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Easy (to Find) 'n Safe (to Use) A Workshop on Finding and Using Licensed Materials Barbara DeFelice Director, Digital Resources Program Amanda Albright.

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Presentation on theme: "Easy (to Find) 'n Safe (to Use) A Workshop on Finding and Using Licensed Materials Barbara DeFelice Director, Digital Resources Program Amanda Albright."— Presentation transcript:


2 Easy (to Find) 'n Safe (to Use) A Workshop on Finding and Using Licensed Materials Barbara DeFelice Director, Digital Resources Program Amanda Albright Instructional Technologist March 21 st, 2011

3 Creative Commons Workshop 1.The Copyright Setting 2.Why Creative Commons 3.Creative Commons Licenses 4.Finding Materials with CC Licenses 5.Create Your Project with CC Materials 6.License It!

4 Copyright happens automatically when a work is created in a tangible form does not require registration or notice lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years at least, and more in some cases Copyright is a bundle of rights: you can sign them away exclusively you can grant non-exclusive licenses that give multiple people permission to use a work for different purposes The Copyright Setting

5 Creative Commons Licenses: apply to works that are subject to copyright (NOT to works already in the public domain) offer an option for the creator to define permitted uses explicitly do NOT affect Fair Use are NOT exclusive allow copying, distribution, display, public performance, & reformatting do NOT contradict copyright What is a Creative Common License?

6 Although everything is copyrighted automatically, creators may not want or need to hold all those rights exclusively Perfectly acceptable uses are often restricted due to the automatic assignment of copyrights Permissions handling is often unnecessary but costly in time, money and effort Why use Creative Commons Licenses?


8 The Core Creative Commons License Attributes Attribution: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit the way you request Non-Commercial: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only. No Derivative Works: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only exact copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it. Share Alike: You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work. Creative Commons License Attributes by nc nd sa

9 6 Creative Commons License Combinations Attribution Non-commercial (by-nc) provides for building upon and remixing but NOT for commercial purposes Attribution is always present Attribution Share Alike (by-sa) allows building upon and remixing the work, even for commercial purposes. The users must license their work as Share Alike also. Attribution (by) only provides for all kinds of uses, including derivative works. Attribution No Derivatives (by-nd) Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) is most restrictive Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) provides for building upon and remixing but NOT for commercial purposes

10 Can't I just Google the images I need and use them if they are online? What about videos on YouTube? Freely available ≠ Free-to-Use ?

11 Finding and Identifying CC Licensed Materials At your (virtual) fingertips...with Firefox Add-in But look at the license for each object before you decide to use it!

12 Identifying Copyright Status of Images vs.

13 What about Public Domain content?

14 Found what you need? How do you “cite” it? Guidelines for Attribution New add-on for Firefox will format an attribution for a Creative Commons licensed site for you: Open Attribute

15 Your Turn! Use Creative Commons Licensed Materials Create a Project You Can Share License It Search---Find---Interpret---Create---License Use Powerpoint or WORD to create something new, such as a presentation, a greeting card, a business card, or as a place to collect items to use in a video or a display.

16 My Sample Project: The Violin "kowi strings” by Speckkowi strings 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) covent garden - some dude playing the violin Uploaded on January 15, 2007 by protographer23January 15, 2007protographer23 n Some Rights Reserved Attribution 2.0 Generic impro au violin by Ptitemesange Samples of new violin music Samples of classical violin music Now you want to learn to play violin! Video lessons from a pro! Note no CC license, this is an ad but is automatically copyrighted!

17 Acknowledgements Anthony Helm, for co-creating the presentation and workshop Molly Kleinman at Univ. Michigan Work found at 1-how-to-attribute-a-creative-commons-licensed- work/ / Molly Kleinman / CC BY 3.0 ( License for this Powerpoint

18 What is it? When would you use it? What can you do with material licensed with these combinations? Quiz

19 What is it? When would you use it? What can you do with material licensed with these combinations? Quiz Time!

20 What is it? When would you use it? What can you do with material licensed with these combinations? Quiz Time!

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