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 Caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites  Transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through various routes  Disruptive.

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Presentation on theme: " Caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites  Transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through various routes  Disruptive."— Presentation transcript:


2  Caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites  Transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through various routes  Disruptive to normal functioning of cells 2

3 Pay attention to personal, food and environmental hygiene Consult a doctor promptly if you are unwell 3

4 Examples : Tuberculosis Diphtheria Pertussis Influenza Transmission by Air 4 Through the airway

5 Transmission by Food Through contaminated food or water Examples : Cholera Enteric fever Dysentery Gastroenteritis Parasitic diseases Hepatitis A 5

6 Examples : Tetanus Scabies Head lice Transmission by Contact Through direct contact with an infected person / exposure of a wound to pathogens 6

7 Transmission by Blood or Bodily Fluids Through blood or bodily fluids Examples: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Hepatitis B AIDS 7

8 Through animal or insect bites Transmission by Vectors Examples : Dengue fever Malaria Rabies 8

9 Examples : Rubella Congenital syphilis Transmission through Mother to Foetus A foetus can acquire an infection from her mother 9

10 Environmental Hygiene Hygiene in public and private places is equally important Pay attention to 5 main areas: 10

11 Ensure good ventilation Keep windows open 11 Create a smoke-free environment for work, rest and play Check for drips from air-conditioners Wash dust filters of air-conditioners frequently

12 Keep environment clean Wipe furniture and household facilities daily Soiled objects or facilities must be cleaned again 12

13 Keep environment clean 13 Keep floors / carpets clean Vacuum-clean floors / carpets every day and wash / shampoo them regularly

14 Keep common facilities such as staircase, lifts, lobbies, refuse collection chambers, canopies and ventilation fans clean and have them disinfected and maintained regularly 14 Keep environment clean

15 Do not litter Wrap up rubbish properly before putting it in a bin with a well-fitting lid Empty the bin once a day Dispose of refuse separately into appropriate collection bins to ease environmental degradation 15

16 Put litter into a rubbish bin Be considerate. Do not litter or spit Littering or spitting in public is an offence and the offender is liable to a fixed penalty of HK$1,500 16 Do not litter

17 Take your dog to dog parks regularly Do not let it foul public places Always clean up its mess and dispose of it in a dog excreta collection bin Wash hands after handling refuse 17 Do not litter

18 Make sure drains and pipes are not leaking or blocked. Do not alter them without prior authorization Clean toilets daily 18 Maintain drains and pipes

19 Pour water into drain outlets regularly to prevent foul air and insects in the sewage pipe from entering the premises 19 Maintain drains and pipes

20 Make sure there is liquid soap and a clean towel in the toilet for hand washing At home 20 Maintain drains and pipes

21 21 Liquid soap and disposable towels or hand driers should be made available Maintain drains and pipes For public toilets

22 Prevent pest and rodent infestation To prevent mosquito breeding 22 Change water for flowers and plants at least once a week Do not leave water in trays or plates underneath the flowerpots

23 Fill up uneven ground surfaces to prevent accumulation of stagnant water 23 Prevent pest and rodent infestation To prevent mosquito breeding

24 24 Prevent pest and rodent infestation Spray insecticides into drain outlets of sewage pipes to prevent pest and ant breeding To prevent mosquito breeding

25 Follow instructions on the package for proper use and storage of insecticides 25 Prevent pest and rodent infestation Wash your hands and face after use

26 Clear up refuse or disused articles at home or in common areas of buildings Trim shrubs and keep flowerbeds clean and tidy to prevent rodent infestation 26 Prevent pest and rodent infestation

27 27 Prevent pest and rodent infestation Report rubbish black spots and stagnant water at construction sites by calling Food and Environmental Hygiene Department hotline: 2868 0000

28 Do not eat dirty food Do not purchase pre-packaged food that does not have proper labeling, has passed its expiry date or is in a damaged package Food Choices Do not eat at unlicensed food stalls or unclean food premises 28

29 Do not eat dirty food Do not buy uncovered food or food that has been stored at room temperature for some time Do not eat food that looks, smells or tastes abnormal or is suspected to be contaminated 29 Food Choices

30 30 To prevent germs in saliva from contaminating food Wash hands thoroughly with liquid soap before eating and handling food Food Handling  Use serving chopsticks and spoons at meal times  Do not share lunch boxes and drinks

31 31 Store cooked food in the upper compartment of the refrigerator and raw food in the lower compartment Cook meat thoroughly before eating Food Handling

32 32 Prepare raw food and pre- cooked food separately, preferably using separate knives and chopping boards Food Handling

33 Keep the kitchen clean Wash the exhaust fan and range hood regularly Food Storage 33 Store eating utensils in a clean cupboard

34 34 Make sure the refrigerator is clean and works well Clean the refrigerator once a week Store food in covered containers or the refrigerator Food Storage

35 Leftovers should best be discarded. Otherwise, they should be  stored properly in refrigerators (4˚C or below); and  thoroughly reheated to 75˚C or above before being served again 35 Food Storage

36 Frozen food should be stored at a temperature of -18°C or below 36 Food Storage Follow the storage instructions on the food label and note the expiry date

37 Be considerate Do not leave food scraps and litter in public places 37 Food Storage

38 Keep germs at bay Wash hands and face immediately Wash clothes or air them in a well-ventilated place for at least one day to clear away dirt and germs 38 When you return home,

39 Wash your hair and have a shower / bath every day Keep fingernails and toenails clean Clean shoes and put them in a well-ventilated place. Wash hands immediately afterwards 39 Keep germs at bay

40 Your health is in your hands Wash hands… 40 before touching the eyes, nose and mouth before eating or handling food after sneezing or coughing

41 41 after touching public installations or equipment with liquid soap, then dry hands with a clean towel, tissue paper or a hand drier after going to the toilet Your health is in your hands Wash hands…

42 42 Do not use communal towels Your health is in your hands Rub hands with a 65-95% alcohol solution to disinfect hands when hand washing facilities are not available

43 Always carry a handkerchief or some tissue paper. Cover your nose and mouth with it when sneezing or coughing 43 Your health is in your hands

44 44 Be considerate… Do not make the floor wet when washing your hands or discard used tissue paper outside the bin Your health is in your hands Keep the toilet rim clean. Flush the toilet after use

45 Avoid promiscuity; and Take precautionary measures To prevent sexually transmitted diseases Use condoms properly whenever you have sexual intercourse 45

46 To prevent diseases spread by blood or bodily fluid Do not share towels or personal items such as toothbrushes, nail clippers orshaving products 46 Take precautionary measures

47 To prevent blood-borne diseases Make sure the tools and equipment have been thoroughly sterilized before receiving ear piercing, tattooing or acupuncture Do not share syringes or needles 47 Take precautionary measures

48 To protect yourself and prevent others from contracting diseases Consult a doctor promptly if you feel unwell. 48 Wear a mask if you have symptoms of a respiratory tract infection Seek medical help if you are unwell

49 If you have a fever, do not go to school or work 49 To prevent others from contracting diseases Seek medical help if you are unwell

50 Do not take antibiotics without medical advice 50 To protect yourself and prevent others from contracting diseases Seek medical help if you are unwell

51 Wear a mask when visiting hospitals or clinics. When you arrive home, take a shower and wash your hair 51 To protect yourself and prevent others from contracting diseases Seek medical help if you are unwell

52 Adopt a healthy lifestyle To strengthen immunity and protect ourselves from diseases 52 Do not smoke or drink too much alcohol Have adequate rest Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet


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