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Food and Nutritional Security Policy in Brazil And The Efforts to Reach the Millennium Development Goals: Inter-sectoriality and Participative Democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Food and Nutritional Security Policy in Brazil And The Efforts to Reach the Millennium Development Goals: Inter-sectoriality and Participative Democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and Nutritional Security Policy in Brazil And The Efforts to Reach the Millennium Development Goals: Inter-sectoriality and Participative Democracy to the Food Adequate Human Rights POLÍTICA DE SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR E NUTRICIONAL NO BRASIL E ALCANCE DOS OBJETIVOS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DO MILÊNIO: Intersetorialidade e democracia participativa em prol do Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada Pedro M. Kitoko Ph.D in Public Heath and Nutritional Epidemiological and Food and Nutritional Security Specialist.

2 What is Food and Nutritional Security? Food and nutritional security consists in the realization of the human right to regular and permanent access to good quality food, in sufficient quantity, without compromising the fulfillment of other basic needs, having as its basis healthy nutritional habits that respect cultural diversity and that are environmentally, culturally, economically and socially sustainable. Art. 3 - Law 11.346, 2006

3 Food and Nutritional Security Principles: 1. Human Right to Adequate Food Adequate food is a basic human right, inherent to human dignity and indispensable to the realization of the rights established by the Federal Constitution. 2. Food Sovereignty The right of the people to decide upon its food policies and strategies

4 Legal Framework Constitutional Ammendement introduces the right to food as a fundamental right Organic Law institutes the National System of Food and Nutrition Security – SISAN Norms of the Federal Executive Power create CONSEA, the Interministerial Chamber, the Policy and the Plan of Food and Nutrition Security Laws and norms are being drafted in the subnational governments

5 Macrochallenge propositions formulated in the 4th National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security: Adopting the strategic goal to sovereignty and Food and Nutritional Security as one of the axis of the officers of the country development strategy; Ensure the human right to adequate and healthy food and comprehensive health care and nutrition for all life cycles, from the principles and guidelines of the National Policy for Food and Nutrition (PNAN); Embed and ensure the consolidation of the principles of ethno development in the universal public and specific policy; Promoting new foundations for a model of production and consumption in Brazil, based on the principles of food sovereignty, sustainability, social and climate justice, gender equity, generation, race and ethnicity, social participation and solidarity economy

6 Macrochallenge propositions formulated in the 4th National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security: Expand the generation of decent work and income by strengthening the action of professional and social skills, and raising the minimum wage. Strengthen the State´s regulatory role in protecting and promoting the Right to Adequate and Healthy Food and Food Sovereignty in the spheres of production, supply, distribution, marketing and consumption. Establish and implement the National Policy on Food Supply based on the proposal under construction by the Inter-Ministerial Chamber for Food and Nutritional Security Incorporating the Human Right to Adequate and Healthy Food as a National Policy of Urban development and apply it in the instruments of democratic city management. Incorporating social and ethical dimension and the principles of social and climate justice in confronting the climate crises. Defend the principles of Human Right to Adequate and Healthy Food and Food Sovereignty in international relations. Promote food and nutritional education at all levels of education, with inclusion in the Education Policy of the Food and Nutritional Security and Human right to Adequate Food Brazilian themes.

7 Millennium Development Goals Objetivos do desenvolvimento do milênio


9 GDP (real) Per Capita and Gini Index

10 Population in Extreme Poverty

11 Rate of Child Mortality in Brazil (per 1,000 live births)

12 Some main Brazilian challenges

13 Differences in deficit prevalences of height for age (%) in children under-five years old, according to situation for general population and Northern region, indigenous people, quilombolas and titular people of Bolsa Família Program

14 Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 100,000 live births)

15 Actions and programs of major impact for to reach some of the millenium development goals Income Transfer Program: Bolsa Família Program National School Nutrition Programme Food Acquisition from Family Farming Program Strengthening Family Farming Program: Cisterns Programs Food and Nutrition Equipments: popular restaurants, community? Kitchen, community garden, school garden, etc. Food and Nutrition Surveillance System Vitamins and Minerals Supplementation Program Worker Feeding Food Distribution


17 What is CONSEA? The National Council for Food and Nutritional Security - CONSEA is an organism that joints government and civil society for the immediate advising of the President of the Republic in the conduction of the related policy and issues. CONSEA is part of the structure of the Presidency of Republic and has the technical support of MDS.

18 CONSEA - Attributions: Convocation of the National Conference for Food and Nutritional Security; Suggesting the guidelines and priorities of the National Policy and Plan on Food and Nutritional Security, including the budgetary requirements for its execution; Articulating, examining and monitoring the implementation and convergence of actions of the National Policy and Plan; Instituting permanent mechanisms of articulation with related agencies and entities in the States and municipalities; Mobilizing and supporting entities of civil society in the discussion and implementation of public actions

19 CONSEA - Composition: I. ⅓ (one third) of governmental representatives constituted by Ministers of State and Special Secretaries related to the attainment of food and nutritional security; II. ⅔ (two thirds) of civil society representatives chosen based on appointment criteria approved at the National Conference; and III. Observers CONSEA shall be presided by one of its members, a civil society representative The Secretary of CONSEA is the Ministry of MDS, which is responsible for technical support.

20 CONSEA – proposals which resulted in positive actions in public policies: in positive actions in public policies: Creation of the Program for Acquisition of Food from Family Farming - PAA; monitoring and support to its expansion Permanent discussion of public policies related to the increment of family farming Evaluation of the National School Food Program – PNAE: Increase in the value of transferences made per student Elaboration of a Law Project Proposal to incorporate the criteria of Food and Nutritional Security in international negotiations Evaluation of the Family Grant Program (“Bolsa-Família”): social control and popular participation; access by specific groups; actions associated Proposals related to actions and programs for the semi-arid region

21 “ Hunger is not a natural phenomenon, but a social phenomenon, product of defective economic structures.” Josué de Castro

22 Thank you! Tel 55 61 3411 –2747 Fax 55 61 3411-2301 See also the CDES website: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome

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