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Click to edit Master title style 1 marinescotland science Where is Sea Lice Research Required? Rob Raynard.

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1 Click to edit Master title style 1 marinescotland science Where is Sea Lice Research Required? Rob Raynard

2 Sea Lice Multination Gordon Ritchie - MH Kjell Maroni - FHF Randi Grontvedt - NVI

3 Medicine as control 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Other methods of control Sustainable control

4 Integrated Pest Management Strategic use of a number of measures to provide sustainable control –combine good husbandry/management practices & biological control –optimise the effectiveness of available medicines –avoid resistance development –prolong the market life of medicines –minimise environmental inputs –With focus on ; 1.Preventative measures 2.Strategic and coordinated measures

5 Integrated Pest Management - 5 Critical Measures 1. Well defined operational plans, biosecurity plans etc. 2. Monitoring – lice identification, medicine resistance monitoring.. 3. Management by prevention –Good husbandry and management –Biological approaches –Alternative technologies 4. Optimise medicinal control 5. Coordinated measures

6 Validation & implementation of all mitigating measures R&D Development of best Integrated Pest Management Procedures Broad implementation

7 Research needs - output from 2 nd multination meeting 1.Structural measures and dispersion modelling –Aim: To develop scenario testing and decision support tools for a strategic approach to integrated pest management Optimising use of assets in sea lice control Modelling tools to predict best production plans with deployment of cages and treatment/control strategies Need for data and new knowledge includes; Oceanographic data Sea lice data on farms Sea lice biology Treatment data

8 Research needs 2. Farming and use of cleanerfish –Intensive culture –Sustainable capture fishery –Sustainable use –Fish health and welfare

9 Research needs 3. Biological measures and molecular knowledge building –Aim: Sea lice control that involves the use of measures which exploit aspects of the parasite or host biology or environment In-feed supplements Vaccines Breeding resistant salmon

10 Research needs 4. Use of medication –Aim: Ensure that re-infection only occurs from wild source sea lice i.e. no added risk of lice infestation from fish farm Integrated Pest/Resistance management Minimal use of therapeutants Optimal use of therapeutants –Assess treatment efficacy –Sensitivity testing –Technology development of bath and in-feed treatments –Generic best practice for sea lice control –Optimal intervention strategy – treatment thresholds, timing and size of management areas 5. Access to effective range of medicines

11 Research needs 6. Resistance and surveillance –Aim: Standardisation of lice surveillance methods for counting lice and assessing treatment efficacy International standard Surveillance in wild fish Measuring treatment efficacy Comparable bioassay protocols Pen-side bioassay kits Integration of data and systems enabling analysis within regions and comparison across regions

12 7. Novel non-medical technologies Examples –Lights –Depth –Physical removal

13 Prioritised knowledge Gaps 1.Spatial distribution for development of IPM decision support. Farmed and wild interactions. 2.Sustainable use of wrasse. 3.Host pathogen interaction, resistant fish, immune modulation. 4.Optimal use of medicines. 5.International “meta data” standards enabling comparison of lice counts and bioassay data within and between regions. 6.Validation of novel non-medical controls.

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