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Introduction to Version 3.0 A multi-rater social-emotional and behavior assessment tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Version 3.0 A multi-rater social-emotional and behavior assessment tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Version 3.0 A multi-rater social-emotional and behavior assessment tool

2 How Rapid Screener Works

3 Rapid Screener Overview The primary purpose of Rapid Screener is to determine: –Relationship between raters and student being assessed –Presence and degree of independence of adaptive behaviors –Presence of and degree of severity of interfering behaviors –Consensus among raters determining which behaviors and skills to focus on as part of educational program

4 Where do problems occur? 1.Are problems occurring at school and home? 2.Are problems occurring at school but not home? 3.Home but not school? School HomeCommunity School Responsibilities

5 Rapid Screener Process Multi- rater Report Teacher Report of Functioning In the Education Program Family Report of functioning at home or community Other DIS/Private Clinicians Report on Functioning

6 This process keeps families in control Suppose a student is bed-wetting but has no problems at school. Rapid Screener will not include this information in the multi- rater report because it is not a school problem However, the parent, who receives their own feedback summary, is free to bring this information up at the IEP meeting –Or not. It allows families to decide what non- school information is included in the reports

7 Rapid Screener helps schools: Conduct useful and valid behavior assessments in a time and cost-efficient manner Include all persons in the assessment process who may have important information about a student’s educational functioning Present the results in a clear, understandable manner that efficiently moves along the IEP process Track whether students are making progress in all areas of their education, including social- emotional and behavioral functioning (RTI)

8 How Rapid Screener Works

9 Up to Ten Raters for a Single Student: Parents, step-parents, teachers, and others can each report on student behavior as they see it. Each rater only sees questions about behaviors they have directly observed. Built-in Validity Analysis: Raters are shown summaries of their responses and evaluate how accurately these fit their view of the student, resulting in an incremental validity analysis. Multiple Reporting Options: Each rater can print out an instant summary of their responses. Once all assigned raters have completed Rapid Screener, a single multi-rater report is generated to guide the team towards consensus and effective intervention Simple interpretations, easy to understand. Rapid Screener is based on statistics, but scores are straight-forward and do not require explanations of T-Scores, Standard Scores, or Percentiles Rapid Screener addresses these needs, and more:

10 The Rapid Screener interview is a friendly and simple 3 step process… Section I: Determines the relationship between the raters and the student Section II: Assesses the presence, consistency, and degree of independence of positive behaviors associated with school success Section III: Assess the presence and severity of interfering behaviors

11 Section I Demographics Interview

12 Section I: Demographics The rater is initially presented with questions inquiring how they know the student, including: –How long have they known the student? –Where do they see him or her (home, class, yard, multiple classes)? –What time period is their rating based on? Last two weeks, earlier? Using these questions, Rapid Screener determines what to ask the rater in Sections II and III interviews that follow

13 Section II Positive Behaviors

14 Adaptive Skills Areas Motor Skills Communication Skills Social Behavior Sensory Behavior Sleep/Alertness Home Skills School Skills Community Skills

15 New Rating System Not observed (student has never been seen exhibiting behavior or is unable to attempt skill; score 0) Emerging skill (student occasionally or rarely exhibits behavior and nearly always requires prompting or staff guidance to complete; score 1) Established skill (student frequently exhibits behavior and sometimes requires prompting or staff guidance; score 2) Independent skill (student frequently exhibits behavior and rarely or never requires prompting or staff guidance; score 3)

16 Consistent With Established Guidelines These areas of adaptive functioning are consistent with guidelines from the Department of Education, DSM- IV, and AAMR.

