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4S-WfM Simple Semantic Structured Serviceable Workflow Management

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1 4S-WfM Simple Semantic Structured Serviceable Workflow Management Aff@ri

2 Aff@ri: enterprise auto-poiesis by know/exp thai-chi Stakeholders Experience Knowledge Governanc e Developmen t RESOURCE BUSINESS Business Community

3 MASTERDATAMASTERDATA Aff@ri: enterprise master-data to improve business WHY? stakeholders Roles HOW? make Procedures contents WHAT? Norms properly! work Organization Chart Production Standard Process Rules

4 Aff@ri: workflow definition by master-data Roles (who) Procedures (how) Norms (what) Workflow The workflow is defined inter-linking the 3 “forests” of master data


6 4S-WfM: semantic workflow The work-flow execution depends by the choices about the norm-instances (metadata), instead by the input-values (data), in the current-dossier. F A BC GDE 2 3 1 2 3 5 6 5 6 4 2 Condition Norm of the Procedure (Occurrence/+Valence) B 2 Production Norm of the Procedure A Start End 1/+1 Occurrence of the Content in the Dossier Valence of the Option in the Norm

7 4S-WfM: from the flow-chart Why return to the “flow charts”after decades of “structured programming”?

8 4S-WfM: to the BPM BPM (Business Process Model)

9 4S-WfM: to an ALT semi-structured tree Business Process Modeling in Abstract Logic Tree (ALT) (IBM China Research Lab) To map processes into BPEL4WS

10 4S-WfM: up to a simple and well structured tree A B C 3 D E 3 I 2 Q F 2 6 3 L 5 G 5 H 4 O N 6 M 2 - 6 P 3 J 4 K 5 Start End 1/-3 1/-2 4 5 PostCondition of the Procedure (Occurrence/+Valence) L 5 Production Norm of the Procedures G,K

11 4S-WfM: late binding of the order-supply procedures A BC G E 21 6 5 n Production Norm of the Procedure A 3 4 Supply Procedur e Supply Quittanc e 1.“supply procedure”(C), of the same or other Enterprise. 2.“quittance norm” (4), assumed by the “return procedure” (E) (without its own norm) Norms (1) and (2), of the “order procedure” (A), include as “party”: Return Order Procedure Procedure binding at “work-time”

12 4S-WfM: content automation by web-services Pre-Processing populates the Content from other application Post-Processing supplies the Content to other application Active Norms provide some specified Pre/Post-Processing of the concerned Contents at “work-time”: Pre/Post-Processor can consume any useful Web-Service, from the Enterprise Information System or available on the cloud.

13 4S-WfM: very simple to implement and powerful to use Simple user presentation and OODBMS mapping of the procedure tree, which integrate the “work & flow” definition, in each node. Power users are able to create and modify the workflow definitions at “work time”, by simple editing of the concerned roles, norms and procedures (who does what and how). Pre/Post-Condition of the procedures enable all fork-if/rendez-vous and loop in the workflow, through a simple “go up & down”, on the procedure tree. Late binding of procedures enables dynamic supply-chain management, between roles or enterprises. Active norms enable the workflow to “consume” any useful Web-Services, in a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) environment. 4S-WfM supports both approaches to the BPM: project or procedure oriented.

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