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1 Authority The right to act or command, conferred on a person People willingly obey a person in authority because they believe he or she has the right.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Authority The right to act or command, conferred on a person People willingly obey a person in authority because they believe he or she has the right."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Authority The right to act or command, conferred on a person People willingly obey a person in authority because they believe he or she has the right (and means) to exercise power Sources of authority are: Rational -Legal from position or office held Traditionalfrom custom and practice e.g. obedience Charismatic from exceptional ability to lead people

2 2 Power and Influence Power involves the capacity of one person to influence another Influence is the essence of leadership: getting people to think and do things (change) Power is usually relative i.e. more or less than someone else’s at a given point of time Different types of power exert different influence, depending on the situation (people and context) Position Power Legitimatehas authority and others feel obligation Rewardothers comply to earn reward Coerciveothers comply to avoid punishment Informationhas control over access to information Ecologicalhas control over situation/environment/culture Personal Power Referent others respect, admire and seek approval Expert has expertise and advice on best way

3 3 Two Models of Influence NORTH WIND  Direct pressure  From outside  As if on an object  To make them change their mind SUN  Indirect influence  From inside  On free will  Create an environment in which they change their mind Aesop’s Fable

4 4 Influencing People will have their reasons for doing things, not ours Understand their reasons first and then choose tactics to influence them Do not rely on the same tactic every time -we tend to use the same approach with everyone Three primary outcomes: Commitment Compliance Resistance Nine primary tactics and which one to use depends on:- You Situation Other person

5 5 Nine Primary Tactics Reason/Rational Persuasion Inspire Ask/Consult/Collaborate Friendliness/Creating Goodwill Deal/Exchange/Bargaining Favour/Personal Appeal Silent Allies/Coalition Tactics Higher Authority/Legitimacy Force/Pressure/Punishment

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