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Sharing Your Faith Lesson 7: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 5 & 7)

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Your Faith Lesson 7: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 5 & 7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Your Faith Lesson 7: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 5 & 7)

2 Overview July 30: North, “Conversational Evangelism”; “Friendship Evangelism” August 6: Personal Evangelism (White) August 13: North, “Ministry Evangelism” August 20: North, “Conversion & Follow-Up” August 27: … Next Quarter …

3 Evangelizing Your Community North, Stafford. Evangelizing Your Community. Nashville, TN: 21 st Century Christian, 2007. Original publication: 1973

4 Thesis Acts 2:47 “having favor with all the people.” Acts 2:47 “having favor with all the people.” Acts 5:13 “the people held them in high esteem. “ Acts 5:13 “the people held them in high esteem. “ Are there practical things the church can do to more fully accomplish this result?

5 Creating an Evangelistic Congregation

6 Conversational Evangelism Colossians 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Conversational Evangelism: Using everyday conversations we are already having to interest people in Christ, to tell them something about the church, to mention a verse of Scripture, or to share something happening in at church. Conversational Evangelism: Using everyday conversations we are already having to interest people in Christ, to tell them something about the church, to mention a verse of Scripture, or to share something happening in at church.

7 Conversational Evangelism Examples Jesus by a Samaritan well, John 4 Jesus by a Samaritan well, John 4 Paul Paul – In an Athenian marketplace, Acts 17 – Before the Sanhedrin, Acts 21-22 – On trial, Acts 24 & 26 – To sailors on a boat, Acts 27:21-25 – To his guards, Acts 28:17-31 Contemporary Examples, p. 68-70 Contemporary Examples, p. 68-70

8 Conversational Evangelism Steps for Promoting Conversational Evangelism 1.Study John 4 2.Have a class focused on learn this skill and sharing experiences 3.Role-play conversations 4.Events to which guests may be invited The Objective: Read p. 71-72 The Objective: Read p. 71-72


10 The woman at the well, John 4:7-10 Jesus ignored a social custom that ran contrary to God’s will. Jesus treated people with kindness. Jesus always used these actions as an opportunity to talk about the Gospel.

11 THEM: “What are you doing?” YOU: “Reading my Bible. Everyone at my church is trying to read the Bible in a year.” THEM: “That’s neat.” YOU: “Reading the Bible more has really improved my life from day to day.”

12 There should be many things in your life that others find extraordinary … Prayer, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Lack of profanity, James 3:10 Weekly attendance (at least), Acts 20:7 More attendance? Acts 2:46 Living like we ought will create opportunities, because true Christianity is so rare.

13 The Ethiopian Eunuch, Acts 8:29-35 A man was reading the Bible, but he did not understand what he read. Philip explained it and used it to teach the entire Gospel. The entire gospel? Read v. 36

14 People do have spiritual questions. Listen to what they say, what they ask, and what topics they seem interested in. Give a simple reasonable answer that encourages their interest. Every question relates to Jesus somehow!

15 THEM: “You ever wonder about all those things in the Old Testament we don’t do any more?” YOU: “Well, the Old Testament was a law for the ancient Jews, but not for us. We learn about what Jesus wants from his followers in the New Testament.”

16 Words to listen for … “At church the other day …” “I don’t think God cares whether or not …” “How do people believe that stuff …”

17 Cautions … If someone else brings up a subject, you are not being rude to talk about it. That doesn’t mean that you can’t become rude! So don’t! Don’t be a know it all. Don’t be condescending. Don’t correct it all at once.

18 “We have found him” John 1:40-42 Andrew finds Christ Andrew tells Peter, his brother John 1:45-51 Philip finds Christ Philip tells Nathanael, a friend Jesus does all the hard work!

19 Sometimes the best opportunities are MADE not FOUND. The Christian must be willing to talk about Bible subjects. This is not the same as “teaching” or hosting a Bible study.

20 YOU: “I am really looking forward to going to worship on Sunday.” THEM: “Really? I hate going to church. Its always boring.” YOU: “You should let me pick you up Sunday and go with me. I always enjoy being there. Maybe you haven’t been to the right church yet.”

21 Friendship Evangelism Instead of “Creating Contacts,” look to your friends and family. See p. 89- Instead of “Creating Contacts,” look to your friends and family. See p. 89- 1.Choose two or three 2.Pray 3.Daily commitment 4.Show your commitment 5.Invite and teach 6.Share your story 7.Encourage your friend to “make a decision”

22 Friendship Evangelism My Concerns … Beware of treating people as a target Beware of treating people as a target Beware of viewing friendship as fake, as a means to an end Beware of viewing friendship as fake, as a means to an end Beware of impatience Beware of impatience Beware of the delicate balance Beware of the delicate balance

23 Sharing Your Faith Lesson 7: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 5 & 7)

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