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6 scenarios 36 respondents Minorities Tolerance Scenarios.

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Presentation on theme: "6 scenarios 36 respondents Minorities Tolerance Scenarios."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 scenarios 36 respondents Minorities Tolerance Scenarios

2 Scenario 1 You are trying to attract someones attention to get off a bus, but s/he doesnt respond or get out of your way: 1) You repeat your request more loudly 2) You assume the person is being rude (and push your way past) 3) You make an angry comment and push your way through 4) Other

3 Scenario 2 What would you do if a gay couple moved in next door to you? 1)I would invite them round and welcome them 2)I would try to avoid (eye) contact with them 3)I would badmouth them to my neightbours 4)I would move out myself

4 Scenario 3 A disabled person is trying to get water from the tap but is having problems with getting water info the bottle. What would you do? 1)Help them 2)Walk past them 3)Ask if they want help 4)Other

5 Scenario 4 You and your friends are playing football and two Roma boys come up and ask you if they can play with you. How do you react? 1) „Sorry, you cant“ 2) „Buzz off“ 3) „Yeah, sure, come on“ 4) Other

6 Scenario 5 What would you do if a Roma asked to borrow your cell phone? 1) Say „Yes“ 2) Say „No“ 3) Ignore them 4) Depends on the circumstances of the person asking

7 Scenario 6 You are at the gym and you find a gay person is in the shower. What yould you do? 1) Shower as normal 2) Wait for them to leave 3)Not shower at all 4)Other

8 Thank you

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