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OAC1 1) Computerfaciliteiten OAC 2) Beowulf Cluster CCM 3) UNIX 5) ?

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Presentation on theme: "OAC1 1) Computerfaciliteiten OAC 2) Beowulf Cluster CCM 3) UNIX 5) ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 OAC1 1) Computerfaciliteiten OAC 2) Beowulf Cluster CCM 3) UNIX 5) ?

2 OAC2 OAC(N328) FAR(P275) IBM os: AIX queue: prev. LL server: Iodine network: 144,unsafe backup: none SGI os: irix 6.5 queue: NQE server: (gate-)nonaan network: 148,secure backup: adsm daily inc 30d capacity: 36GB environment: module shell: zsh, csh, ksh g98 (rung98) adf2000 (runadf) amber6 (runsander) XTC os: linux (kernel 2.4) queue: PBS server: xtc0fs network: 144/priv backup: adsm daily inc 30d capacity: 240GB shell: zsh, csh, bash adf2000 nwchem amber6

3 OAC3 NT os: win nt 4 queue: n/a fileserver: cobalt printserver: cobalt network: 144,unsafe backup: occasional Z: //cobalt/home/%username% B: zipdrive Programs *)Office 97 *)Adobe Acrobat reader *)Netscape *)Eudora (depreciated) *)Chemdraw *)Weblabviewer lite *)Platon/Pluton *)SSH/SFTP *)Beilstein (xfire) *)Corel Draw/Photopaint *)Winzip

4 OAC4 Firewall type: packet filtering policy: deny all connection- tracking allow: ssh, ftp, N 1010 Oct 25 Portmapper portmap- N 1011 Oct 25 Portmapper portmap- N 1012 Oct 25 Portmapper N 1013 Oct 25 Portmapper N 1014 Oct 25 Portmapper portmap- N 1015 Oct 25 Portmapper portmap- N 1016 Oct 25 root*octine N 1017 Oct 25 root*octine N 1018 Oct 25 root*far12 N 1019 Oct 25 root*far12 N 1020 Oct 26 root*octine N 1021 Oct 26 Portmapper portmap- N 1022 Oct 27 root@propine sshd- N 1023 Oct 27 root@propine sshd- N 1024 Oct 27 root*octine sshd- N 1025 Oct 27 root*octine sshd- N 1026 Oct 27 root*far12 sshd- N 1027 Oct 27 root*far12 sshd- N 1028 Oct 27 root*octine N 1029 Oct 27 root*octine pure-ftpd- N 1030 Oct 27 root*octine N 1031 Oct 27 root*octine pure-ftpd- N 1032 Oct 28 root*octine 1033 Oct 28 root*octine

5 OAC5 SARA TERAS (sgi) os: irix queue: lsf server:

6 OAC6 SARA SOLO (ibm) os: aix queue: loadleveller server: accounts: v61u0012 stol v61u0001 tc v61u0019 vlipzig

7 OAC7 Diensten (centrale computerondersteuning) Mail: protocol pop, smtp. server mailhost DNS: ;

8 OAC8

9 9

10 10

11 OAC11

12 OAC12

13 OAC13

14 OAC14

15 OAC15


17 OAC17 next generation?

18 OAC18 Portable Batch System

19 OAC19 #!/bin/sh ### Job name #PBS -N test ### Declare job non-rerunable #PBS -r n ### Output files #PBS -e test.err #PBS -o test.log ### Mail to user #PBS -m ae ### Queue name (small, medium, long, verylong) #PBS -q medium ### Number of nodes #PBS -l nodes=8 # This job's working directory echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo Running on host `hostname` echo Time is `date` echo Directory is `pwd` echo This jobs runs on the following processors: echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE` # Define number of processors NPROCS=`wc -l < $PBS_NODEFILE` echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes # Run the parallel MPI executable "mpihello" /usr/local/mpich/bin/mpirun -v -nolocal -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS mpihello

20 OAC20 Amber 6/sander benchmark for SGI-computers

21 OAC21 Stack fault Text- read-only parts of program. Static-preknown memory Arena/Break space-dynamic runtime memory. It consists of heap & unused memory. Stack- whenever a program makes a function call, the current function’s state needs to be saved onto the stack.

22 OAC22

23 OAC23

24 OAC24 Why Google? -They're big(ger than Yahoo). -Their search results are relevanced by inbound links. -They run on 10k+ linux boxes. Some RESULTS:: business:86,900,000 linux: 31,600,000 market: 31,200,000 sex: 28,400,000 god: 24,300,000 microsoft: 20,200,000 ibm: 11,700,000 jesus: 8,800,000 chemistry: 5,210,000 macintosh: 4,860,000 python: 2,080,000

25 OAC25

26 OAC26

27 OAC27

28 OAC28

29 OAC29

30 OAC30 *een willekeurig aantal tekens ?1 teken [abc]1 teken uit een lijst [!abc]geen teken uit de lijst $xxxvariable xxx $last line /^The/start of line /begin/,/end/ statementawk pattern shell wildcards & regular expressions

31 OAC31




35 OAC35 Quota’s # repquota -a /dev/dsk/dks2d1s7 (/home): -------------------------- Disk limits File limits User used soft hard timeleft used soft hard timeleft wit -- 145780 0 0 1987 0 0 lette -- 7320 0 0 450 0 0 vernooys -- 531044 0 0 28251 0 0 root -- 370276 0 0 2789 0 0 stol --1650808 0 0 10678 0 0 lammert -- 155180 0 0 4259 0 0 ehlers -- 217076 0 0 3655 0 0 veis -- 12196 0 0 220 0 0 ensing -- 81128 0 0 429 0 0 goumans -- 310612 0 0 4423 0 0 allaart -- 107348 0 0 1107 0 0 berkheij --1387576 0 0 10913 0 0 termaten -- 579912 0 0 6274 0 0 slootweg -- 87924 0 0 670 0 0 borst -- 100084 0 0 1479 0 0 vgisberg -- 12 0 0 4 0 0 vlaar -- 640012 0 0 6382 0 0 bulo --2080136 0 0 12111 0 0

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