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- Cultural Safety Workshop Aboriginal health LIME Conference September 2007.

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1 - Cultural Safety Workshop Aboriginal health LIME Conference September 2007



4 Overview University of Melbourne, School of Rural Health (SRH) offers, as part of its Speciality Health Rotations subject, the 4 week Rural Health Module (RHM). The RHM is a compulsory part of the curriculum and must be successfully completed.

5 Rural Health Module There are five key conceptual themes that underpin all aspects of the RHM, one of which is Cultural Safety. Cultural Safety Workshop Overview Cultural safety requires health professionals to acknowledge their position of power, reflect on their judgements and communication styles, and be proactive about providing a safe service.

6 Core Aims Recognition of the Local Aboriginal Community Local history and impact of colonisation Awareness of the existence of Koori community as culturally distinct from mainstream, other Aboriginal communities and other ethnic groups Understanding and celebration of Cultural Heritage Appreciating the diversity of experience and identity of local Kooris through hearing their stories

7 Core Aims Understanding ‘White’ (Mainstream) Privilege Understanding mainstream culture, values and beliefs so dominant culture is not seen as normative Awareness of white (mainstream) privilege at the personal and institutional levels Development of self reflective practice in relation to issues of white privilege

8 Pedagogy Experiential and Interactive Workshop

9  Coffee  Welcome and ground rules  Icebreaker  Bafa Bafa  MORNING TEA  Defining Cultural Safety  Video  LUNCH  Koori Panel  AFTERNOON TEA  Institutional Cultural Safety  Evaluation questionnaire  Finish. Agenda

10 An overseas student being with a group of Australians and not understanding the cultural slant on Australian jokes and feeling that perhaps the group were ‘having a go’ at him; Travelling in Morocco during Ramadan and being really hungry and getting ‘caught’ breaking the fast; Offering a policeman in Australia some money after being pulled over for speeding as this was a common practice in the country she came from (fortunately the judge was very understanding); Ice Breaker

11 Alpha  confused  angry  upset at cards being ‘stolen’  going into the corner and crying  alienated  so competitive  taken advantage of  ‘miaow’ in frustration! Beta  suspicious  what obligation does hugging mean?  overwhelmed (by affection)  why am I upsetting them?  Bewildered  Aimless (they just kept taking the beads…)  confusing  tired at being nice all the time

12 Bafa  Difficulty, challenge and interest of entering a different culture  Possibility of offending unawares  Possibility of being exploited  Strong emotions  Different perceptions of the same situation  One culture not being understood by another culture  How one’s own culture ‘frames’ the understanding of the other culture

13 Babakiueria 1.What did you like about the video? 2.What didn’t you like about the video? 3.What insight does it provide to the issues discussed so far in the workshop?

14 Babakiueria 1.What did you like about the video? Creative – changing the perspective ‘seeing from the other side’. Humorous – light-hearted way of expressing their anger/emotion. Passivity & response to treatment (‘whites’ response to ‘abuse’ – often very accepting). Incorporation of historical events – portrayed in a way that we could understand & relate to.

15 Babakiueria 2. What didn’t you like about the video? Video targeted to people without knowledge of past events. Insulting to whites. Inconsistency – what each society/culture wanted? Doesn’t emphasize the good things about white culture.

16 Babakiueria 3.What insight does it provide to the issues discussed so far in the workshop? Importance of cultural safety – be sensitive. Highlights the difficulties of communication between the different cultures. Lasting impact of history on generations. Different in expression but similar values (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal).

17 Koori Panel

18 Evaluation What did you enjoy most about the Cultural Safety Workshop? All of the sessions contributed differently whilst they covered similar things. Koori Panel I really enjoyed the Bafa Bafa activity and the thoughts and feelings it raised. It gave each of us a first hand experience of trying to assimilate with no assistance, it was surprisingly challenging. GREAT!! The setting and method of teaching – created an excellent learning environment. Safe environment & learn and discuss topics that can be “scary” and “taboo ”.

19 Evaluation Did the Workshop address your issues regarding Cultural Safety? Yes – it covered various topics in a variety of ways e.g. video, discussion, Bafa Bafa. It helped me understand the importance of trying to understand other cultures and not judge people based on your own values. Yes – Panel discussion was very insightful. Yes, I have a better understanding about the history of Aboriginals in Australia and how that shapes community views today.

20 Evaluation Do you have any recommendations for improving the content and presentation of the Workshop? Do it early in Medical School, do it again!!!! More practical solutions – summary at the end of the day. It’d be great if there can be a short pre-reading material on recent developments/issues facing the Aboriginal people of Australia, e.g. Current government policy in the NT. Give a brief background of Aboriginal history.

21 Education Suicide Cancer Liver/Kidney Disease Dispossession of Land Social Injustice Unemployment Drugs Family breakdown Diabetes Role models Identity Teenage pregnancy Low income Ill health Mental Illness Poverty Violence Alcohol abuse Stress Access To services Self Esteem Smoking Heart Disease Diet & Nutrition Peer Group Pressure Child Abuse Gambling Grief & Loss Broken spirits Lifestyle Govt Policy

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