17 Detailed Review of Adaptive Areas

18 Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills –Strength –Balance –Gait –Muscle Tone –Exercise Fine Motor Skills –Dexterity –Object Manipulation –Object Use

19 Communication Skills Nonverbal Imitative Receptive Expressive Speech/Voice Quality Conversational Pragmatic Written

20 Social Behavior Self-Directed Group-Directed Interaction Emotional Coping skills Pragmatic

21 Sensory Behavior Auditory stimuli Visual stimuli Touch Taste Smell Novel/Unfamiliar Routines Structure Movement

22 Sleep/Alertness Getting to bed Staying asleep Waking up Quality of Sleep Alertness during school activities Alertness during home/community activities

23 Home Skills Toileting Eating Cooking Dressing Grooming Chores Functional academics Time Concepts Money Concepts Technology skills Transitions Play/Leisure Home Orientation

24 School Skills Classroom functioning Academic readiness skills Basic math Basic reading Basic writing Time concepts Money concepts Technology skills Vocational skills Technology skills Transitions Play/Leisure School Orientation

25 Community Skills Community functioning Community activities Functional academics Eating out Time Concepts Money Concepts Technology skills Vocational skills Transitions Play/Leisure Community Orientation

26 Section III Interfering Behaviors

27 These are behaviors which interfere with school success, broken into the following clusters: A) Self-harm, aggression, disruptive behavior (Hughes Bill behaviors) B) Uncooperative, sexual, self-stimulatory behavior C) Anxiety and fear-based behaviors, dependence D) Perceptual problems, sadness, difficulty coping E) Basic and pragmatic social/language challenges F) Executive functioning deficits

28 Section III: Interfering Behaviors (Cluster Grouping) Externalizing (A, B) Dangerous to self or others Property Damage, Highly disruptive Social/Environmental (E, F) Behaviors that impair effective communication, social interaction, or interaction with the environment Internalizing (C, D) Behaviors that directly affect performance due to emotions, impaired thinking, or coping These six clusters correspond to the following groupings

29 This is the opening screen. Raters can access Rapid Screener from our website, by email, or via faxed or mailed instructions After they log in, the user will receive a greeting and instructions, be asked for their name and the student’s name (or ID code) and begin to complete Section I, Demographics.

30 The behaviors in Cluster A represent those which are likely to generate the need for a Functional Analysis Assessment.

31 The responses from the previous page appear below. Bolded responses mean OFTEN while normal text mean SOMETIMES After reviewing these behaviors, the rater chooses the severity level for the group

32 The process is repeated for each remaining clusters of questions

33 Notice that the color scheme alternates to make it easier for raters to tell where they are in the survey

34 The Rapid Screener report includes a basic description of the test describing it three sections: 1.Demographics 2.Positive Behaviors 3.Interfering Behaviors It describes how, in Section III, only those behaviors which were rated as a severity level of “4” or high are included for Clusters B-F. Within these clusters, only those behaviors rated as occurring “sometimes” or “often” by at least one member of the student’s educational program are included. The level of agreement with other educational staff plus raters from Home or Community settings is presented For Cluster A, which describes potentially dangerous behaviors, all statements are reported where any single rater reported the occurrence of that behavior Interpretation

35 About Clusters/Severity The cluster descriptions and severity ratings appear in the report to help ease the interpretation process. Once someone has interpreted a single Rapid Screener report, subsequent interpretations are quick and simple, no matter how many raters were involved. By narrowing the range of behaviors to fit the “school only” or “school and home” filter, the team saves time and can move on to determining whether additional observation in targeted areas or intervention is needed.

36 How to Interpret Rapid Screener Cluster Descriptions Cluster A: Danger to self or others; property damage; or disruptive behaviors Cluster B: Socially offensive behavior; uncooperative behavior; sexual behavior; or repetitive behaviors Cluster C: Anxiety, fearfulness, avoidant behavior, dependent behavior Cluster D: Emotional, perceptual, or somatic concerns; negativity; difficulty coping effectively; substance use Cluster E: Basic and pragmatic language skills and social communication abilities Cluster F: Planning; task completion organization; monitoring behavior; impulsivity; attention; memory or forgetfulness This graph shows the severity levels reported by all raters for each of the above clusters. Solid colors represent school ratings; diagonal-shaded bars represent home or community ratings: mother Tutor after school The behaviors in Cluster A are those which are likely to generate the need for a Functional Analysis Assessment.

