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ALACK, A LIST Getting to know Shakespeare’s high-frequency archaic sight words.

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Presentation on theme: "ALACK, A LIST Getting to know Shakespeare’s high-frequency archaic sight words."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALACK, A LIST Getting to know Shakespeare’s high-frequency archaic sight words

2 GUESS THE MEANING OF:  Good-bye, farewell  Soon, immediately  Listen  Never  To seek and gain (seduce)  Adieu  Anon  Hark  Ne’er  Woo

3 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Alas, then she is drowned!” Alas: Expresses sorrow

4 WORDS IN CONTEXT “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” Wherefore: Why Art: Are Thou: You

5 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Well, sir, I’ll bring you to our master Lear, and leave you to attend him.” Attend: to wait upon; to pay attention

6 WORDS IN CONTEXT “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!” “O, coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!” Dost, doth: Do, does

7 WORDS IN CONTEXT “List, list, o list! If ever thou didst thy old father love—revenge his foul and most unnatural murder!” List: Listen

8 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Fie on’t! Ah, fie! ’Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed.” Fie: A curse ’Tis: It is

9 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Perchance she weeps because they killed her husband, perchance because she knows them innocent.” Perchance: Maybe

10 WORDS IN CONTEXT “I prithee, take thy fingers from my throat.” Prithee: I pray thee; please Thy: Your

11 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Resolve me, with all modest haste.” Resolve: To answer; to reply

12 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Peace, sirrah! You beastly knave, know you no reverence?” Sirrah: A lowly person Knave: A villain BONUS!!! MODERNIZE THIS SENTENCE

13 WORDS IN CONTEXT “By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world.” Troth: Belief

14 WORDS IN CONTEXT “Now, by the world, it is a lusty wench. O, how I long to have some chat with her!” Wench: A female person; varies in tone from tenderness to contempt

15 BONUS!: WEIRD OLD INSULTS  Dotard Old fool  Maltworm Heavy drinker  Flirt-gill Loose woman

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