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1 Measuring Homelessness Presentation by Declan Smyth, Statistician, CSO. MPHASIS 7 th November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Measuring Homelessness Presentation by Declan Smyth, Statistician, CSO. MPHASIS 7 th November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Measuring Homelessness Presentation by Declan Smyth, Statistician, CSO. MPHASIS 7 th November 2008

2 2 Layout of presentation zHistorical picture zField staff structure/Logistics zEnumeration procedure zThe Census Form zTowards Census 2011

3 3 Censuses - historical picture z1841-1911: every ten years z1926-1946: every ten years z1951 to-date: every five years with two exceptions: y1976 census cancelled on cost grounds - headcount subsequently taken in 1979 y2001 census postponed to 2002 because of foot and mouth disease in March/April 2001

4 4 2006 census results zPopulation of 4.235 m - highest since 1861 z+2% p.a. since 2002 zHighest annual increase in EU zPrevious high 1.5% p.a. in 1971/1979 z50% increase since 1961 (2.8m)

5 Field structure z6 Liaison Officers z40 Regional Supervisors z400 Field Supervisors z4,400 Enumerators covering between 290-350 households including communal establishments (hotels, prisons etc). zEnumerators Distribute/ Collect/ Check and summarise forms 5

6 Logistics zPrinting and storage of all materials zDistribution of materials (incl. paper, mobile phones, PCs, printers etc.) zOrganise storage of completed census forms zAccount for all expenditures 6

7 Enumeration procedure zVisual enumeration zDistribution of census forms zCollection of completed census forms zScrutiny of forms on the door step zSummarisation of census returns zReturn street/townland summaries zReturn of materials to CSO 7

8 The Census Form 8 zBasic form is a household form yQuestions relating to household accommodation y6 persons - 3 pages of questions each zIndividual form - HH over 7 persons, hotel, privacy zListing form - institutions e.g. hospital  ‘Living Rough’ form

9 Communal Establishments in Census 2006 9 Population Number of establishmentsPersonsMalesFemales Establishments Hospital24422,68910,11512,574 Nursing home/children's home94123,3178,23315,084 Educational establishment804,3692,2762,093 Religious community5346,0381,7544,284 Defence establishment2981073080 Prison153,1333,018115 Shelter or Refuge **1895,6813,6462,035 Hotel80030,52816,02014,508 Guest house, boarding house and B&B1,0756,6433,7262,917 Tourist/youth hostel or campsite1583,0991,7391,360 Civilian ships, boats and barges323683644 Other971,310646664 Not stated31596 Total4,197108,00052,27655,724 **(including accommodation for homeless persons)

10 Towards Census 2011 zAdvisory Sub-group on the Homeless have held meeting in CSO – 14 October 2008 yFocus Ireland yHSE ySimon Community of Ireland yThe Homeless Agency yD/Environment, Heritage and Local Government yFingal County Council 10

11 Towards Census 2011 zGroup to agree a list of institutions that persons who reside in are likely to be homeless prior to Census 2011 zHomeless Agency (HA) plan to assist CSO with enumeration of the homeless in the Dublin area zHA conduct their own enumeration of those sleeping rough in Dublin regularly and could test collecting the data CSO propose to gather in Census 2011 11

12 Towards Census 2011 zThe Homeless Forums in Local Authorities are a key point of contact for CSO in identifying institutions, especially in areas outside of Dublin zFor those Sleeping Rough intend to capture yName ySex yDate of Birth/Age yPlace of Birth/Nationality 12

13 Towards Census 2011 zCSO will keep in contact with the various agencies/organisations and the D/Environment in relation to the enumeration of the Homeless and outputs to be produced from Census 2011. zOutputs for 2011 – 2 categories, Sleeping Rough and Homeless Institutions 13

14 MPHASIS 7 th November 2008 Any questions? 14

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