37 Rapid Screener User Feedback Data Analysis Version 2.5 A follow-up analysis: 2005-06 data

38 Users of Rapid Screener have a broad range of experience and comfort levels using computers Who Uses Rapid Screener?

39 In analyzing first time computer users in all three validity sections, 93% reported acceptable ratings.

40 How long does it take to complete Rapid Screener? In a recent analysis of 73 consecutive users: –59% of all types of users completed it in less than 30 minutes –18% completed it in 30-40 minutes –15% completed it in 40-50 minutes –4% required 1 hour to complete it 60% of first-time users and 45% of novice/beginners completed it in under 30 minutes

41 100% of first-time users of Rapid Screener had no problems using it (N=5 from a pool of 78 users) Problems?

42 80% of all users reported no problems using Rapid Screener Problems? cont’d

43 Of those users who reported any problems, all were rated as “Minor.” From this group, validity results were rated as “Acceptable” by 98% of raters

44 Which do they prefer… Using the Computer or Paper Forms? 16% of users would prefer using paper to computer for completing this type of survey (no first-time users preferred paper in this sample; N=73 users)

45 Additional Information

46 Who has Rapid Screener Used with? Children and adolescents with: –Anxiety Disorders –Asperger's Syndrome –Autism –ADHD/ADD –Executive Functioning Deficits –Depression –Learning Disabilities –Mental Retardation –OCD –Oppositional and Noncompliant behavior –School Avoidance –Social Shyness –Somatic Disorders –Speech and Language Disorders –Severe Emotional Disturbance.

47 Common Rapid Screener Uses Determining whether problems are occurring in the educational program or other settings (e.g., home and/or community) Assessing Response to Interventions as required by IDEIA 2004 As an aid in completing Functional Assessments; For identifying complex behavior patterns to determine the most important areas to target for behavioral intervention; Efficiently identifying important behaviors during clinical treatment.

48 Useful for Unique Situations Rapid Screener can be used to assess children who have not attended school recently by conducting a retrospective analysis This feature can also be used to compare behavior reported by a teacher from last year to current functioning

49 Overview of Rapid Screener Features Multidimensional approach for comprehensive assessment Easily interpretable profiles Differentiates between different diagnoses and syndromes based on symptoms clusters A useful, comprehensive, tool specifically designed for identifying behavior problems as required by IDEIA 2004, and for developing FAAs, FBAs, BIPs, IEPs, and IPPs. Quickly identifies target behaviors occurring in the student's educational program Allows different providers to rate behavior in different settings Assesses progress over time (by having 2-3 ratings per academic year, can track student changes in emotional and social functioning across settings, providing a comprehensive analysis which can be linked to ongoing interventions) Gives parents and teachers a better understanding of children's unique problems Facilitates more detailed functional analysis of behavior occurrences and triggers “Fax-friendly” reports

50 Training can occur using our state of the art teleconferencing system

51 The Rapid Screener Completion Process 1.Once we receive a referral from the school psychologist or other Qualified User 1.BehaviorTech Solutions will contact each rater according to the method indicated by the referring clinician to initiate the Rapid Screener assessment process. 2.Provide the referring clinician with ongoing status reports as raters complete Rapid Screener 3.Provide each rater with an instant report of their survey results as they complete the survey 2.Once all raters have completed their ratings or the required 10 day period has elapsed, all rater data is analyzed and a multi-rater report is created 3.A copy of the report is sent to the referring clinician via encrypted email or by any other means requested..

52 Progress Communicator Tracking behavior “Live”

53 Progress Communicator It is used to help students monitor their own behavior and access coping skills as needed IEP Team members can use it to keep other team members involved of important positive and interfering behiavors All data is stored in a secure online data base

54 For More Information about Call (818) 788-2100 Email Write BehaviorTech Solutions, 16430 Ventura Blvd., Ste 107, Encino, CA 91436

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