through mistakes  The design comprises elements that enhance the learning experience and includes rich multimedia elements like 2D/3D, videos, lip syncing of audio, games etc  Multiple branches (two to three levels) and rapid response are provided to support remediation  Simulations  Instructional design techniques for engagement in a complex interaction include complex simulations where the learner must enter actual data into fields and experience consequence for errors and faulty data. In addition, scenario-based branching logic is introduced. When using branching logic, learners experience some kind of jeopardy for incorrect responses, and their progress is determined by their decision  Scenario based learning with conditional branching  Software Application simulations for demo  Calculations and cross checking etc.  Online case study with online feedback and opportunity for user to revise their responses.  ‘What-if’ type of exercises.  Chain-effect situations  Software Application simulations for exercise

12 Level 3 – Sample Screen 1

13 Level 3 – Sample Screen 2

14 Level 3 – Sample Screen 3

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