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High-Stakes Assessment: Using Evidence for Admission Policy Decisions Cheryl Shaffer PhD, RN Associate Dean School of Nursing.

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Presentation on theme: "High-Stakes Assessment: Using Evidence for Admission Policy Decisions Cheryl Shaffer PhD, RN Associate Dean School of Nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-Stakes Assessment: Using Evidence for Admission Policy Decisions Cheryl Shaffer PhD, RN Associate Dean School of Nursing

2 Background O First-time licensure pass rates have been used as a quality indicator for nursing program success. O The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) require evidence of achievement of the licensure examination pass rates being at or above the national mean.

3 Background O The National Council of State Boards of Nursing publishes a new NCLEX (Licensure Examination) test plan and passing standard every three years. O The latest version of the NCLEX-RN test plan (April 2013) will remain in effect until March 31, 2016.

4 The Problem O Nationwide, the competency level for safe and effective entry-level nursing practice has significantly and permanently changed. O As such, the April 2013 passing standard rise was the largest single increase ever in the history of the RN licensure exams.

5 First time NCLEX Pass Rates National Average School of NursingNew York Average 2011 87.89%80.56%84.05% 2012 90.34%82.96%87.15% 2013 * 83.04%73.02%78.14% 2014 ** 84.69 % 67.67 % 82.34% * 2010 and 2013 test plan ** Only January graduates

6 Previous Admission Criteria O 3.0 cumulative grade point average for: ENG101, PSY101, BIO130 and BIO132 (and SOC 101 for Advanced Placement Program) O A minimum grade of C must be earned for BIO130 and BIO132 O All prerequisite courses may be retaken only once to achieve a higher grade. The second grades will be used for admission consideration.

7 Previous Admission Criteria O Admission to the nursing programs has always been competitive O Based on the NCLEX results, it was hypothesized the current criteria for admission was no longer an accurate predictor of program success

8 Repeated Course Withdrawals O Approximately 25% of admitted students withdraw or repeat their science courses O Incentives to withdraw, opposed to course completion from such prerequisite courses may be attributed to their use as preadmission criteria. O Students understand that final averages are crucial in competitive selections.

9 Repeated Course Withdrawals O Through regression analysis, repeated attempts in preadmission science courses were found to be a significant predictor of NCLEX-RN outcome in SCCC graduates from 2010 and 2011 (N=335) O There was a significant, negative correlation between the number of science course attempts and passing the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt (r= -0.284, p=0.000). O Repeating science course grades were found to be a significant predictor of NCLEX success, accounting for 25 percent of the total variance (F 1, 164 = 5.732, R 2 = 0.254, p = 0.000). Shaffer, C., McCabe, S. (2013). Evaluating the predictive validity of preadmission academic criteria: high stakes assessment. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 8 (4), 157-161.

10 Repeated Course Withdrawals O 82 students did not graduate May 2014 due to withdrawal from a nursing course or achieving a grade less than a C O Of those 82 students, 42 % withdrew 1 or more times from a Science prerequisite

11 Review of the Literature O Nursing program admission criteria in the literature and other SUNY community colleges and universities on Long Island was reviewed. O The most common admission criterion was administration of the entrance exam, the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS V). O This result was combined with pre-requisite course grades and the use of a scoring rubric.

12 The TEAS V O Computerized test, 209 minutes, 150 multiple choice items O Measures students basic or entry-level program readiness in the major content areas of Reading, Mathematics, Science and English/Language usage. O The TEAS V score report will identify students overall academic preparedness necessary to support learning of nursing course content.

13 The TEAS V O Academic Preparedness Level category of: O Exemplary- high level O Advanced-high level O Proficient-moderate level O Basic- low level O Developmental-very low level

14 Assessment Project O June 2014, all Fall 2014 (N=225) newly admitted students took the TEAS V post admission O Students individual performance profile can was used to guide additional preparation for the nursing program over the summer.

15 Results Academic Preparedness At-Risk Area Qualified for Admission Unqualified for Admission ReadingMathematicsScience English Language 72%32%11%20%30%12%

16 Results- Math Percent of Students Deficient Numbers and Operations Identify decimal placement 64% Compare rational numbers 61% Divide fractions 57% Solve word problems 55% Algebraic Applications Add, subtract, multiply polynomials solve equations or inequalities 62% Measurement Convert quantities from 1 scale to another 62%

17 Nursing Students Computation Expectations O Read a dosage calculation word problem O Set up dosage calculation in fractional form O Ratio and proportion method O Cross multiplying fractions O Substitute converted units into proportion O Metric system and weight measurement conversions O Round to nearest tenths and hundredths

18 Results- Reading Percent of Students Deficient Paragraph Comprehension Identify characteristics of different passages61 % Identify topic, main idea, supporting details, themes68 % Analyze and evaluate use of text structure55 %

19 Results- English/Language Percent of Students Deficient Grammar and Word Meanings in Context Apply subject-verb agreement rules65 % Use of grammar for stylistic effect and enhance clarity60% Use context clues to determine meaning of words61% Use dialogue correctly58% Spelling and Punctuation Capitalization80%

20 Nursing Students Writing Expectations O Using APA style for reference page for various sources O (textbook, periodicals, internet sources), O Proper use of punctuation or grammar, organization of ideas O Apply evidence in the literature to patient assignments

21 Results- Science Percent of Students Deficient Life Science Identify parts of a cell 67 % Explain changes in DNA 68 % Explain heredity information 62 % Compare and contrast chromosomes and genes 61 % Physical Science Explain physical and chemical properties 63 % Balance and identify chemical reactions 62 % Distinguish among energies 56 % Scientific Reasoning Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models 70 %

22 Nursing Students Science Expectations O Build on prerequisite courses to apply knowledge of the human body anatomy and physiology, and principles of microbiology to learn concepts of pathophysiology O Development of critical thinking, problem solving, analysis and synthesis to provide patient and family nursing care

23 Common Themes O Students demonstrated ability of subject domain knowledge and comprehension O Students were deficient in ability to: O Apply O Convert O Evaluate O Explain O Solve O Distinguish O Analyze O Compare and contrast O Develop alternative explanations

24 Use of TEAS V Data for Decision Making O Development of a proposal to change admission policy O Prioritize curricular goals, identify and correct gaps O Improve teaching of higher level cognitive processes O Allocate resources O Interdisciplinary collaboration

25 New Admission Policy ( in addition to prerequisite course work) O All* RN program applicants are required to take the pre-admission Test for Essential Academic Skills (TEAS V) and achieve a minimum of Proficient Level O Within an academic year (September 1 through August 31), applicants may only take the TEAS V twice, and must register and pay all fees each time.

26 Answers to FAQ O TEAS V is now offered at the Sayville Center O Cost $56 O Directions on how to register is on the School of Nursing Website O Prospective students are advised use the TEAS study guide manual and take practice assessments online prior to taking the exam

27 Expected Outcomes O Admitted students will possess the academic preparedness for program success O Students with lower level of academic preparedness can focus on areas to be strengthened before applying to program O Take additional course O Academic labs O Review course

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