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King Consumption. Name the three objects that the king threw away.

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Presentation on theme: "King Consumption. Name the three objects that the king threw away."— Presentation transcript:

1 King Consumption

2 Name the three objects that the king threw away.

3 Plastic bottles Pizza boxes Fruit cans

4 What natural resources, (things in nature), are used to create : ????????

5 Tin is metal mined from the ground.

6 Plastic is made from oil.

7 Cardboard is paper that is made from the wood of trees.

8 King Consumption needs help in finding other items in his kingdom to recycle. Are you up for the challenge?

9 Put each item in its correct recycle bin, based on what it is made from. Metals Plastics Paper

10 What can we save by recycling? (slide the question mark for the answer) *Paper items save— *Plastic items save- *Metal items save-

11 What are some things you can recycle at home?

12 How will you help? Create a picture of what you will do at home to help recycle and save our planet. Add a sentence that tells about your recycling picture.

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