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PRESENTATION OUTLINE  Define Zero Waste  Why are football & hockey different animals?  The need for something new  The start of our program  The.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OUTLINE  Define Zero Waste  Why are football & hockey different animals?  The need for something new  The start of our program  The."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE  Define Zero Waste  Why are football & hockey different animals?  The need for something new  The start of our program  The game process  Hurdles we encountered  Our results  Plan for the season  Our toolkit

3 ZERO WASTE 90%  Zero Waste: defined as diverting 90% of waste either to recycling or composting facilities, with a maximum of 10% going to the landfill, strives to promote:  waste minimization  reduced consumption  recycling and composting  Sustainability and athletics are a natural fit due to its  Competitive nature  Reach wide variety of people  Raise awareness  Shows what sustainability can be

4  Home Games: 6  Stadium Capacity: 25,000-115,109 seats  Games in a Weekend: 1  Game Total Playtime: 11 minutes  Home Games: 23  Stadium Capacity: 750-17,200 seats  Games in a Weekend: 1-2  Game Total Playtime: 60 minutes WHY COLLEGE FOOTBALL & COLLEGE HOCKEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIMALS Collegiate Football Collegiate Hockey

5 THE NEED FOR SOMETHING NEW Magness Arena Our Goal  Provide a model that is transferrable to any indoor arena sport  basketball, volleyball, swimming, etc.  Hockey game capacity: 6,315 people  Multi-event arena  23 hockey games last year  Produces the largest amount of waste on campus  Access to the largest array of people in one setting

6 WHERE WE STARTED & HOW IT WENT  Program Goals  1. To learn about the existing systems  2. To implement incremental changes to divert more waste from the landfill  Planning  Volunteer recruitment  Engaging stakeholders  Defining the area  Capture the waste from the concourse  Realizing how little we knew/know  It is a constant learning experience

7 GAPS IN BEGINNING OUR PROGRAM  Bin Placement  Too many stations  High contamination rates  Products  Inconsistent  Landfill items  Education & Fan Engagement  Engagement with Select Stakeholders  Telling Our Story

8 2 hrs Pre-Game Sodexo Custodial Volunteers Train Concessions Check Bin Parity Check-in give T-shirts Train Bowl Pick Weigh back of house & Club level throughout game Weigh BOH, Club, Concourse, BP Collect shirts/feedback Train volunteers place at stations Check Products & BOH Game Day Process 1 hr Pre-Game Game Start 1 hr Post 2 hr Post After Game Check on volunteers

9 HURDLE: HIGH CONTAMINATION RATE  CHALLENGE: Stand-alone bins & high number of bins  In the concourse created contaminated bins  Difficult to man  Confused fans  SOLUTION:  Reduced # of bins accessible to fans in the concourse  Outlawed stand-alone bins for 2013-2014 season  Added bin caddies to condiment carts  Instituted color coded signage and bag liners  Increased goalie participation

10 HURDLES: PRODUCT INCONSISTENCY  CHALLENGE:  11 different cups used for beverages alone  Too many landfill items  Each game it was a surprise  SOLUTION:  Hide bad products (Shhhh)  Ran low on stock purchased sustainable items  Created purchasing guidelines  Collaborated with main campus to use some of the products


12 PLAN FOR THE YEAR  75%  75% diversion rate for the hockey season  Include bowl pick and back of house waste in measurements  Train all stakeholder staff of zero waste operations and best practices  Product consistency & alignment  Improve waste flow to increase the overall diversion rate.

13 TOOL KIT: WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN  Create complete bin parity in zero waste zone  Consistent/color-coded labeling & color-coded bags  Clearly outlined collection for each arena of the arena  Create a map finalizing bin placement, concession stand placement, etc.


15 TOOL KIT: DISPOSABLE PRODUCT PURCHASING GUIDELINES  Work with food service provider to streamline products to create a more consistent disposal method  Clearly recycling (Blue)  Recyclable concession drink cups & franchise clear cups  Compost: Food & Fiber (Green)  Food products, ware, paper/wood products, and hot cups

16 TOOL KIT: COMPREHENSIVE & TRAINING  Make sure all stakeholders are trained and aware of zero waste operations  Ushers  Athletics  Food Service  Custodial  Bowl Pick Staff  Volunteers  Create training materials  Back of house signage  Volunteer training boards



19 TOOL KIT: SHARE DATA  Breakdown the data into a format that fits the needs of the stakeholders by producing a game day report  Volunteer measurement  # of volunteers  # of returning volunteers  Volunteer satisfaction/feedback  Stakeholder feedback  Waste data  Breakdown by collection location/location type  Contamination rates if possible  Calculate a diversion rate broken down into waste streams  Chart your data  Write a narrative after each game

20 TOOL KIT: SET ZERO WASTE GOALS, ACTION ITEMS, & DEADLINES  Set a season diversion rate goal  Interterm goals  Set a goal for volunteer recruitment  Season budget/funding  Create a responsibilities table for all stakeholders to be accountable  Chart action items into a timeline

21 QUESTIONS? Megan Marshall Zero Waste Manager Center for Sustainability 303.717.3957 Megan.marshal@du.ed

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