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Binder Expectations… Binders and Text Books are to be here everyday. Everything goes into your binder including: Handouts Work you receive back Notes Everything.

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Presentation on theme: "Binder Expectations… Binders and Text Books are to be here everyday. Everything goes into your binder including: Handouts Work you receive back Notes Everything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binder Expectations… Binders and Text Books are to be here everyday. Everything goes into your binder including: Handouts Work you receive back Notes Everything Items go in your binder in appropriate sections. Everything has a date on it. Order items from back to front by date You will begin to have regular binder checks using different methods. They will be a grade.

2 Sections of your binder… You will have 7 sections in you binder… 1.Homework 2.Literature Notes 3.Reading and Analysis 4.Writing 5.Vocabulary 6.Misc. 7.Materials Come up to the front of the room and collect a total of 8 dividers.

3 “Homework” This section is for your homework which either needs to be done or turned in. This section will be mostly empty all the time. However, if something is in here, it means you need to deal with it. Currently, this section should be empty, with only one or two pieces of paper unless: You have not turned in your permission slip, then you put your permission slip on top of the piece of paper. You have not finished your Cross Word Puzzle from Yesterday, then this goes on top of the piece of paper. If you have not turned in a signed letter to a “teacher” write on the piece of lined paper, “Get signed copy of Teacher Letter”

4 “Literature Notes” This section of your binder is for the notes we take on different literary patterns and eras. Currently there should be several sets of notes in this section, from back to front they are: Journeys Epic Quests Coming of Age Redemption If any of these are missing you need to go on-line and take them or get them from a friend.

5 “Reading and Analysis” This section is for your various reading activities. This is a working section and may be the hardest to keep organized over the course of time. Currently, this section should contain: Plot Line on “To Build a Fire” Viewing Activities from “Apollo 13” Epics Chart from “Gilgamesh” Comics on “Gilgamesh” If any of this is missing, do not worry about it, but from now on anything along these lines gets dated and goes here.

6 “Writing” This section is for any activity designed to make you better writers. Keep all your own writing here as well. If it is something you have turned in electronically, it is your responsibility to print it out and put it here. Currently, this section should include: Notes on Persuasive Paragraph Structure (If you do not have, get them) Paragraph predicting the chances of the Man from “To Build a Fire” Paragraph doing the same for the astronauts in Apollo 13. Handout example/notes on Letter Writing (If you do not have, get them) (You will have when I get them done) Letter to a “Teacher”

7 “Vocabulary, Misc, Materials” The “Vocabulary” section is for all things having to do with vocabulary. Currently, from back to front all work from units 1-4, and on top any work which includes all 4 units. You choose the order of the work within each unit, but keep it consistent. The “Misc” section is for anything that has no other place. Currently, there should be this handout, the Classroom Expectations, and syllabus. The “Materials” section is for you to keep extra paper so that you have some.

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